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Spanish to English: Robotics (IT) System Specification -Spanish to English General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - Spanish 1. Introduction
1.1. Especificacioens del Sistema de UT
Como punto de partida se parte de la tabla de requerimientos desarrollada en el 2do encuentro del 22 de febrero de 2018 en Sevilla (página 26 del documento D1.1 Initial System Specification). De los 62 requerimientos se extrajeron 27, que son los que afectan el Desarrollo del sensor deUltrasonido , estos se resumen en la Tabla 3
Tabal 3Requerimiento principal que afectan el diseño del Sistema de Medida UT
1.2. Característicasfundamentales de la arquitectura Ultrasonido
Del documento D1.2 System Concept and Architecture, se desprende las características esenciales del sensor miniatura d ultrasonido
1.3. Revision de la normativa vigente y tipo de anomalías en tuberias
1.3.1. Revision de la normativa vigente
El control de corrosión en tuberías en el sector Gas &Oil , esta en constanet evolución desde su creación allá en el año 1859, BS EN ISO 17640:2010,DIN EN 583-1 y E 797 – 95
1.3.2. Revision del tipo de anonalias en tuberías
En tuberías de transporte de productos derivados del petróleo , se producen en forma general distintas tipos de corrosiones , desde el punto de vista del ultrasonido una medida ideal seria aquella
en la cual el reflector ideal sería plano, liso, paralelo a la superficie de exploración y mayor en área que la sección transversal del haz en ese rango. Desafortunadamente la corrosión y la erosión no son reflectores ideales. Puramente para a modo ilustrativo, describiré tres categorías básicas de reflector objetivo que podríamos encontrar en:
EROSION Es un reflector bastante razonable, el gradiente es gradual sobrela mayor parte de la longitud del área erosionada, por lo que es casi paralela, la superficie es relativamente suave, y el área general es mucho más grande que la sección transversal de la viga. Incluso en la parte superiorde la curva, donde el gradiente de erosión es más pronunciado, podemos esperar una señal razonable. Unsonda ultrasónica colocada en cualquier lugar de la región erosionada es por lo tanto probable que dé unaamplitud de eco razonable y, con cuidado, una precisión de medición razonable.
This is just a sample words taken from original tranlsation done.
Translation - English 1. Introduction
1.1. UT System Specification
The starting point is represented by the requirements table developed in the 2nd meeting of February 22, 2018 in Sevilla (page 26 of document D1.1 Initial System Specification). Of the 62 requirements 27 were extracted, which are those that affect the development of the ultrasound sensor, these are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3 Main requirement which affects the design of the UT Measurement System.
1.2. Fundamental features of the Ultrasound architecture
From document D1.2 System Concept and Architecture, the essential characteristics of the miniature ultrasound sensor are revealed.
1.3. Revision of current regulations and type of bugs in pipes
1.3.1. Revision of the current regulations
The control of pipes corrosion in Gas & Oil sector, is in constant evolution since its creation later in 1859, BS EN ISO 17640: 2010, DIN EN 583-1 and E 797 – 95.
1.3.2. Revision of the types in pipes
In pipelines transporting petroleum products, different types of corrosion are produced in general, from the point of view of ultrasound an ideal measure would be that in which the ideal reflector would be flat, smooth, parallel to the scanning surface and larger in area than the beam across the section in that range. Unfortunately, corrosion and erosion are not ideal reflectors. Purely for illustrative purposes, I will describe three basic categories of objective reflector that we could find in:
EROSION It's a pretty reasonable reflector, the gradient is gradual over most of the length of the eroded area, so it's almost parallel, the surface is relatively smooth, and the general area is much larger than the cross section of the beam. Even at the top of the curve, where the erosion gradient is more pronounced, we can expect a reasonable signal. Ultrasonic sound placed anywhere in the eroded region is therefore likely to give a reasonable echo amplitude and, carefully, a reasonable measuring accuracy.
This is just a sample words taken from original tranlsation done.
Spanish to English: Telefonica moviles-INFORMATION SYSTEM MANUAL General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Telecom(munications)
El objeto de este documento (document) es el análisis y descripción (description) detallada del funcionamiento del proceso Gestor de conteos y cálculos de Midas, en el tratamiento de una liquidación parametrizada desde el Cliente (customer).
Este documento (document) está dirigido al personal de DSL, de la Gerencia de Administración de la Distribución (en adelante GAD) de Telefónica Móviles España y de empresas colaboradoras que participen en los módulos involucrados con la generación de las liquidaciones de MIDAS.
El presente documento (present document) (document) hace un estudio de la funcionalidad del proceso gestor de conteos y cálculos de una liquidación parametrizada desde el Cliente (customer) de Midas. Se detallan los pasos que va ejecutando el gestor, desde la interpretación de las fórmulas y condiciones, hasta el cálculo de las operaciones intermedias, así como la obtención de los resultados finales de los conceptos.
Se incluye una descripción (description) completa del proceso, así como varios ejemplos. El detalle del funcionamiento de las distintas funciones y operadores se incluye en un anexo (annex) separado (MidasProcLiq_AnexoII_FuncionesGestor).
Operando intermedio = resultado intermedio del procesamiento de un concepto (concept) u operando generado por el gestor de MIDAS a partir de filtrados, asignaciones, cálculos,... de Eventos Comisionables, Conceptos u otros Operandos intermedios.
Elemento = cualquier concepto (concept), evento comisionable, operando, variable, operadores, funciones o símbolos que pueden formar parte de una fórmula en Midas.
Expresión Aritmética = Una expresión aritmética se considera a cualquier combinación de elementos sintácticamente correctos y válidos para el gestor de MIDAS, cuyo procesamiento por el mismo, genera un operando intermedio. Los elementos que por sí solos generan operandos intermedios en la fórmula de un concepto (concept) son: eventos comisionables, conceptos calculados/pagados, operandos, funciones y operadores aritméticos. Las tarifas o constantes por si solas no generan un operando intermedio, salvo los casos especiales que se definan, pero sí generan asociadas a un operador que se aplica a su vez sobre el operando intermedio resultante del tratamiento de otra expresión.
Conceptos Tratamiento
T Caso especial (special case) que sí genera operando intermedio
Cte Caso especial (special case) que sí genera operando intermedio
AGCUENTA(EV.OCURRENCIA) * T1 AGCUENTA(EV.OCURRENCIA) es una expresión aritmética que genera operando intermedio
T1 * T2 T1 es un caso especial (special case) de multiplicación de variables solas que sí genera operando intermedio.
AGCUENTA(EV.OCURRENCIA) * T1 * T2 AGCUENTA(EV.OCURRENCIA) es una expresión aritmética que genera operando intermedio
AGCUENTA(EV.OCURRENCIA) * T1 es una expresión aritmética que genera operando intermedio
Clave (key) lógica = Conjunto de atributos de un evento comisionable que identifican de forma unívoca sus ocurrencias (events). La clave (key) lógica es utilizada en algunas funciones u operadores que operan a último nivel de cálculo “nivel más bajo”. Las operaciones se realizan sobre las ocurrencias (events) de dos operandos intermedios que tengan los mismos valores de los atributos de la clave (key) lógica.
The purpose of this document (document) is the analysis and description of the detailed operation of the process manager of counts and calculations of Midas, in the treatment of parametrized settlement from the client (customer).
This document (document) is directed to the staff of DSL, of the Management of Administration for Distribution (hereinafter GAD) of Telefonica Mobiles Spain and collaborating companies that participate in the modules involved in the generation of the settlements of MIDAS.
The present document (present document) (document) does a study of the functionality of the process manager of counts and calculations of a parametrized settlement from the client (customer) of Midas. Detailing the steps that will be running the manager, from the interpretation of the formulas and conditions, until the calculation of intermediate operations, as well as the final results of the concepts.
Includes a description of the entire trial, as well as several examples. The detail of the operation of the different functions and operators is included in an annex (annex) separately (MidasProcLiq_AnexoII_FuncionesGestor).
Intermediate Operand = intermediate result of the processing of a concept (idea) or operand generated by the manager of MIDAS from filtered, allocations, calculations, ... of Commisionable Events, concepts, or other intermediate Operands.
Element = any concept (concept), commissionable variable event operand, operators, functions or symbols that may be part of a formula in Midas.
Arithmetic Expression = an arithmetic expression is considered to any combination of elements syntactically correct and valid for the manager of MIDAS, whose prosecution for the same, generates an intermediate operand. The elements that alone generate intermediate operands in the formula of a concept (idea) are: commisionable events, calculated/paid concepts, operands, functions and arithmetic operators. The rates or constant alone will not generate an intermediate operand, except in special cases to be defined, but if they generate associated to an operator who in turn is applied on the intermediate operand resulting from the treatment of another expression.
Concepts Treatment
T Special Case (special case) that if you generate through intermediate operand
AGCUENTA(EV.OCCURRENCE) * T1 AGCUENTA(EV.OCCURRENCE) is an arithmetic expression that generates intermediate operand
T1 * T2 T1 is a special case (special case) of multiplication of variables alone that generates intermediate operand.
AGCUENTA(EV.OCCURRENCE) * T1 * T2 AGCUENTA(EV.OCURRENCIA) es una expresión aritmética que genera operando intermedio
AGCUENTA(EV.OCCURRENCE) * T1 is an arithmetic expression that generates intermediate operand
Key logic = set of attributes of a commissionable event that uniquely identify their occurrences (events). The key logic is used in some functions or operators that operate at the last level of calculation "lowest level". The transactions are carried out on the occurrences (events) in two operands intermediates that have the same values of the key attributes (key) logic.
Source text - Spanish INTRODUCCIÓN
Para cada uno de los diferentes subsistemas identificados, se determinarán las interfaces con otros sistemas o subsistemas. En particular, para aplicaciones cliente (customer)/servidor a 3 niveles, se incluirán los servicios de monitor transaccional cuyo uso se haya identificado en la presente fase (phase).
Se especificará en cada caso la siguiente información:
Nombre de la interfaz (interface) o servicio
Descripción (description) de la interfaz (interface) o servicio
Modo, medio y frecuencia de la interfaz (interface) o servicio
Suceso que origina y desencadena la llamada
Datos (data) transferidos
2.1. Interfaz (interface) Recargas
2.1.1. Detalle de la interfaz (interface) (inserción):
rnrv_sv_solicitudrecarga (RNRV_SV_SOLIREC).
Descripción (description) de la interfaz (interface) o servicio:
Solicita una recarga, ya sea una Alta (activation) o una Baja, dependiendo del código (code) de acción.
No ha habido actualizaciones de momento.
No hay condiciones
Modo, medio y frecuencia de la interfaz (interface) o servicio: Diario
Suceso que origina y desencadena la llamada: Llamadas online desde otro sistema.
Translation - English INTRODUCTIOIN
For each of the different subsystems identified, shall be determined the interfaces with other systems or subsystems. In particular, for client applications (customer) /server at 3 levels, will include the services of transactional monitor whose use has been identified in the present phase).
In each case the following Information:
Name of the interface or service
Description of the interface or service
So, medium, and frequency of the interface) or service
Event that triggers and triggers the so-called
Data transferred
1.1. Interface Reloading
1.1.1. Detail of the interface (insertion):
Rnrv_sv_solicitudrecarga (RNRV_SV_SOLIREC).
Description of the interface or service:
Prompts for a recharge, either a activation or a de-activation, depending on the action code.
There has been no updates at this time.
There are no conditions
Mode, medium, and frequency of the interface or service: Daily
Event that triggers and triggers the call: Calls on-line from another system.
Origin: On-line from another system.
Data (data) transferred:
Input parameters:
French to English: E-commerce SKU-French to English translation General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - French SKU 1
Descriptions :
Il s'agit d'un mini transformateur de courant de base split ; c'est le plus petit par rapport aux produits similaires (sortie 100MA). Entièrement fermé, bonnes propriétés mécaniques et résistance à l'environnement, forte capacité d'isolation de tension, sécurité et fiabilité. Utilisé pour les compteurs d'énergie en spécial ; l'alimentation 220 V CA, 380 V CA peut être utilisée dans les deux cas.
Caractéristiques :
Il s'agit d'un mini transformateur de courant de base split ; c'est le plus petit par rapport aux produits similaires (sortie 100MA).
Le diamètre du trou intérieur est de 16mm, la précision est de ≤.5 grade,
Il peut être fixé au câble directement à l'aide d'attaches en nylon à l'aide d'une structure d'assemblage par encliquetage.
Bobine d'entrée intégrée ; petite et légère, facile à installer.
Entièrement fermé, bonnes propriétés mécaniques et résistance à l'environnement, forte capacité d'isolation de tension, sécurité et fiabilité.
Spécifications :
Modèle : PZCT-02
Température de l'environnement : -40℃~+85℃
Humidité relative : ≤ 90%(40℃)
Fréquence de travail : 50Hz~60Hz
Classe d'endurance de l'isolation : classe B (130℃)
Résistance d'isolation : 1000MΩ normalement
Rigidité diélectrique : peut se permettre une fréquence d'alimentation de 1000V/1minute
Résistance à la flamme : Conforme à la norme UL94-Vo
Résistance interne : 10Ω
Plage de mesure : 0-100A
Application :
1. Le transformateur de courant est utilisé pour les compteurs d'énergie en spécial ; l'alimentation en courant alternatif 220v, 380v peut être utilisée.
2. Lorsque vous réparez le compteur d'énergie, vous n'avez pas besoin de couper l'alimentation si vous utilisez ce produit.
Forfait inclus :
1 x Transformateur de courant
Note :
1. Le primaire du TC doit être connecté en série avec la boucle de courant d'essai, le secondaire doit être en court-circuit.
2. Le circuit secondaire n'est pas autorisé en circuit ouvert, donc n'installez pas de fusible.
Translation - English SKU1
This is a mini split base current transformer; it's the smallest one compared to the similar products (100MA output). Fully enclosed, good mechanical properties and environmental resistance, strong voltage isolation capability, safety and reliability. Used for the special energy meter; AC 220v, 380v power supply can both be applied in the two cases.
This is a mini split base current transformer; it's the smallest one compared to the similar products (100MA output).
The diameter of inner hole is 16mm, the accuracy is ≤0.5 grade,
Using snap joint structure, it can be fixed to the cable directly through nylon ties.
Built-in input coil; small and light, easy to install.
Fully enclosed, good mechanical properties and environmental resistance, strong voltage isolation capability, safety and reliability.
Model: PZCT-02
Environment temperature: -40℃~+85℃
Relative humidity: ≤ 90%(40℃)
Operating frequency: 50Hz~60Hz
Insulation endurance grade: B grade (130℃)
Insulation resistance: >1000MΩ normally
Dielectric strength: can afford power frequency of 1000V/1minute
Flame resistance: Consistent to UL94-Vo grade
Internal resistance: 10Ω
Measuring range: 0-100A
1. The current transformer is used for special energy meter; AC 220v, 380v power supply can both be applied.
2. When you fix the energy meter, you don't need to cut off the power if you use this product.
Package Included:
1 x Current Transformer
1. The primary CT should be connected in series with the trial current loop, the secondary should be in the short-circuit state.
2. The secondary circuit is not allowed in open circuit, so please do not install the fuse.
French to English: Tourism Jaipur- French to English translation General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - French Jaipur
The Jaipur region of Rajasthan lies on the eastern fringes of the Thar Desert, a semi arid land cut southwest to northeast by the crazy Arawali Hills. Surrounded by hilltops and jungle forts its valleys and plains glitter with palaces and pavilions, gardens and temples. Once ruled by proud Rajput princes, this territory is still sustained by memories of a feudal past that is kept alive by its splendid architectural remains and deep routed traditional culture.
A labyrinth of fascinating bazaars, historic places and sights, Jaipur offers a chance to see the medieval, alongside the modern. On its colorful streets camels jostle for space with motorbikes, and turbaned village elders rub shoulders with youngsters in blue jeans. Often called the pink city because its prominent buildings are washed with this colour, Jaipur’s old walled area has the city palace, a medieval astronomical observatory and bazaars that sell everything from precious jewelry to camel skin shoes.
Jaipur is one of north India’s finest examples of a planned urban city. The historic city of Jaipur or “The City of Victory” was founded in 1727 A.D. by the great Kachhawah ruler Sawai Jai Singh II (1700-1747 A.D.) The city is rectangular in shape and divided into nine blocks on the basis of principles laid down in the ‘Shilpa Shastra’, the ancient Indian treatise on architecture. The principal monuments of Jaipur are concentrated in the centrally situated Palace area in and around the City Palace.
The old walled city is punctuated by gates (pols) like the sanganeri gate and ajmeri gate. It may not feel like it in today’s chaotic mechanized traffic, but the old city is a masterpiece of town planning. Wide avenues divide the city into neat rectangles, each one specializing in different crafts.
Jantar Mantar
Of the five observatories built by Sawai Jai Singh II, Jaipurs Jantar Mantar is the largest and best. A keen astronomer himself, Jai Singh was aware of the latest astronomical studies in the world. Built between 1728 and 1734, this observatory resembles a giant sculptural composition of 16 instruments and has been described as “the most realistic and logical landscape in stone”. Some of the instruments are still used to forecast how hot the summer months will be, the expected date of arrival, duration and intensity of monsoon, and the possibility of floods and famine.
Unnatansha Yantra was used to determine the positions of stars and planets at any time of the day or night. Laghu Samrat Yantra - This small sundial is constructed on 27 degrees north latitude and calculates Jaipur’s local time up to an accuracy of 20 seconds. Chakra Yantra has a brass tube passing through the centre of two circular metal instruments through which the angle of stars and planets from the equator can be observed. Ram Yantra comprises of vertical columns supporting an equal number of horizontal slabs in two identical stone structures that comprise this instrument.
This is Samrat yantra. This 23 meter high sundial forecasts the crop prospects for the year. Rashivalaya Yantra - This composed of 12 pieces. Each of which represents a zodiac sign and so faces a different angle and constellation. This unique yantra is used by astrologers to make accurate horoscopes. Take a look at Jai Prakash, Two sunken hemispheres map out the heavens. This instrument is believed by some historians to have been invented by Jai Singh to verify the accuracy of all the others in the observatory.
Hawa Mahal
A whimsical addition to Rajasthan’s rich architectural vocabulary, the fanciful Hawa Mahal or Palace of winds was erected in 1799 by Swai Pratap Singh. Its ornate façade has become an icon for the city, a tiered baroque like composition projecting windows and balconies with perforate screens. Though five story high, it is just one room deep, with walls no thicker than 20 cms. Built with lime & mortar and painted pink, this structure was so designed to enable the purdahed ladies of the harem to watch unnoticed, the colorful street scenes and state processions. Visitors are permitted to climb up the winding ramp to the top.
Translation - English Jaipur
The Jaipur region of Rajasthan lies on the eastern fringes of the Thar Desert, a semi arid land cut southwest to northeast by the crazy Arawali Hills. Surrounded by hilltops and jungle forts its valleys and plains glitter with palaces and pavilions, gardens and temples. Once ruled by proud Rajput princes, this territory is still sustained by memories of a feudal past that is kept alive by its splendid architectural remains and deep routed traditional culture.
A labyrinth of fascinating bazaars, historic places and sights, Jaipur offers a chance to see the medieval, alongside the modern. On its colorful streets camels jostle for space with motorbikes, and turbaned village elders rub shoulders with youngsters in blue jeans. Often called the pink city because its prominent buildings are washed with this colour, Jaipur’s old walled area has the city palace, a medieval astronomical observatory and bazaars that sell everything from precious jewelry to camel skin shoes.
Jaipur is one of north India’s finest examples of a planned urban city. The historic city of Jaipur or “The City of Victory” was founded in 1727 A.D. by the great Kachhawah ruler Sawai Jai Singh II (1700-1747 A.D.) The city is rectangular in shape and divided into nine blocks on the basis of principles laid down in the ‘Shilpa Shastra’, the ancient Indian treatise on architecture. The principal monuments of Jaipur are concentrated in the centrally situated Palace area in and around the City Palace.
The old walled city is punctuated by gates (pols) like the sanganeri gate and ajmeri gate. It may not feel like it in today’s chaotic mechanized traffic, but the old city is a masterpiece of town planning. Wide avenues divide the city into neat rectangles, each one specializing in different crafts.
Jantar Mantar
Of the five observatories built by Sawai Jai Singh II, Jaipurs Jantar Mantar is the largest and best. A keen astronomer himself, Jai Singh was aware of the latest astronomical studies in the world. Built between 1728 and 1734, this observatory resembles a giant sculptural composition of 16 instruments and has been described as “the most realistic and logical landscape in stone”. Some of the instruments are still used to forecast how hot the summer months will be, the expected date of arrival, duration and intensity of monsoon, and the possibility of floods and famine.
Unnatansha Yantra was used to determine the positions of stars and planets at any time of the day or night. Laghu Samrat Yantra - This small sundial is constructed on 27 degrees north latitude and calculates Jaipur’s local time up to an accuracy of 20 seconds. Chakra Yantra has a brass tube passing through the centre of two circular metal instruments through which the angle of stars and planets from the equator can be observed. Ram Yantra comprises of vertical columns supporting an equal number of horizontal slabs in two identical stone structures that comprise this instrument.
This is Samrat yantra. This 23 meter high sundial forecasts the crop prospects for the year. Rashivalaya Yantra - This composed of 12 pieces. Each of which represents a zodiac sign and so faces a different angle and constellation. This unique yantra is used by astrologers to make accurate horoscopes. Take a look at Jai Prakash, Two sunken hemispheres map out the heavens. This instrument is believed by some historians to have been invented by Jai Singh to verify the accuracy of all the others in the observatory.
Hawa Mahal
A whimsical addition to Rajasthan’s rich architectural vocabulary, the fanciful Hawa Mahal or Palace of winds was erected in 1799 by Swai Pratap Singh. Its ornate façade has become an icon for the city, a tiered baroque like composition projecting windows and balconies with perforate screens. Though five story high, it is just one room deep, with walls no thicker than 20 cms. Built with lime & mortar and painted pink, this structure was so designed to enable the purdahed ladies of the harem to watch unnoticed, the colorful street scenes and state processions. Visitors are permitted to climb up the winding ramp to the top.
Years of experience: 15. Registered at Dec 2010.
Spanish to English (Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language) English to French (Alliance française Paris Ile-de-France (Ecole Internationale de Langue et de Civilisation Françaises)) French to English (Alliance française Paris Ile-de-France (Ecole Internationale de Langue et de Civilisation Françaises))
Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, SDLX, Trados Studio
Myself Ankit Jain, I am working as an official Freelance translator for English to French, English to Hindi, Hindi to English, French to English, Spanish to English since past 8 years with many direct agencies/clients. I have native level fluency in French language, I specialize mainly into Technical, IT, Software, Technical support, Telecommunications, Marketing, General.
CAT tool- SDL Trados, Omega T
Type of documents I translate :- Experienced into translating installation manuals, user manuals, Functional specifications, troubleshooting guides, documents for technical support staff, release notes, product brochures & catalogues, user stories documents, Technical specifications, Tourism documents, Tourism brochures, Telecommunications, Marketing product descriptions, Marketing documents etc.
Prior to translation field Prior to translation field I have been to the full time IT job on following industries software industry (IT), Banking & telecommunications industry, I have work experience onto website translation, user stories, functional specifications, release notes, user manual, product specifications translation and understand well, sound knowledge on its IT-Software technical words terminology.
D’un profil travaillant en totale autonomie, j’ai eu la chance d’exercer dans le IT en tant que une ingénieur testeur chez Infosys software limited, L&T infotech, Altran technologies avant de me lancer en tant que traducteur IT technique indépendant.
Je travaille comme traducteur/relecteur indépendant de l'anglais àfrançais, de l'anglais a Hindi, du français à l'anglais, de l'anglais au français, de l'espagnol à l'anglais, de l'anglais à l'espagnol, de l'anglais à l'hindi. Je travaille à plein temps comme traductor et corrector indépendant. Je travaille dans ce domaine depuis plus de 7 ans et demi.
Domain - IT technique et Marketing
Ma qualité d’autoentrepreneur m’a permis de développer les principales compétences professionnelles comptables, administratives et commerciales, notamment en matière de prospection, de fidélisation, de traitements des réclamations et du suivi client.
J’ai donc eu la chance de travailler en tant que traducteur dans le domaine IT et marketing pour de grandes entreprises telles Day Translations, Magma Translation, Artemis Egypt, Transn IOL.
Afin de me connaître davantage, n’hésitez pas également à consulter mon CV ci-joint.
Enfin, si vous souhaitez des renseignements complémentaires, je me tiens à votre entière disposition pour un entretien physique ou à distance.
Les outils - SDL TRADOS, OmegaT
Dans l’espoir de créer une collaboration durable avec vous,
je vous prie de bien vouloir agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de mes sincères salutations.
Trabajo como traductor / corrector autónomo de inglés a francés, de inglés a Hindi, de francés a inglés, de español a inglés, de inglés a español, de inglés a hindi. He estado trabajando como corrector de pruebas y autónomo a tiempo completo.
Experiencia en el dominio -Técnico de TI, software, sitio web, ingeniería informática, marketing y turismo. Te ayudaré a realizar negocios con éxito e impulsaré el proceso de localización de tu marca / empresa. He estado trabajando en este campo durante los últimos 7.5+ años.
Antes del campo de la traducción, estuve en el trabajo de TI programa a tiempo completo en las siguientes industrias: industria de software (TI) y telecomunicaciones. Tengo experiencia laboral en traducción de sitios web, historias de usuarios, especificaciones funcionales, notas de lanzamiento, manuales de usuario, especificaciones de productos, descripciones de productos, traducción de promociones de marketing y entiendo bien, conocimiento sólido sobre su terminología de palabras técnicas de software de TI. Ahora he estado trabajando como traductor autónomo técnico en TI et marketing con Day Translations, Magma Translation, Motaword, Artemis Egypt, Transn, etc.
Mi idiomas de trabajo son de francés a inglés, de inglés a francés, de español a inglés, de inglés a español, de hindi a inglés.
Independientemente de que su documento pertenezca a manuales de instalación, manuales de usuario, especificaciones funcionales, guías de resolución de problemas y documentos para el personal de soporte técnico, notas de la versión, documentos técnicos de marketing, folletos y catálogos de productos, material de marketing, historias de usuarios, especificaciones técnicas y presentaciones.
Herramientas utilizadas: SDL TRADOS, OmegaT
Espero la oportunidad de hacer negocios con usted.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.