Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 17 '11 eng>chi inspiration 启发心灵 pro closed ok
4 Feb 23 '11 eng>chi CCS students perform well above national norms and on average, among the top 10% CCS学生的成绩远超国家标准,普遍位列前10% pro closed ok
- Apr 9 '10 eng>chi the need and ability to be social is wired into our brains. 社交需求与能力是根深蒂固的 pro open no
- Dec 11 '09 chi>eng 机化实验 Organization Experiment pro closed ok
- Dec 11 '09 chi>eng 天然药化 Natural Medicinal Chemistry pro closed ok
4 Dec 11 '09 chi>eng 新药研究 New Drug Research pro closed ok
4 Dec 11 '09 chi>eng 临床免疫 Clinical Immunology pro closed ok
- Dec 11 '09 chi>eng 分析实验 Analysis Experiment pro closed ok
- Jul 25 '09 eng>chi limited achievement /very limited achievement 中/差 pro closed no
4 May 23 '09 eng>chi past present verb conjunctions 过去式与现在时的动词组合 pro closed no
- May 22 '09 eng>chi species-appropriate animal 恰当品种的动物 pro just_closed no
- Apr 16 '09 eng>chi Student Care Unit 学生关怀部 pro closed ok
- Oct 24 '08 chi>eng 班主任 teacher in charge of a class pro closed ok
4 Jul 7 '08 eng>chi a high quality niche product 高品质利基产品 pro closed ok
4 Jul 3 '08 eng>chi is home to Worden School是Center for Service-Learning and Volunteerism的所在地 pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered