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A language specialist with a firm grasp of the digital, tech and business worlds and an impressive track record. A dependable team player for translation and localization jobs of any size. A CAT power user.
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English to Slovenian: Digital Camera Instructions Detailed field: Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
Source text - English Please note that deleting images or sound files, or formatting the SD Memory Cards or the built-in memory does not completely erase the original data. Deleted files can sometimes be recovered using commercially available software. It is user’s responsibility to ensure the privacy of such data.
Translation - Slovenian Ne pozabite, da se niti pri brisanju fotografij in zvočnih posnetkov niti pri formatiranju pomnilniških kartic SD in notranjega pomnilnika originalni podatki ne izbrišejo v celoti. Izbrisane datoteke je včasih mogoče obnoviti s programsko opremo, ki je na voljo na tržišču. Uporabnik je sam dolžen poskrbeti za varovanje tovrstnih osebnih podatkov.
Slovenian to English: Corporate Responsibility and Energy Efficiency General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation
Source text - Slovenian V skupini se zavedamo tudi svoje širše vloge na področju uresničevanja in spodbujanja družbene in okoljske odgovornosti, ki presega našo poslovno dejavnost. Zato že vrsto let pomemben del svoje pozornosti usmerjamo v načrtovanje in izvajanje ukrepov za spodbujanje učinkovite rabe energije med njenimi porabniki in širšo javnostjo.
Translation - English In the Group we are mindful of the important role we play in fulfilling and promoting social and environmental responsibility on a broader scale, a role that goes beyond the scope of our business. So for a number of years now a large part of our focus has been on planning and implementing measures to promote energy efficiency among consumers and the general public.
Slovenian to English: Pulley User Manual General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Forestry / Wood / Timber
Source text - Slovenian - redno je preverjati napetost jeklene vrvi in vodenje vrvi preko škripca.
- v primeru, da se breme "zatakne" je takoj izklopiti pogon ter breme sprostiti
- zadrževanje ostalih oseb v delovnem območju je strogo prepovedano.
- če tovor vlečete preko javne poti, le to zaprite in ustrezno označite.
Translation - English - Make sure you periodically check the tension of the wire rope and its threading through the pulley.
- If the load jams or gets caught, immediately turn off the motor and release/untangle the load.
- No unauthorized person is allowed in the work area.
- If a load is being pulled across a public path or road, close down the path or road and secure it by posting warning signs.
Slovenian to English: Fly Fishing in Slovenia Brochure General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Slovenian Sulec in lov nanj sta gotovo krona ribolova v naših vodah. To še zlasti velja za muharjenje nanj. Dolgo časa je vladalo mišljenje, da ga z umetno muho ni mogoče ujeti, če pa že, potem le naključno in nedorasle primerke. S širitvijo obsega načinov muharjenja smo ribiči hitro ugotovili, da sulec prav rad popade potezanko. Najboljši čas je takoj po drsti, ob koncu aprila in v maju, ko je pri nas zanj sicer še lovopust. A tudi med lovno sezono ga je mogoče z vztrajnostjo in menjavo potezank pripraviti do prijema. Vse pogosteje srečamo sulčarja pozimi z muharico v roki. Prijem sulca je že pri klasičnem načinu vrh zadovoljstva, pri lovu z muharico pa je to sploh izjemna nagrada.
Translation - English The huchen is definitely the prize game fish of Slovenian waters. All the more so when it comes to fly fishing for it. It was believed for a long time that there was no way it could ever be caught on a fly. So if a huchen happened to bite, it was merely a stroke of incredible luck or because the catch was less than a fullygrown adult. However, as the spectrum of fly fishing techniques expanded, fly fishermen quickly found that huchen had a soft spot for the streamer. The best time is immediately after spawning, at the end of April and in May, when the fishing season for huchen is still closed in Slovenia. But a keen fly fisherman can also land a huchen during the fishing season by casting different streamers. A huchen enthusiast carrying a fly-fishing rod in the middle of winter is becoming an increasingly common sight. To land a huchen using the conventional angling technique is a highlight in its own right, but to catch it on a fly is simply unsurpassable.
English to Slovenian: I-Water Promo General field: Marketing Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English Active Hydrogen Water
Our body contains oxygen free radicals acquired through certain foods, as well as pollution. These free radicals accelerate the aging process and have been linked to various illnesses. Water that is rich in active hydrogen helps to combat these free radicals by creating antioxidants in the body.
Translation - Slovenian Z aktivnim vodikom obogatena voda
V našem telesu so prosti radikali kisika, ki jih zaužijemo z določenimi živili in ki smo jim izpostavljeni zaradi onesnaženja. Ti prosti radikali pospešujejo proces staranja in lahko povzročajo različne bolezni. Voda, obogatena z aktivnim vodikom, pomaga pri obrambi pred prostimi radikali, saj v telesu proizvaja antioksidante.
This company
Offers job opportunities for freelancers
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Mar 2005.
Your man for the job: eyes on the details and the big pictureEnglish-Slovenian translation & localization, translation reviews, language editing, proofreading, back translation, MT post-editing
full-time language professional
reliable & responsible
accurate & consistent terminology
smart with words & resourceful
creative & computer savvy
team player
Extensive track record (in no particular order): IT, photography, software, hardware, telecommunications, consumer electronics, e-commerce, online gaming, tech, energy, environment & ecology, business, marketing, tourism & travel.
Find out more at www.plitta.siGet the right message across to your audience
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (1 entry)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Slovenian
Specialty fields
Internet, e-Commerce
Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Other fields
Keywords: Slovenian, English, English to Slovenian, Slovenian to English, English-Slovenian translator, language specialist for Slovenian, expert translator, translation, localization, localisation. See more.Slovenian, English, English to Slovenian, Slovenian to English, English-Slovenian translator, language specialist for Slovenian, expert translator, translation, localization, localisation, localizing software, proofreading, editing, consumer electronics, games, e-commerce, e-banking, press releases, online gaming, web game localization, IT, information technology, games, articles, technical translations, computers, imaging software, tourism & travel, printing, printers, PCs, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, information systems, product specifications, product specs, project documentation, operating systems, antivirus products, hardware, telecommunications, energy technology, energy generation, nuclear power, electronics, programming, industrial automation, power generation, engineering, promo, marketing, PR, public relations, business, photography, imaging, software, user interfaces, website localization, user manuals, handbooks, brochures, prevajalske storitve, prevajanje, lokalizacija, prevodi, prevajanje angleščine, English-Slovenian translation, English-Slovene translation, translating into Slovenian, Slovene localization, e-shop localization, software localization, angleščina, slovenščina, angleško-slovenski prevodi, prevodi v slovenščino. See less.