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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Casual meeting in the city center

May 6, 2017, 11:00 pm
FinlandHelsinkiIn personEnglish

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (11) / Confirmed: 4 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
Clara Chassany  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
Laura Pascual   ...  y
Matthew Paines   Looking forward to it  y
Jussi Rosti   ...  n
Małgorzata Szczypka-van Heeswijk  \"Photographer\" ...  y
Joseann Freyer-Lindner   I'll arrive at Helsinki airport at 7 pm and I'll try to come, where do you meet? I might be a little late, how long will it last?  m
Shamien   ...  y
Laura Martin   Sorry, probably won't be able to make it tonight! Have fun and let's organise another one soon!  n
Caterina_FJ   Sorry, I can't make it this time.  n
Kaisa Azriouli   ...  m
Tero Mansikka   Looking forward to it!  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Helsinki - Finland
Clara Chassany
Clara Chassany  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:00
Member (2012)
Finnish to French
+ ...
Casual meeting in Helsinki Apr 16, 2017


I just moved to Helsinki and it would be nice to meet fellow translators. What about some drinks in the city center, in the Steam Bar (Olavinkatu 1) next to Kamppi, on Saturday 6th of May around 8PM?

Looking forward meeting you,


Laura Pascual
Laura Pascual  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:00
Finnish to Spanish
+ ...
Welcome to Helsinki! Apr 18, 2017

Hi Clara! I have never been to a Powwow so this could be a nice opportunity to starticon_smile.gif.

Clara Chassany
Clara Chassany  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:00
Member (2012)
Finnish to French
+ ...
Thank you all for your interest :) Apr 18, 2017

I proposed to meet around 8 pm. The Steam Bar is in the city center, right next to Kamppi, it's a 5 minutes walk from the Central Railway Station.
It's a informal meeting, so it's hard to say how long it will lasticon_smile.gif I'll send you my phone number nearer the date so we can be in touch if you plan to join us late.
Looking forward meeting all of you,
Best regards,

Matthew Paines
Matthew Paines
Local time: 13:00
Member (2013)
Japanese to English
I've been to a few Powwows in England, they were always fun May 1, 2017

I;ve been living in Helsinki 3 years now, and I'm looking forward to meeting you all. I love Steam Baricon_smile.gif

Joseann Freyer-Lindner
Joseann Freyer-Lindner  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:00
Member (2014)
English to German
+ ...
May 4, 2017

[Edited at 2017-05-04 05:36 GMT]

Małgorzata Szczypka-van Heeswijk
Małgorzata Szczypka-van Heeswijk  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:00
English to Polish
+ ...
It's going to be my first Powwow :) May 6, 2017

I'm looking to meeting all of you! Steam might be a little crowded tonight, so how can we recognise each other, any ideas?

Clara Chassany
Clara Chassany  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:00
Member (2012)
Finnish to French
+ ...
I have reserved a table at my name, May 6, 2017

I said we would be 8-10 pax. I'll try to remember to take a paper with POWWOW written on it. I'll wear glasses, a grey shirt and blue jeans, if this helps... And I look like my profile pictureicon_wink.gif

Matthew Paines
Matthew Paines
Local time: 13:00
Member (2013)
Japanese to English
May 6, 2017

[Edited at 2017-05-06 16:37 GMT]

Laura Pascual
Laura Pascual  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:00
Finnish to Spanish
+ ...
I'm on my way May 6, 2017

I'll be a bit late, sorry!

Matthew Paines
Matthew Paines
Local time: 13:00
Member (2013)
Japanese to English
I'm here with Redberry May 6, 2017

the table says 'chassany'. we have PROZ open. and NNTS

Tero Mansikka
Tero Mansikka  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:00
Member (2019)
English to Finnish
+ ...
:) May 6, 2017

Great evening, was nice meeting you allicon_smile.gif


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