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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Christmas powwow

December 3, 2016, 1:00 pm
United KingdomCardiffIn personEnglish
Hi everyone,

There'll be a Christmas powwow at Chapter Arts Centre on Saturday 3rd December beginning at 1pm (possibly, or actually probably, followed by drinks in town afterwards). The menu is available at and I need to pay a £5 deposit per person upon booking, which I plan to do at the end of next week. If you'd like to come but won't be at the powwow tomorrow or co-working day next week let me know and I'll send you my bank details, unless you can send it to me via someone else in the group. Whoever has paid their deposit by next Friday I'll include in the booking.
Hope lots of you can make it.


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Interested members (10) / Confirmed: 8
Name NoteWill Attend
Victoria Porter-Burns  \"Organizer\" ...  y
Jason Shilcock   ...  y
Louise Péron   ...  y
Alexandra Chapman   ...  y
Chloe Pellegrin   ...  
Jon Reynolds   ...  y
David García Ruiz   ...  
Ian Mansbridge   ...  y
Deborah Nickson   ...  y
Trinidad Clares Flores   ...  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Cardiff - United Kingdom
Victoria Porter-Burns
Victoria Porter-Burns  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 10:25
Member (2007)
French to English
+ ...
Deposits paid, booking confirmed Sep 18, 2016

Thanks for your interest everyone. I've now booked the table for the 17 people who have said they'd like to come (via ProZ and through other channels) and paid the deposits for those 17. I'll need everyone's menu choices as soon as possible, but by 15th November at the latest, please.

Thanks all!



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