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December 13, 2001, 7:00 pm
AustriaViennaIn personEnglish
13.12.2001 19.00 Uhr
Restaurant Tascaria Maredo
Opernring 3-5
1010 Vienna
Reservation under: Proz
Questions under:
[email protected]

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (13) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
Silvia Gutiérrez Mayo  \"Organizer\" ...  
Helga Klinger-Groier   ...  
XHenri (X)   Enjoy your meeting and take the (night) train/ airplane to Brussels where you can meet participants from Belgium, France, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, etc., on Saturday Jan. 19  
Giuliana Buscaglione   ...  
Anthony Dr. Williams   ...  
XRobert Bigler   ...  
AngieD   ...  
lisevs   würde mich sehr freuen
  What are these?
XMichaela Koncilia   ´gfrei mi scho!
  What are these?
Beatrix Eichinger   Glad to meet colleagues interested in networking - welcome to Vienna !  
Anne Durand   ...  
Lubomir Groch   Please, count me in. Thanks.  
Julia Makoushina  \"Photographer\" Seems like I have disappeared from the list, but I'm in Vienna and realy interested to attend.  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Vienna - Austria
dco  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:08
German to English
the Dream Coordination Office Nov 28, 2001

Silvia Gutiérrez Mayo
Silvia Gutiérrez Mayo  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:08
English to Spanish
+ ...
Guests Nov 28, 2001

Could you please tell me if any of you is bringing someone else? ie. spouse, children etc. for reservation purposes. Thank you! Silvia

Silvia Gutiérrez Mayo
Silvia Gutiérrez Mayo  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:08
English to Spanish
+ ...
Problem with the restaurant Nov 28, 2001

I just called the restaurant to increase the reservation for 20 people and they told me they already had another big group and could not take so many people. Does any of you have a suggestion for another restaurant?I´ve thought of Tascaria Maredo, do you know it? Please answer as soon as possible. Thank you and please excuse me for the inconvenience... Silvia
  What are these?

Silvia Gutiérrez Mayo
Silvia Gutiérrez Mayo  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:08
English to Spanish
+ ...
New Restaurant Nov 28, 2001

I have made a reservation at Tascaria Maredo, but if any of you suggests another restaurant which is free for that day you just have to tell me. Please take a look at the details of the new restaurant.
Opernring 3-5
1010 Vienna
Tel. 586 77 22

In case you don´t find the place you can call me at my cell phone on Dec. 13th:
with country code + 43 676 609 66 16
without country code: 0676 609 66 16
Thank you

  What are these?

Silvia Gutiérrez Mayo
Silvia Gutiérrez Mayo  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:08
English to Spanish
+ ...
Number of Prozs and guests coming Dec 4, 2001

Please let me know which one of you is definetely coming to the restaurant and if you are bringing someone. Thank you. Thursday 6th last day for enrolling!!!!!

Giuliana Buscaglione
Giuliana Buscaglione  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 04:08
Member (2001)
German to Italian
+ ...
Confirmation Dec 4, 2001

Silvia, ich werde allein kommen. danke, Giuliana

Beatrix Eichinger
Beatrix Eichinger  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:08
French to German
+ ...
meeting in Vienna Dec 4, 2001

I am definitely coming to the restaurant December 13th.
Many greetings
Beatrix Eichinger, Vienna (

Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:08
Member (2002)
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Can't go Dec 9, 2001

Sorry folks, I am absolutely inundated with work and I won't be able to attend. Have fun anyway. Staff Staff
Powwow in Vienna - pleae confirm Dec 11, 2001

Just a reminder - if you have not confirmed regarding attendance at the Dec 13 powwow in Vienna, please do so now. Details are on the page...

Julia Makoushina
Julia Makoushina
Local time: 13:08
Member (2019)
English to Russian
+ ...
I'm coming Dec 11, 2001

Hello all! I don't know why I'm not in the list - everything was fine when I was leaving Russia. But I definitely want to join you together with my husband if Silvia didn't count us yet. Thanks!


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