This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Post-Conference getting together

June 10, 2012, 10:30 pm
SpainBarcelonaIn personEnglish
Restaurant Cavamar:

In front of the sea! We will have the loft just for us!

Menu Tapas

Pà amb tomàquet (
Potatoes with a spicy sauce
Fried fish
Potato omelette
Ham croquettes
Codfish croquettes
Galician octopus
Cavamar salad
Tuna salad


Apple cake
Lemon sorbet with cava

Price: 22€: the price includes dinner, a refreshment and half a bottle of wine per person.

THERE WILL BE A VEGETARIAN OPTION, but I need to know an exact number of vegetarians, so please, write me an e-mail and let me know if you need a vegetarian option:

[email protected]

Meeting time: 20:30 (8:30pm)
Event Organizers:

Daniela Zambrini

Patricia de Gispert

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (58) / Confirmed: 43 / Tentative: 5
Name NoteWill Attend
Patricia de Gispert  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Daniela Zambrini  \"Organizer\" ...  y
XAnnieFlorent (X)   ...  y
Russell Jones   ...  y
XAllisonK (X)   ...  y
Debbi Steele   ...  y
Paula Ribeiro   ...  y
XJacqueline McKay (X)   ...  y
Inga Michaeli   Inga Michaeli  m
Ivana Kahle   2 persons  y
Axelle Arbonnier   ...  y
XInterlangue (X)   Can't win them all... I have other engagements for Sunday   n
Susan Starling   ...  y
Carol Geraldine Chua Yu   ...  m
Manuela Junghans   ...  y
Marek Buchtel   ...  y
Nigel Saych   Dear friends, I am so sorry that I have to withdraw from the Powwow and from the conference. By the time you are enjoying yourself in Barcelona I will be attending a family funeral in Australia. Have a great time without me!!!   n
Magdalena Balibrea Vich   ...  m
Camilla Ferard   Camilla Ferard  y
Rafaela Mota Lemos  \"Photographer\" I'll be there :=)  
Daniel Šebesta   ...  y
Chun Un   ...  m
Kalinka Hristova  \"Photographer\" ...  y
mutarjem   Looking forward to meeting you all inshallah.  y
Gary Smith Lawson   ...  y
Lena Samuelsson  \"Photographer\" I'll be there! But I will come later. I will land at 7.35  y
Michelle Homden   ...  y
Hynek Palatin   2 people  y
Karin Krikkink   ...  y
Max Nuijens   ...  y
Alice Dénoyers   ...  m
XTom Van Cleempoel (X)   ...  y
Hacene   ...  y
marie britton   A nice way to say goodby...  
Stefano Gubian   Of course!  y
Catrine Modig   ...  y
skrybit   ...  n
Susanne Andersson   ...  y
Justine Sherwood   ...  y
Maria Dolors Gonzálvez Playà   ...  y
Martin Bruckmann   ...  y
Claudia Schreiner   ...  y
Eva Kovacikova   ...  y
Anna Cazzato   Anna Cazzato and I will bring a friend.  y
OlgaAnna   ...  y
Hans-Gerhard Leppert   :-)  y
Sture Axelsson   ...  y
Henry Jansen, Ph.D.   ...  y
Titia Meesters   ...  y
Lucy Hofland   ...  y
Attila Piróth   ...  y
XMeerburg TS   ...  
Danielle Zorzin   ...  y
Jan De Ceuster   ...  
Maria Pereira   ...  y
Philippe Carino   docnroll  
Ursula Derx   ...  
Nadine Cesson   ...  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Barcelona - Spain
Patricia de Gispert
Patricia de Gispert  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
A get together as a farewell to the conference May 9, 2012

Hello all,

This is the powwow for the after conference party!

I will let you know of a place and time where we can all meet.

Please let me know who is interested so that I can book a nice place for all of us.

Thank you,


AllisonK (X)
AllisonK (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:41
Dutch to English
+ ...
links not working May 9, 2012

Hi Patricia,
Great news about both powwows. I just wanted to let you (and/or ProZ staff) know that the link from the 'social' forum posting is not working - at least not on my computer. In other words, when I click the link in that forum page to get here, I don't get here.icon_wink.gif

Patricia de Gispert
Patricia de Gispert  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
Problem solved! May 9, 2012

Allison Klein wrote:

Hi Patricia,
Great news about both powwows. I just wanted to let you (and/or ProZ staff) know that the link from the 'social' forum posting is not working - at least not on my computer. In other words, when I click the link in that forum page to get here, I don't get here.icon_wink.gif

Thank you Allison, now the links work and take you where they should!icon_smile.gif

Ivana Kahle
Ivana Kahle  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:41
Member (2007)
German to Croatian
+ ...
The price Jun 7, 2012

Hello Patricia,
how much will it cost?
Is there going to be one price for members and a different price for non-members?
I'm bringing a guest who is not a member.
Thanks for letting me (us) know!
See you soon!

Patricia de Gispert
Patricia de Gispert  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
Ivana Jun 7, 2012

Hi Ivana,

The powwows have the same price for everyone. On Friday night it will be 21€ (you have to bring cash to pay in advance) and on Sunday night it will be 22€.

Please sign in at the powwow page if you are coming and confirm if you are bringing a friend with you.



Ivana Kahle
Ivana Kahle  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:41
Member (2007)
German to Croatian
+ ...
Thank you, Patricia Jun 8, 2012

for sharing this information with us (my guest and I will attend the second powwow, we've already signed in) and thank you for organising this conference and both powwows, it's a huge task and you seem to be handling it very well. I (we) appreciate it!

[Edited at 2012-06-08 08:34 GMT]


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