Tag Editor 6.5 Impossible to clean Excel files
Thread poster: cloutier
cloutier  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:38
English to French
Mar 24, 2008

When I try to clean Excel Files I get this message : Connection with server application error.

I also get this error number : 2147467259

The only possible source of error found in Trados was if the source text contained a string starting with an equal sign (=), but it is not the case in my source files. Can anyone help?

Lorraine Cloutier

Mulyadi Subali
Mulyadi Subali  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:38
English to Indonesian
+ ...
workbench Mar 24, 2008

have you tried cleaning it from the workbench?

Peter Linton (X)
Peter Linton (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:38
Swedish to English
+ ...
Save Target As Mar 24, 2008

Just checking the obvious first

Is the original Excel XLS file already in the directory?
Are you using File / Save Target As in TagEditor ?
That gives a clean Excel file.


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Tag Editor 6.5 Impossible to clean Excel files

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