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SDL Trados & Word 2007 [cannot open or see Trados toolbar in Word 2007]
Thread poster: erme
erme  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:38
Spanish to Italian
+ ...
Sep 6, 2007

I cannot open (and cannot see!) the Trados toolbar in Word 2007... Any suggestions? Thanks!!

[Edited at 2007-09-06 13:47]

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2007-09-06 15:02]

Luciana Azcoitia
Luciana Azcoitia
Local time: 21:38
English to Spanish
Same problem Sep 6, 2007

I have the same problem ... Are they incompatible?? do you know or is there somebody to help us??
If you have any clues, please let me know. My mail is [email protected]

Laura Crocè
Laura Crocè  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:38
English to Italian
+ ...
Devi settare alcune informazioni Sep 6, 2007

Ho avuto lo stesso problema, ma si risolve facilmente.
Copia il template dalla sottocartella del TRADOS e incollalo nella cartella templates di Word. In Word seleziona Modelli e aggiunte dal menu Strumenti. Fai clic su Aggiungi e nella finestra che si aprirà (Aggiungi modello) seleziona TRADOS/.dot.
Spero sia utile e, soprattutto, chiaro!

erme  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:38
Spanish to Italian
+ ...
Ulteriore aiutino Sep 6, 2007

Ho fatto wuello che mi hai suggerito, la barra è comparsa, ma cliccando sui comandi di essa non risultano attivabili.
Mi dice "Impossibile trovare o disattivare la macro a causa delle impostazioni di protezione".
Ho spuntato "attiva tutte le macro", ma nulla...

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:38
English to German
+ ...
English, please - thanks Sep 7, 2007

Hi all,
Please note that the working language in this forum is English - thanks for continuing this discussion in English. Alternatively, if you prefer discussing this in Italian, please post a topic in the Italian forum.

Thanks, Ralf

Luciana Azcoitia
Luciana Azcoitia
Local time: 21:38
English to Spanish
More questions Sep 7, 2007

Hi Laura, I was not able to do what you suggested ... I can't find the part of "Modelli" ... could you try to explain it in English please? ... Thanks a lot!!
My mail is [email protected]

Local time: 08:38
Chinese to English
my SDL Trados 2006 can't show toolbar in W0rd 2007 too Sep 10, 2007

I cannot open (and cannot see!) the Trados toolbar in Word 2007 too. if anyone knows the solution? Thanks a lot!! my email: [email protected]

[修改时间: 2007-09-10 02:47]

Giles Watson
Giles Watson  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:38
Italian to English
In memoriam
Upgrade Trados Sep 10, 2007

amber73 wrote:

I cannot open (and cannot see!) the Trados toolbar in Word 2007 too. if anyone knows the solution? Thanks a lot!! my email: [email protected]

[修改时间: 2007-09-10 02:47]

Hi amber73,

AFAIK, SDL Trados 2006 isn't compatible with Word 2007, for which you'll need SDL Trados 2007.



Rosana Terol
Rosana Terol  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:38
German to Spanish
+ ...
"Modelli" in word Sep 21, 2007

Laura, thank you for the explanation, but where can we find "Modelli" in word?
Best regards.

María Leonor Acevedo-Miranda
María Leonor Acevedo-Miranda  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:38
English to Portuguese
+ ...
word 2007 Sep 22, 2007

I have done everyhting and see a ADD-IN option but when it comes to open the workbench menu it states not allowed. I am desperate by now....

erme  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:38
Spanish to Italian
+ ...
Me again :-) Sep 22, 2007

I finally decided to use Wordfast. It can be easily used also with word 2007. Bye!

Spanish to French
+ ...
Opening Trados toolbar in Word 2007 Dec 16, 2007

Potlatch wrote:

Ho avuto lo stesso problema, ma si risolve facilmente.
Copia il template dalla sottocartella del TRADOS e incollalo nella cartella templates di Word. In Word seleziona Modelli e aggiunte dal menu Strumenti. Fai clic su Aggiungi e nella finestra che si aprirà (Aggiungi modello) seleziona TRADOS/.dot.
Spero sia utile e, soprattutto, chiaro!

Here is the translation of this message. God knows I had a hard time doing it! I have Office in Spanish, so the menu translations might not be correct.

Find and paste it in Templates (In Vista: Equipo/Usuarios/Your User/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Templates). Once this is done, open Word 2007. Click on the Office Botton and select Options on the bottom right corner of the menu. Select "add ins" and then at the bottom of the window, select "Templates" in the scroll menu. A window opens, and this is where you must add the template. The Trados toolbar will appear in Word.

If someone can improve this explanation, please do it. A lot of people are having trouble with this!

Good luck!

Toiny Van der Putte-Rademakers
Toiny Van der Putte-Rademakers  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:38
English to Dutch
+ ...
Can open and see Trados toolbar in Word 2007, but Trados commands do not recognize Workbench. Jan 2, 2008

I was finally able to enter the Trados template into Word 2007 (copied it to an usb stick, because it could not be detected in the map where it is stored). Now the next problems has arisen. I open a word file, I open Workbench, I try to open a segment and I get the message that Workbench is not open.
Has anyone had the same problem?

Elizabeth Downham
Elizabeth Downham  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:38
Member (2007)
German to English
+ ...
SOLUTION ... Jan 4, 2008

My husband solved this on my machine and wrote the solution here:

United Arab Emirates
Local time: 04:38
Arabic to English
+ ...
Can you please advice? Oct 22, 2009

[quote]cdewulf wrote: Find and paste it in Templates.[quote]

Thanks for your help and trandlation.
Can anyone please advice where to find and where to find the Templates at windows XP?

Thanks in advance.


[Edited at 2009-10-22 11:01 GMT]

[Edited at 2009-10-22 11:01 GMT]

[Edited at 2009-10-22 11:06 GMT]

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SDL Trados & Word 2007 [cannot open or see Trados toolbar in Word 2007]

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