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SDL Trados 2014 New bugs & shortcomings
Thread poster: Daniel Grigoras
Daniel García
Daniel García
English to Spanish
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Missing side-by-side Preview in HTML files? Dec 4, 2013

Am I the only one for which the side-by-side preview is not working for HTML files?

It works for XML files but I can't make it work for HTML files. It did work fine in Studio 2011


mirekk  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:01
English to Polish
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TU split makes TRADOS freeze Jan 13, 2014

As in the title - when I try to split the TU the whole TRADOS freezes and I need to restart it

Tiago van Rheenen
Tiago van Rheenen
Local time: 08:01
English to Portuguese
+ ...
It's your money Jan 15, 2014

Emma Goldsmith wrote:

efreitag wrote:

I can't help but wonder why people haven't learnt anything from past experience with SDL

I've learnt from past experience that people are quicker to talk about bad experiences than good ones. So while this thread on bugs has 48 posts, another thread on what people like in Studio 2014 has fewer. It's in our nature, I'm afraid.

In my case, the new features of Studio 2014 far outweigh the bugs that are inevitably discovered when thousands of users install a new program.

You can of course wait until those bugs are ironed out, and there will be a sizeable group of Studio users who do that, or you can join the group of people who want to enjoy the new Studio 2014 in the meantime and are patient with the glitches. I fall into the second group.

[Edited at 2013-10-16 07:31 GMT]

It is not our role as customers to try to be better humans. If you were in the purchasing department of a large company it would be your job to get the most value for the company's money, and not try to be Zen and looking on the bright side of things, ignoring obvious flaws. Every freelance translator is a standalone business and needs to act like one.

I am on this post looking for a solution to the removal of formatting buttons (remove bold, italic, etc.), which apparently is one the "enhancements" in SDL 2014. I noticed you suggested that another translator display tags in his workspace so he can see where the bold is. In this regard I am very human: I am not like the guy in The Matrix who could see red heads in streaming numbers. I need plain text to look at and work on and would expect Trados to have been developed for regular, human translators.

Tiago van Rheenen
Tiago van Rheenen
Local time: 08:01
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Clear Formatting NOT a "consistent apprach" Jan 15, 2014

SDL Support wrote:

Enrico C - ECLC wrote:

- When i select superscript, bold and any other type of formatting related to text changes...those options can be activated but can't be DEACTIVATED. This means that if i activate superscript...the line will keep going in that format forever unless i do tricks. This is the same for bold etc. Is that me doing something wrong or is it a bug? If so...any chance to fix it? IT's very time consuming, for example in formulas or other things that require BOLD, ITALIC etc.

You need to use Clear Formatting. This is a consistent approach for all formatting for any filetype in Studio. It's this button here:

You can also use the keyboard shortcuts as you work. So Ctrl+spacebar deactivates. Clear All Formatting will remove all the tags in the segment.

Enrico C - ECLC wrote:

- Symbols, special characters (French and Italian accents also capitalized). Is it possible to simply add a table of those i can directly select them rather than ALT+XXX (which on a chinese keyboard also may change things quite a bit as, at least in my case, correspondences are never the standard ones on my PC). Apart from that, remembering every single ALT+ combination is pure madness.

Sounds like a useful enhancement... but perhaps you can use the windows charmap table for the same thing?

Enrico C - ECLC wrote:

- When accessing projects created with FOLDERS rather than files, and i select a project folder to translate i don't seem to have a BACK button taking me back to the main PROJECT ROOT DIRECTORY (The one showing me all folders containing the TTXs to be translated. Again, is that me doing something wrong or this is something missing?

I'm not sure I follow this Enrico. You do have the navigation pane on the left so can't you just click on the folder you want to go to?

Enrico C - ECLC wrote:

- Question: Is there any way to have the MERGE view also for projects created with folders? (It means aggregating the view of all files contained inside different project folders in short). That would help a lot. Is that technically feasible?

Click on Include Subfolders in the bottom of the navigation pane. Then you'll see all the files in one view from all the folders in the folder you select. So if you then click on the top level here you get all the files in all the folders:



Dear SDL Trados developers,

Having to clear all formatting is quite obviously not ideal. If you had, for instance, text formatted as bold, italic and underlined, and you wanted to remove the underline, you would have to first clear formatting and then add the bold and italic (three steps), instead of simply removing the underline with a button or shortcut key (one step). One forum member suggested displaying tags so we can see where the bold is but, as I said in my reply to her, I am not like the guy in The Matrix who could see redheads in streaming numbers. I need to work with plain text.

There is also another issue, but to explain it I will first describe a typical translation scenario (for me):

A client sends an invitation to tender in PDF and wants to have it translated quickly so they can respond with a proposal. I use OCR software to convert the PDF to Word before working on it in Trados. The original text uses Arial font, and the OCR software converts this correctly but also adds hidden fonts (ex: Calibri) in places like blank spaces or after words in bold. If I Clear Formatting, the text changes to that hidden font. The client will not allow me time to format the text perfectly before starting, but does want things like defined terms in bold, italics and other formatting to be as in the original. I also often need to rearrange sentence structure, which means I need to be able to add and remove text formatting at will and quickly.

In this scenario, it would be best to have complete formatting features as in Word, including the paintbrush feature so I could copy formatting over from the source segment. If the formatting buttons have been removed in SDL Trados 2014 for lack of space, I would suggest removing or hiding the quick insert section, which I never use. Having complete formatting capabilities is absolutely essential.

Spiros Doikas
Spiros Doikas  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:01
Member (2002)
English to Greek
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Adding terms problems Jan 18, 2014

Described here

Laurens Sipahelut
Laurens Sipahelut  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:01
Dutch to Indonesian
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Merging TUs in the same document... Jan 18, 2014

It's a very basic function, but for some reason my copy of Studio 2014 won't allow me to: the function has for some reason greyed out and has been in this state since the day of installation. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Overall, Studio 2014 has been a disappointment so far. Working with it has *not* been a good or pleasant experience.

Please advise on what to do to fix this merge function issue.


Sandra & Kenneth Grossman
Sandra & Kenneth Grossman  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:01
French to English
+ ...
What's in a name? "The pick value name is invalid" Jan 19, 2014

For some reason, I can enter some fields and cannot enter others. I need a field called "Field" with values such as "legal, technical, etc." For some reason, I can't do that. I tried renaming said field with random names and non-words, and still it this particular item was not allowed.
Why is there a restriction on naming? Why can't I name my field any name I wish?

I can't create a TM with an "invalid name" and I can't change the fields in Settings.

I need th
... See more
For some reason, I can enter some fields and cannot enter others. I need a field called "Field" with values such as "legal, technical, etc." For some reason, I can't do that. I tried renaming said field with random names and non-words, and still it this particular item was not allowed.
Why is there a restriction on naming? Why can't I name my field any name I wish?

I can't create a TM with an "invalid name" and I can't change the fields in Settings.

I need this particular name for compatibility with other TMs.


Emma Goldsmith
Emma Goldsmith  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:01
Member (2004)
Spanish to English
Fields Jan 19, 2014

Sandra &Kenneth wrote:

Why can't I name my field any name I wish?

I've just tested this, and I can name a field whatever I like (including "field"). The error "pick value name is invalid" suggests that you're trying to add new text to an existing picklist, possibly at the wrong stage in the process.

This article might help sort out your problem:

Emma Goldsmith
Emma Goldsmith  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:01
Member (2004)
Spanish to English
Merging TUs Jan 19, 2014

Laurens Sipahelut wrote:

It's a very basic function, but for some reason my copy of Studio 2014 won't allow me to: the function has for some reason greyed out

The usual reason for this is that there is a hard return in your source document, and Studio won't let you merge segments where there is a hard return between them. This isn't new in Studio 2014; it's always been like this.

I mentioned a workaround to this problem in the last paragraph of point 1 of this blog post:

NB, it'll only work with .docx and .pptx source files.

Sandra & Kenneth Grossman
Sandra & Kenneth Grossman  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:01
French to English
+ ...
Inserting field failure Jan 19, 2014

Thanks Emma, your help is much appreciated.

Unfortunately, I still have not created the "Field" field.
I managed to add two fields (a picklist and a free text field), but for some reason this second picklist field is not accepted, no matter what I call it. Even "sdfsf" was not accepted.

Rebooted Studio, tried again, no go.

Shouldn't this function work consistently?

After many unsuccessful attempts, I succeeded in creating a n
... See more
Thanks Emma, your help is much appreciated.

Unfortunately, I still have not created the "Field" field.
I managed to add two fields (a picklist and a free text field), but for some reason this second picklist field is not accepted, no matter what I call it. Even "sdfsf" was not accepted.

Rebooted Studio, tried again, no go.

Shouldn't this function work consistently?

After many unsuccessful attempts, I succeeded in creating a new picklist field with 3-letter non-word attributes. The problem is I can't edit the non-words to meaningful words, because Trados (which accepts short non-words) does not consider them valid.

What a waste of time!

[Edited at 2014-01-19 19:29 GMT]

RWS Community
RWS Community
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:01
Handling formatting Jan 19, 2014

TiagoVanRheenen wrote:

Having to clear all formatting is quite obviously not ideal. If you had, for instance, text formatted as bold, italic and underlined, and you wanted to remove the underline, you would have to first clear formatting and then add the bold and italic (three steps), instead of simply removing the underline with a button or shortcut key (one step). One forum member suggested displaying tags so we can see where the bold is but, as I said in my reply to her, I am not like the guy in The Matrix who could see redheads in streaming numbers. I need to work with plain text.

In this case you just select the underline and remove formatting... no need to remove everything. It is consistent because irrespective of the tags being used it’s the same approach.

TiagoVanRheenen wrote:

There is also another issue, but to explain it I will first describe a typical translation scenario (for me):

A client sends an invitation to tender in PDF and wants to have it translated quickly so they can respond with a proposal. I use OCR software to convert the PDF to Word before working on it in Trados. The original text uses Arial font, and the OCR software converts this correctly but also adds hidden fonts (ex: Calibri) in places like blank spaces or after words in bold. If I Clear Formatting, the text changes to that hidden font. The client will not allow me time to format the text perfectly before starting, but does want things like defined terms in bold, italics and other formatting to be as in the original. I also often need to rearrange sentence structure, which means I need to be able to add and remove text formatting at will and quickly.

In this scenario, it would be best to have complete formatting features as in Word, including the paintbrush feature so I could copy formatting over from the source segment. If the formatting buttons have been removed in SDL Trados 2014 for lack of space, I would suggest removing or hiding the quick insert section, which I never use. Having complete formatting capabilities is absolutely essential.

I don't really follow this at all. The formatting buttons have not been removed. It somehow seems as though you are describing a problem that doesn't exist.

On having complete formatting features as in Word. This is simply unnecessary. This is not a word processor... the idea is that you take the source and faithfully replicate it in the target. You may add some simple changes using the formatting available, but you certainly should not need full Word formatting capability.

PDFs are not the best way to work, but I do appreciate this is reality. I think with this format it always make sense to tidy the file up in the converted Word file first. It would surely not take that long if you have to handle formatting in Studio anyway, and then when you get the file for translation it will be much easier to work with as there will be less useless tags.



RWS Community
RWS Community
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:01
Can I see the TM? Jan 19, 2014

Sandra &Kenneth wrote:

Unfortunately, I still have not created the "Field" field.
I managed to add two fields (a picklist and a free text field), but for some reason this second picklist field is not accepted, no matter what I call it. Even "sdfsf" was not accepted.


I can’t repro this, but it may be helpful to see your TM. Is this possible?



Laurens Sipahelut
Laurens Sipahelut  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:01
Dutch to Indonesian
+ ...
Thanks Emma... Jan 20, 2014

Emma Goldsmith wrote:

The usual reason for this is that there is a hard return in your source document, and Studio won't let you merge segments where there is a hard return between them. This isn't new in Studio 2014; it's always been like this.

I mentioned a workaround to this problem in the last paragraph of point 1 of this blog post:

NB, it'll only work with .docx and .pptx source files.

The solution you mentioned in your blog might be impractical when dealing with larger documents, however.

Across, my first CAT tool, lets you merge any kind of segment and so I assumed that would be the case for Trados as well.

Sandra & Kenneth Grossman
Sandra & Kenneth Grossman  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:01
French to English
+ ...
Thanks, Paul, problem seems to be solved Jan 20, 2014

I appreciate the prompt response.

After several attempts, I figured out what the problem was. I was entering some of the attribute names using a global autotext program (i.e., by automatically inserting the name in the field). The moment I entered the words using the keyboard rather than paste them in, I was able to save both the field name and the attributes.

Thanks again for the prompt support!

Doron Greenspan MITI
Doron Greenspan MITI  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:01
Member (2005)
English to Hebrew
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Why I'm downgrading to Studio 2011 Jan 21, 2014

This is not about bugs.
This is about those irritating little things that were there in Studio 2011 and which I hoped will be corrected in 2014. To my utter disappointment, they're still there, hiding under the fancy new interface.

1. Can't select and drag
- As you do in any text displaying software - click on the first word and drag the mouse forward to sel
... See more
This is not about bugs.
This is about those irritating little things that were there in Studio 2011 and which I hoped will be corrected in 2014. To my utter disappointment, they're still there, hiding under the fancy new interface.

1. Can't select and drag
- As you do in any text displaying software - click on the first word and drag the mouse forward to select the rest of the sentence/line/next words (even by using only keyboard shortcuts).

2. Sorting files by date
- Files display still doesn't have any "sort by date" option, it's amazing! With so many files, finding any old file becomes a nightmare.

3. Old Hebrew issues
- The problems we had with Hebrew for years (since S 2009) still exist, and that's amazing too, since I pointed them to SDL so long ago.

4. Dates order in the Files side-window display
- The dates of the various files entered into the Files display are ordered in a funny old way:
2013.12.30 comes before

5. Alt+[X] shortcuts
- In the new ribbony display you can't trust any Alt+ shortcut, since they all now do marvellous things opening up unnecessary menus/dropdowns...

There are some more, but people would start blaming me for being petty...
I should have trusted those 'old hands' who said they'll wait for a year before upgrading...

Doron. From enthusiastic to disappointed.

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SDL Trados 2014 New bugs & shortcomings

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