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SDL Trados 2014 New bugs & shortcomings
Thread poster: Daniel Grigoras
Wladyslaw Janowski
Wladyslaw Janowski  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:54
German to Polish
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Be patient, anytime old bugs are replaced by new ones Oct 23, 2013

Emma Goldsmith wrote:

efreitag wrote:

I can't help but wonder why people haven't learnt anything from past experience with SDL

I've learnt from past experience that people are quicker to talk about bad experiences than good ones. So while this thread on bugs has 48 posts, another thread on what people like in Studio 2014 has fewer. It's in our nature, I'm afraid.

In my case, the new features of Studio 2014 far outweigh the bugs that are inevitably discovered when thousands of users install a new program.

You can of course wait until those bugs are ironed out, and there will be a sizeable group of Studio users who do that, or you can join the group of people who want to enjoy the new Studio 2014 in the meantime and are patient with the glitches. I fall into the second group.

[Edited at 2013-10-16 07:31 GMT]

Hi Emma,
As you probably remember, I was a long time amont those, believing, onde day the development at SDL will have higher priority then marketing. Unfortunately this is still the same story. If you like new bugs more then old ones (more logic, if you like more new features as old ones), it's up to you. But the logics of telling, there are more grumblers then enthusiasts on the world, because there are more entries in this thread then in "what I like ...", is poor.
First, each of us is expressing his/her own opinion, nothing more. So please don't play the role of a judge.
According to my logics (no wishfull thinking), if there are so much entries an the "I like" side and so much on the "I dislike" side, if I were just thinking about an upgrade to 2014, I would of course stick on the version, which is slow, but stable, then lose my peace of work (nobody pays for the time I'm fighting to get the software work, but for the RESULTS).
My general slogan for all developers of CAT tools would be "DON'T DISTURB PLEASE - WE ARE AT WORK"
And think about what I have posted here in many threads - why is no trial of 2014 available? I have registered to be informed, when it is available. But it is still not. And the balance of "likes" and "dislikes" on this forum is not very optimistic.
Reember - I'm now translator, not a beta-tester. Also not a final-release-tester (if so, then I need at least a free trial.

Daniel Grigoras
Daniel Grigoras  Identity Verified
Romanian to English
+ ...
upgrade to MemoQ Oct 23, 2013

I was recently asked to work in MemoQ by a translation agency and I have to say that MemoQ is by far superior to SDL's Trados Studio and less expensive. Considering that Trados Studio has existed long before MemoQ appeared, it seems to me that the guys at SDL, with the exception of good all Paul Fink, exist just to make our lives miserable.

I'm sorry, but I can't find any better explanation on how MemoQ is so much better than SDL's Trados Studio.

Sorry Paul, no harm int
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I was recently asked to work in MemoQ by a translation agency and I have to say that MemoQ is by far superior to SDL's Trados Studio and less expensive. Considering that Trados Studio has existed long before MemoQ appeared, it seems to me that the guys at SDL, with the exception of good all Paul Fink, exist just to make our lives miserable.

I'm sorry, but I can't find any better explanation on how MemoQ is so much better than SDL's Trados Studio.

Sorry Paul, no harm intended.

[Edited at 2013-10-23 19:31 GMT]

Bernard Lieber
Bernard Lieber  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:54
English to French
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Whingeing and More Oct 23, 2013


I agree with Emma, the new features outweigh some bugs but why don't you complain about other CAT tools, I won't name some that had problems over the week-end because of a new release of Windows, etc., and you never whinge about Microsoft (and some of the monthly updates are definitely buggy) or Apple/Oracle, etc. when buggy updates are released.

I might add that if you expect a perfect bug-free release in S/W, you're a dreamer. I've beta tested quite a lot S/W o
... See more

I agree with Emma, the new features outweigh some bugs but why don't you complain about other CAT tools, I won't name some that had problems over the week-end because of a new release of Windows, etc., and you never whinge about Microsoft (and some of the monthly updates are definitely buggy) or Apple/Oracle, etc. when buggy updates are released.

I might add that if you expect a perfect bug-free release in S/W, you're a dreamer. I've beta tested quite a lot S/W over about 30 years and no matter how many Operating Systems, configs, test plans, language combinations, etc., you just can get it a 100% or else you have to release it when it's already obsolete - we're only human after all.



Daniel Grigoras
Daniel Grigoras  Identity Verified
Romanian to English
+ ...
Java Oct 23, 2013

Dear Bernard,

I think that SDL should have considered scrapping Java long time ago, but why haven't they? Is Java an unforeseen bug? No, it's just third party software that has caused and causes too much problems.

Bernard Lieber
Bernard Lieber  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:54
English to French
+ ...
No Bugs, etc. Oct 23, 2013


I think you missed my point, I'd like to see a translator or any user state that she/he has ever installed a CAT tool and/or other S/W that was absolutely bug free!



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Enrico C - ECLC
Enrico C - ECLC  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:54
English to Italian
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I see that too Oct 25, 2013

PaulPatruno wrote:

Often times, terms just added to the termbase are ignored or not found and did not display in Term recognition window
How is that possible?
What do I need to do to see them?
Is it ANOTHER Java problem?

And then when i try to add the term MT tells me "Term is already present in the you want to merge?".

If it was there..why the heck it didn't show?

Laurens Sipahelut
Laurens Sipahelut  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:54
Dutch to Indonesian
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Formatting buttons are greyed out. Oct 25, 2013

Hi, I'm new to Studio so I'm not sure if it's me or whether it's a bug of some sort, but my Bold, Italic, Underline, Superscript, Subscript, and Small Caps buttons are all greyed out. Can anyone explain?

Enrico C - ECLC
Enrico C - ECLC  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:54
English to Italian
+ ...
Last Studio patch Oct 26, 2013

It's perhaps worth mentioning that, although not fixing the Java issue and other small bugs, the last patch of Studio has greatly increased the stability of the platform. I am seeing less crashes, proper filter working (i can insert capital letters, yahooooo) and overall the platform feels more solid (no crashes in two days, yet), no strange reactions while using the backspace key during QAs or filter use (It caused a crash ...need to retest this).

It's also marginally faster. I dar
... See more
It's perhaps worth mentioning that, although not fixing the Java issue and other small bugs, the last patch of Studio has greatly increased the stability of the platform. I am seeing less crashes, proper filter working (i can insert capital letters, yahooooo) and overall the platform feels more solid (no crashes in two days, yet), no strange reactions while using the backspace key during QAs or filter use (It caused a crash ...need to retest this).

It's also marginally faster. I dare not updating Java though. It would be nice if someone from SDL could kindly provide some feedback on when they can come up with some solution for MT. I am not asking for Java trashing in this Studio edition...just when or if we'll ever be able to simply install Java updates without incurring into any issue.

Enrico C - ECLC
Enrico C - ECLC  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:54
English to Italian
+ ...
Another bug??? Oct 26, 2013

Filter mode

- Try to select a term on target section. The term is not selected
- Then select a term on "term recognition" and then try to insert the term into the target segment. The option is grayed out and can't be used.

So, how do i add a term from term recognition into that segment when i am using filter mode?

Bug? Me dummy?

UPDATE: Now Studio claims i can't add terms into LOCKED SEGMENTS. But those segments are not locked. If i exit
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Filter mode

- Try to select a term on target section. The term is not selected
- Then select a term on "term recognition" and then try to insert the term into the target segment. The option is grayed out and can't be used.

So, how do i add a term from term recognition into that segment when i am using filter mode?

Bug? Me dummy?

UPDATE: Now Studio claims i can't add terms into LOCKED SEGMENTS. But those segments are not locked. If i exit review mode i can edit them.

Smells like a bug.

[Edited at 2013-10-26 04:11 GMT]

Laurens Sipahelut
Laurens Sipahelut  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:54
Dutch to Indonesian
+ ...
Formatting buttons now functioning... Oct 26, 2013

as I was working on a .docx document. When I worked with XML files, however, they greyed out:

Laurens Sipahelut wrote:
... my Bold, Italic, Underline, Superscript, Subscript, and Small Caps buttons are all greyed out.

Is this normal behaviour or am I supposed to tick off certain boxes to fine-tune performance to my needs?

For my .docx document I've set up a TM and a TB. I pressed Ctrl+F2 to add a new term (my very first term in Studio, in fact) and nothing happened except for the Termbase Viewer pane sliding agonizingly slow into my view from the left hand side. I have the latest Java version installed.

So, in summary, so far: formatting buttons are working with .doxc but not with XML files, and adding terms is not happening ftm.

Would love to hear advice on any one of these issues.


Laurens Sipahelut
Laurens Sipahelut  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:54
Dutch to Indonesian
+ ...
Document structure information Oct 26, 2013

The document structure information in the far-right column in Editor view displayed a "P" (Paragraph) for a sentence that in the original .docx file was formatted as Title. I find this odd and the reason I brought this up is that clients may potentially at some point somehow take issue with it. So is this something that's made by design or is it a bug?

RWS Community
RWS Community
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:54
Document Structure and Formatting Oct 26, 2013

Laurens Sipahelut wrote:

as I was working on a .docx document. When I worked with XML files, however, they greyed out:

So, in summary, so far: formatting buttons are working with .doxc but not with XML files, and adding terms is not happening ftm.

XML can be absolutely anything and if Studio second guesses what the formatting tags need to be in your XML file then there is a very high chance that the resultant XML file will not work when you return the target application. When working with XML you should pay more attention than normal to making sure that you use the same tags in the target as those in the source.

Laurens Sipahelut wrote:

The document structure information in the far-right column in Editor view displayed a "P" (Paragraph) for a sentence that in the original .docx file was formatted as Title. I find this odd and the reason I brought this up is that clients may potentially at some point somehow take issue with it. So is this something that's made by design or is it a bug?

Studio reads exactly what is in the DOCX. If the title style was based on paragraph then this would probably explain it. Have a test just by creating a docx, use different styles (proper styles and not just formatting the text), list items, table cells etc. and you'll have a better idea how this works.

When you save your target file it should be formatted exactly the same way as the source... and this is what your customer needs to be concerned about.



RWS Community
RWS Community
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:54
Can't reproduce any of this... Oct 26, 2013

Enrico C - ECLC wrote:

Filter mode

- Try to select a term on target section. The term is not selected
- Then select a term on "term recognition" and then try to insert the term into the target segment. The option is grayed out and can't be used.

So, how do i add a term from term recognition into that segment when i am using filter mode?

UPDATE: Now Studio claims i can't add terms into LOCKED SEGMENTS. But those segments are not locked. If i exit review mode i can edit them.

Hello Enrico,

I can't reproduce any of these things. Whether I filter or not all of this works, whether I use Translation or Review mode this all works, whether I work with tracked changes or not this all works. Just typing the first letter to add the terms through autosuggest is fine; using Ctrl+Shift+L is fine; right clicking in the term recognition window and using insert term is fine too.

It would be good if perhaps anyone else can verify your problem, but I think if this persists for you then we probably need to take another look at your machine.



Chunyi Chen
Chunyi Chen
United States
Local time: 03:54
English to Chinese
MT2014 doesn't display termbase terms when a term is surrounded by tags Oct 27, 2013

I just noticed this behavior with MT2014 which has been reported here.
When a termbase term is surrounded by tags (in my case it's a two word term preceding and following uicontrol tags), the term doesn't display in the termbase window, nor do I see a line on the top of the words.
I wonder how tags are weighed in Studio, but even if these two tags are seen as part of the term, at least it should still display as a "fuzzy match" to the actual term.


Enrico C - ECLC wrote:

PaulPatruno wrote:

Often times, terms just added to the termbase are ignored or not found and did not display in Term recognition window
How is that possible?
What do I need to do to see them?
Is it ANOTHER Java problem?

And then when i try to add the term MT tells me "Term is already present in the you want to merge?".

If it was there..why the heck it didn't show?

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SDL Trados 2014 New bugs & shortcomings

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