cannot open a segment in Trados 7
Thread poster: Emilia Delibasheva
Emilia Delibasheva
Emilia Delibasheva  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:34
Member (2005)
English to Bulgarian
+ ...
Dec 9, 2011


I cannot open a segment in Trados 7 where I am working on a Word 7 document. "Fix document" does not help.

Thank you!

George Cook
George Cook
United Kingdom
Local time: 17:34
French to English
+ ...
More info needed Dec 9, 2011

Are you able to give more information about the segment in question? Does the segment contain anything out of the ordinary? A bullet point or automatic number, perhaps?

Emilia Delibasheva
Emilia Delibasheva  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:34
Member (2005)
English to Bulgarian
+ ...
bulleted text Dec 9, 2011

Hi George,

Thank you for replying.

Yes, the segment is in a bulleted column. I have opened all segments in this column but the last one, I mean the last sentence.

George Cook
George Cook
United Kingdom
Local time: 17:34
French to English
+ ...
Draft view Dec 9, 2011

Bullets and autonumbering sometimes cause issues with segments opening/closing. From the fact you've tried "Fix Document" you must be translating using Workbench in Word.

Change the editing view in Word to "draft" and try opening the segment again. You should find that it now works.

Dusan Rabrenovic
Dusan Rabrenovic  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:34
German to Slovenian
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Prevent Word issues by using the TagEdior Dec 9, 2011

It sounds like you are translating with the Trados plugin in Word, and not by importing the Word file into TagEditor and then translating with the Workbench+TagEditor combination. I used to translate Word documents directly in Word, but there is a mountain of problems that you may encounter and that can be prevented by using TE. That way, you translate ONLY the actual text, while preventing any changes to the formatting. I suggest giving it a try, and I promise you won't ever be going back to th... See more
It sounds like you are translating with the Trados plugin in Word, and not by importing the Word file into TagEditor and then translating with the Workbench+TagEditor combination. I used to translate Word documents directly in Word, but there is a mountain of problems that you may encounter and that can be prevented by using TE. That way, you translate ONLY the actual text, while preventing any changes to the formatting. I suggest giving it a try, and I promise you won't ever be going back to the old way.

If you need any quick advice, just ask.

[Edited at 2011-12-09 17:01 GMT]

Miguel Carmona
Miguel Carmona  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:34
English to Spanish
Maybe a missing paragraph mark? Dec 9, 2011

Emilia Delibasheva wrote:


I cannot open a segment in Trados 7 where I am working on a Word 7 document. "Fix document" does not help.

Thank you!

Hi Emilia,

Could it be that there is a missing paragraph mark at the end of the sentence?

In Word, put the insertion bar at the end of the paragraph/bullet point, press the Enter key of your keyboard, then try to open the segment again.

Just an idea...

Good luck!

Emilia Delibasheva
Emilia Delibasheva  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:34
Member (2005)
English to Bulgarian
+ ...
cannot open a segment Dec 9, 2011

Hello George, Dusan and Miguel,

Thank you for your advice! I tried the three of them but none worked. It seems that there is something wrong with the original file because it didn't open even when I downloaded it again an tried to open the new file.


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cannot open a segment in Trados 7

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