Translation glossary: MEDICAL AND OTHERS

Showing entries 51-88 of 88
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introducingmet en place /offre/propose 
English to French
knock off sharp edgesarrondir les angles 
English to French
Le scanner cervical de contrôlefollow-up CT scan of the neck 
French to English
Le trait de fracture principalmain/primary fracture line 
French to English
Les fonctions sont respecté functional deficits 
French to English
lumbar spine disc lesionlésion discale lombaire/lésion discale au niveau du rachis lombaire 
English to French
M1 bissectricefirst marginal (ramus intermedius) 
French to English
médecin de l'étudestudy doctor 
French to English
mention Droitmajoring or specialising in Law 
French to English
non-IgE mediated allergyallergie non-IgE médiée 
English to French
Japanese to English
p listed drugsmédicaments et emballages de catégorie P (déchets dangereux ) 
English to French
past my counselbeyond the point at which advice from me would be of any use 
patients undergoing ambulatory surgerypatients ayant subi un acte de chirurgie ambulatoire 
English to French
placéindividual motif 
French to English
prise en charge clinique et para cliniqueclinical assessment and (relevant) diagnostic tests 
French to English
PROPRO (patient-reported outcome) 
French to English
push-on-skin [technologies] / pushon-skin / push-on skin[technologies d']activation [des auto-injecteurs jetables] par (simple) pression sur la peau 
English to French
Pushingse mettre debout 
English to French
rolloveravec reconduction 
English to French
Senior Service Fellowchercheur postdoctoral 
English to French
si ce n'est peut-êtreexcept perhaps/maybe 
French to English
smooth out rough placesadoucir les moments difficiles 
English to French
sp= sans particularité = unremarkable / normal 
French to English
STATE BUDGETARY INSTITUTION BUREAU OF FORENSIC MEDICAL EXAMINATIONสถาบันงบประมาณของมลรัฐ สำนักตรวจสอบทางนิติเวชศาสตร์ 
English to Thai
subies par anticipationearly examinations/first part (rephrase) 
French to English
surface de tentetenting area 
French to English
sutures suspenduessuspension sutures 
French to English
temps de céphaline kaolin (TCK)Kaolin cephalin clotting time 
French to English
English to French
to be "in hot water"est au coeur d'une controverse 
English to French
to experience a larger, shared cultureadhérer à/partager un vaste socle culturel commun 
English to French
translationtranslation, translational 
French to English
un tiers de mentionsone-third (of the class) with honors 
French to English
unless we first know the realsans d'abord bien connaître la réalité 
English to French
vinaigre élaboréspecialty vinegars 
French to English
well-documentedle voyage serait] bien décrit (consigné) [dans un blog ou au moyen de technologies (comme Facebook) 
English to French
Wild cardOn garde wild card en français (atout, joueurs ne pouvant accéder à la compétition autrement) 
English to French
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