Translation glossary: Medical

Showing entries 51-100 of 154
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En amont de la paletteproximal to 
French to English
en contournant du coté droitgoing around the right hand side of... 
French to English
en désespoir de causeas a last resort 
French to English
enroulent et déroulent=> roll up and unroll 
French to English
épanchement pleuralpleural effusion 
French to English
epsomsaltSEL D'EPSOM 
English to French
faisceaux musculaires striésstriated muscle bundles 
French to English
Family centered care : hôpital des enfantsassistance aux familles 
English to French
fauchageto circumduct or semicircular spastic gait 
French to English
faute d'aseptiebreach of asepsis/sterility/sterilisation rules [procedures] 
French to English
FdF depyrogenation value 
French to English
gommageskin scrub/exfoliation 
French to English
gousse de sojasoybean pod 
French to English
English to French
head-to-head comparison/studycomparaison/étude par substitution 
English to French
Hearing AidsãÚíäÇÊ ÓãÚíÉ 
English to French
heparin-reactive antibodiesanticorps anti (-F4P-) héparine 
French to English
HIV Positive / Negativeحامل/غير حامل لفيروس نقص المناعة المكتسبة 
English to Arabic
French to English
impaired coronary blood flowatteinte du flux coronaire (réduit ou diminué) 
English to French
in-patient clinicsunités/services d'hospitalisation 
English to French
interim analysisanalyse intermédiaire 
English to French
intestin grêle=> small intestine 
French to English
intracranial hypertensionارتفاع الضغط الجوفي في القحف 
English to Arabic
j'autorise X à transmettre au besoin les resultats de mon prélèvement sanguinI hereby authorise X to pass on the results of my blood test to 
French to English
Jonction grêlo-coliquecaeco-colic junction 
French to English
JVD Jugular Vein DistentionDistension jugulaire (ou de la veine jugulaire) 
English to French
l'embolisation seuleembolisation solely 
French to English
la patient rapporte un humeur eu thymiquethe patient reports an euthymic mood 
French to English
Les paradigmes des disciplines mobiliséesparadigms or models of domains involved 
French to English
les petits maux de tout les jourseveryday aches and pains 
French to English
levée d'aveugleunblinding / to unblind a trial 
English to French
medical abbreviationsall abbreviations (checked by dr.) 
Medicines Actloi sur les médicaments 
English to French
microorganismsالأحياء الدقيقة 
English to Arabic
mock drillexercice de simulation 
English to French
mode de survenuemode of onset 
French to English
My co-pay is too highticket modérateur ou franchise 
English to French
non mobilisable ni modulableimpossible to trigger or modify 
French to English
numération formule plaquettaireplatelet count 
French to English
OEL occupational exposure limitLEMT (limite d\\\\\\\'exposition en milieu de travail 
English to French
onset => survenue / apparitionsurvenue / apparition 
English to French
English to French
outpatient studyétude en ambulatoire 
English to French
partie moyenne du pédicule hépatiquemid portion of the hepatic pedicle 
French to English
passe dans les moeursbecomes common practice 
French to English
Peak Expiratory Flow Time PEFTDébit expiratoire de pointe 
English to French
pente des lymphocytes T CD4Slope of the lymphocytes T CD4 (curve) 
French to English
perfusitesintravenous infusion sets 
French to English
Perte de connaissanceloss of consciousness 
French to English
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