Translation glossary: General expressions

Showing entries 51-100 of 441
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anunciava-se (nesse contexto)made its presence known 
Portuguese to English
ao longe.. far away 
Portuguese to English
ao nível de consumo nulowith absolutely nil/no consumption 
Portuguese to English
English to Portuguese
apron pinaforesPt/Pt avental/aventais 
English to Portuguese
area of dullnessárea baça/inexpressiva/sem brilho 
English to Portuguese
Portuguese to English
arrow padtecla de seta 
English to Portuguese
as últimas como estas a serem feitasthe last ones to have been made 
Portuguese to English
As ideias desses trabalhos deveriam ser colhidas em uma fonte...the ideas for these works must have been gleaned from somewhere very close to her heart 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
Aspiring embracersaspirantes potenciais 
English to Portuguese
at a moment's noticenum instante 
English to Portuguese
atávico surungoRustic/homegrown/grassroots/traditional shindig 
Portuguese to English
atividade de prestaçãoprovision of service activities 
Portuguese to English
atomically thin legspernas tão finas como átomos 
English to Portuguese
autocustobuilt in costs, development costs 
Portuguese to English
ÁREA SUPRA ATUALIZADA.updated area, referred to 
Portuguese to English
é é estimulante ver que alguns alçam voo nas asas do talentoit is very gratifying to see someone soaring on the wings of talent 
Portuguese to English
backspacerDivisor de prateleira 
English to Portuguese
Bardo "String Bath"bardo - imersão nas músicas das cordas 
English to Portuguese
Portuguese to English
be postalenraivado/enlouquecer etc. 
English to Portuguese
because of strength in numbersporque são muitos 
English to Portuguese
bem.creating a well defined division 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
bet x wagerJogadas/Apostas 
English to Portuguese
Bikini Boundaries(áreas/zonas) especificamente relacionados com a anatomia feminina 
English to Portuguese
blow the blazes outexplodir o inferno (fora) 
English to Portuguese
board substratessuportes em placas 
English to Portuguese
bocas de mediçãomeasuring/measurement spigot/opening/ 
Portuguese to English
Bom contacto é simpático.good communication and amenable/amicable 
Portuguese to English
English to Portuguese
Boots teamEquipa BOOTS 
English to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
bottomless walletfundos inesgotáveis 
English to Portuguese
bought indedicados 
English to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
BrainiacsOs dois Sabichões da turma 
English to Portuguese
Brown clumpyaglomerada acastanhada 
English to Portuguese
brushing up on martial artsaperfeiçoar(ando) nas artes marciais 
English to Portuguese
budding shot stopperguarda-redes aspirante 
English to Portuguese
building onconsolidando 
English to Portuguese
busy-body eyestêm um olhar direito e intrometido 
English to Portuguese
cabalaI am the victim of a very well organised cabal 
Portuguese to English
caiu para a frente sobre a poça que se formara.she slumped forwards into the pool that had formed 
Portuguese to English
caixa-fortesafe box 
Portuguese to English
campaign pitchapresentação da campanha 
English to Portuguese
Portuguese to English
can-do attitudeum atitude de tudo é possível 
English to Portuguese
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