Translation glossary: industrie-générale

Showing entries 551-587 of 587
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Tuyau en plombLead pipe 
French to English
Tuyau en titaneTitanium tube 
French to English
Tuyau en tungstèneTungsten pipe 
French to English
Tuyau métalliqueMetal pipe 
French to English
Tuyau métallique flexibleFlexible metal tube 
French to English
Tuyauterie de centrale nucléaireNuclear power plant pipe system 
French to English
Tuyauterie de centrale thermiqueSteam power plant piping 
French to English
Tuyauterie industrielIndustrial pipeline 
French to English
Usine clé en mainTurnkey factory 
French to English
Usine de congénerationCogeneration plant 
French to English
Usine de liquéfactionLiquefaction plant 
French to English
Vernis anticorrosionAnticorrosion varnish 
French to English
Vernis bitumineuxAsphalt varnish/bituminous varnish 
French to English
Verre de lunettesGlass-lens 
French to English
Verre de lunettes finiFinished glass-lens 
French to English
Verre de lunettes minéralMineral glass lens 
French to English
Verre de lunettes organiqueTransparent plastic glasses 
French to English
Verre de lunettes semi finiSemi-finished spectacle-lens 
French to English
Virole pour brosseBrush clip 
French to English
Vis décolletéMachined screw 
French to English
Vis d’expansionExpansion screw 
French to English
Vis de sabot de freinBrake block screw 
French to English
Vis et boulonScrews and bolts 
French to English
Vis forgé en cuivreCopper forged screw 
French to English
Vis forgé en métalMetal forged screw 
French to English
Vis métalliqueMetal screw 
French to English
Vis plastiquePlastic screw 
French to English
Vision industrielleIndustrial view 
French to English
Visserie décolletéeMachined screws 
French to English
Visserie en métalMetal screws 
French to English
Visserie forgé en acierSteel forged screws 
French to English
Visserie forgé en alliage cuivreuxCopper alloy screws and bolts 
French to English
Visserie forgé en cuivrecopper forged screws 
French to English
Visserie forgé en laitonBrass forged screws 
French to English
Visualisation des paramètre de pilotageAttitude control display 
French to English
Voiture de métroSubway car 
French to English
Voiture de RERRER subway car 
French to English
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