Translation glossary: Karcsy

Showing entries 501-550 of 988
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远用式望远镜distance vision telescope 
Chinese to English
过程改进乃是开始催生可促生靠谱的人的组织!process improvement is the start of delivering an organization that promotes dependable people. 
Chinese to English
进一步采用PCR方法做HCV-RNA 定量检测及HCV分型检测Entail quantitative HCV, RNA, PCR and HCV genotype 
Chinese to English
进退有度know how to give and take 
Chinese to English
胚芽及心管闪动fetal pole with cardiac activity/fetal heart beat/flutter of a heart beat 
Chinese to English
胸骨核化骨遅延delayed sternal ossification 
Chinese to English
胸部后前位片Posterior to Anterior (PA) Chest X-ray 
Chinese to English
阻力关口resistance level 
Chinese to English
阻塞球囊occlusion balloon 
Chinese to English
走行尚规则orderly branching pattern 
Chinese to English
赶工to rush on a job 
Chinese to English
Chinese to English
葡萄牙鸿运庄园Herdade do Esporão 
Chinese to English
Chinese to English
钻孔平均单井涌水量average yield of borehole from a single well 
Chinese to English
钙调免疫抑制剂Calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) immunosuppressants 
Chinese to English
股骨垫片femoral pad 
Chinese to English
股骨头前内侧anteromedial aspect of the femoral head 
Chinese to English
肺窗:两肺容积正常lung window: both lungs have normal volume 
Chinese to English
肌力與體能訓練教练strength and conditioning coach 
Chinese to English
铁或者奥... at Ironforge or Ulduar 
Chinese to English
银晶白silver crystal white 
Chinese to English
链条金相式样(HEKO) chain metallographic specimen 
Chinese to English
锁边缝合阴道残端close the vaginal stump with running lock-stitch suture 
Chinese to English
脸皮被带动着才笑起来after the face got carried away, a smile showed up. 
Chinese to English
脑中线居中Line of falx cerebri is not shifted or falx in midline 
Chinese to English
重油分配heavy oil allocation 
Chinese to English
自体网状皮移植术Autologous skin grafting with mesh 
Chinese to English
致密影走行dense linear opacity or shadow w/ (architectural) distortion 
Chinese to English
采取“变通”、“换马甲”等方式resort to "change of tactic", "change of name", these sorts of methods. 
Chinese to English
配制奶小样试验(small ) sample testing of formulated milk 
Chinese to English
酸胀感sensation of soreness and distention 
Chinese to English
腹膜反折上10cm10cm above the peritoneal reflection 
Chinese to English
色泽层次play of colors; layers of color 
Chinese to English
雕刻线Engraving Line 
Chinese to English
速率法rate method 
Chinese to English
送检创面分泌物细菌培养及血培养laboratory examination for bacterial culture of wound exudate & blood culture 
Chinese to English
透亮带radiolucent zone 
Chinese to English
Chinese to English
逢高沽空Sell short on rally 
Chinese to English
考虑术后改变suggested diagnosis: post-operative changes 
Chinese to English
附列资料attached Schedule 
Chinese to English
fabrication instructions装配指令 
English to Chinese
English to Chinese
fancy mice花式小鼠; 家养小鼠 
English to Chinese
fatigue debit疲劳强度扣减 
English to Chinese
favoring (the catheterized leg(s))喜欢将体重放在插了导管的腿 
English to Chinese
FDG代谢未见异常no abnormality seen in the metabolism of FDG (Fluorodeoxyglucose) 
Chinese to English
FDTfast disintegrating tablet == 速崩片 
English to Chinese
English to Chinese
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