Translation glossary: Soil Words

Showing entries 201-250 of 539
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• Grundgebirgebasement 
German to English
• Haeufigkeitfrequency 
German to English
• Haeufung, Verdichtungprocess of agglomeration 
German to English
• halomorphe Boedenhalomorphic soils 
German to English
• Hang, Boeschungslope 
German to English
• Historiogrammhistorigram 
German to English
• Hochdruckgebiet, Antizyklonalehigh pressure system, anticyclonic region 
German to English
• Hohlformhollow mould 
German to English
• Hohlverwitterunghollow weathering 
German to English
• Horizonthorizon 
German to English
• Horizonthorizon 
German to English
• Hornsteinhornstone, chert 
German to English
• huegelige Oberflaechehummocky surface 
German to English
• Humiditaethumidity 
German to English
• Humifizierunghumification 
German to English
• Hydrogeologiehydrogeology 
German to English
• hydromorphe Boedenhydromorphic soils 
German to English
• Hydrosphaerehydrosphere 
German to English
• hydrothermale Nachphasehydrothermal subsequent stage 
German to English
• idiographischidiographic 
German to English
• Inkasioninkasion 
German to English
• Inkohlungcarbonisation 
German to English
• Inselisland 
German to English
• Inselberginselberg, outlier, monadnock 
German to English
• Interferenzinterference 
German to English
• Intraplattenvulkanismusintraplate volcanism 
German to English
• intrazonale Boedenintrazonal soils 
German to English
• Isostasieisostasy 
German to English
• JungtertiaerNeogene 
German to English
• jungtertiaerneogenic 
German to English
• juveniles Magmaprimitive magma 
German to English
• Kalksteinlimestone 
German to English
• kantig, eckigangular 
German to English
• Karrenkarren, lapies 
German to English
• Karstkarst 
German to English
• Karsterscheinungenkarst phenomena 
German to English
• Karstmulde, Uvalauvala 
German to English
• Karstquelleintermittent spring ( in limestone ) 
German to English
• Karstreliefkarst topography 
German to English
• Karstseekarst lake 
German to English
• Karstwanne, Dolinedoline 
German to English
• Kausalitaetcausality 
German to English
• Kluftsystemjoint system (network), fracture system (network, 
German to English
• Kolluviumcolluvium 
German to English
• Kontinent, Erdteilcontinent 
German to English
• Kontinentaldrift, Kontinentalverschiebungcontinental drift 
German to English
• Korallenriffcoral reef 
German to English
• Korrasioncorrasion 
German to English
• Kosmoscosmos 
German to English
• Kratoncraton 
German to English
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