Translation glossary: NEWS

Showing entries 501-550 of 4,137
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burn a drinking straw with a cigarette lighter用打火机烧饮管,把滴出的熔液滴在樊敏仪的脚上 
English to Chinese
burnt beyond recognition烧至难以辨认 
English to Chinese
burnt to death烧死 
English to Chinese
burst into flames(飞机等)爆炸 
English to Chinese
Bus stops along Kwun Tong Road may be reorganised in the wake of the accident.观塘道一带巴士站可能要重组,以防意外再度发生。 
English to Chinese
Busy streets will be hosed every other day instead of weekly.人多的街道会每天清洗,不像以前般每周才清洗一次。 
English to Chinese
But armed groups are still believed to be holding dozens of foreigners captive in Iraq as bargaining chips.但一般相信武装分子仍在伊拉克挟持着数十名外国人质,作为谈判筹码。 
English to Chinese
But Karenin(狗)毕竟是女性,她也有经期。她每六个月来经一次,每次为时两星期。 
English to Chinese
but no prosecution has yet been brought. 
English to Chinese
but police said it was not known if she had been sexually assaulted. 
English to Chinese
but said it supported the consumers\' right to know. 
English to Chinese
but that intensive care treatment would be under heavy pressure. 
English to Chinese
but they try to appear as a happy and united couple. 
English to Chinese
but when he grabbed me his strength was astonishing. 
English to Chinese
But when somebody stumbled on a narrow and overcrowded bridge当有人在那又窄又挤的桥上绊倒,就发生人踏人事件,多人被踩死。 
English to Chinese
buy something without prescription毋须经医生处方可购买 
English to Chinese
buying the drug through illicit channels从不法渠道购买药物 
English to Chinese
buying Viagra on the black market在黑市买伟哥 
English to Chinese
by themselves 
English to Chinese
by touching them in a sexual way or trying to have sex with them. 
English to Chinese
bystanders in the street路人 
English to Chinese
C Vitamin C/Ascorbic Acid维他命 
English to Chinese
caesarean section剖腹产子 
English to Chinese
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English to Chinese
call girl电话召来的妓女/应召女郎 
English to Chinese
called for labelling to be unified建议统一卷标 
English to Chinese
called for more stringent official surveillance of chicken farms要求加强监管鸡场 
English to Chinese
called for reinforcements要求增援 
English to Chinese
called the emergency services叫救伤车/召唤救护车 
English to Chinese
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English to Chinese
calm the mind使精神镇静 
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English to Chinese
came off the track(列车)脱轨 
English to Chinese
can be confirmed with a magnetic-resonance scan of the brain可用脑部核磁共振扫描加以证实 
English to Chinese
can be verified with psychological testing可用心理测验来证实 
English to Chinese
can cause dizziness病征包括晕眩、呕吐和失去听觉 
English to Chinese
can complete 10 days\' self-imposed quarantine能自行隔离十日 
English to Chinese
can feel dryness in the mouth会感到口干 
English to Chinese
can lie dormant for 30 years潜伏期可长达三十年 
English to Chinese
can lower blood pressure能降低血压 
English to Chinese
can offer couples an 85% chance of ensuring they will have a girl能向准父母保证有85%生女的机会 
English to Chinese
can produce miscarriages and brith defects可能造成流产或畸胎/先天缺陷 
English to Chinese
can reduce colon-cancer deaths by a third可以减低直肠癌死亡率达三分之一 
English to Chinese
can relieve symptoms caused by insufficient blood circulation能改善因血液循环不足而导致的疾病 
English to Chinese
cancelling tenancies in public estates of repeat offenders屡犯不改的公屋住户的单位将被收回 
English to Chinese
cancer fighting drugs抗癌药物 
English to Chinese
cancer of the liver肝癌 
English to Chinese
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