Translation glossary: Liz Askew's French-English medical glossary

Showing entries 151-200 of 489
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DLR thoraxdouleurs/douleur/pain/chest pain 
French to English
dolichocorpieincreased/excessive mandibular body length/abnormally long mandibular body 
French to English
données quantifiées intéressantesrelevant quantative data/quantative data of interest 
French to English
dosage du taux d'acide urique dans le sang[recommends/request] a blood test to measure levels of uric acid/uric acid blood test 
French to English
dosage régulierregular measurement/determination of levels 
French to English
dossier de fabricationProduct dossier 
French to English
doute suruncertainty about 
French to English
DTITissue Doppler Imaging (TDI) 
French to English
Dual Chromogen Stainingdouble coloration par l'emploi des chromogènes 
English to French
dystocia calvesles veaux nés par/issus d'un vêlage dystocique 
English to French
E de RaskinRaskin E chart 
French to English
EFwet mount 
French to English
Efficace rapidement épargne de dopafast-acting, DOPA/dopa-sparing 
French to English
elle est fonction du drainage veineuxThis depends on venous drainage 
French to English
elle est fonction du drainage veineuxThis depends on the venous drainage pattern 
French to English
ellipse cutanéecutaneous ellipse 
French to English
emballages assimiléssimilar/related wrappers/outer packaging 
French to English
Emulsion WP 60Phamaceutical White Oil WP 60 
French to English
en attendant que les rendez-vous soient accordéspending approval of the meetings/appointments 
French to English
en barre épigastriqueband-like epigastric pain 
French to English
en BPbiplane 
French to English
en C3in segment 3 
French to English
en contrepartie de procédures et d'événements indésirablesin exchange for procedures and undesirable events.. 
French to English
en correspondance du segment communicantthe communicating segment 
French to English
en PGin lithotomy position 
French to English
en sc dteright subclavian 
French to English
en tandem intrastenttandem instrastent restenosis 
French to English
en trans rectal droitthrough a right transrectal incision 
French to English
encadrant les echantillonsincluding the samples 
French to English
Encadrement des avantagesanti-gift legislation 
French to English
endoalvéolie(maxillary) linguoversion 
French to English
entretien d'aidethe patient interview [by the nurse] 
French to English
essai de sécabilitébreakability test 
French to English
etre tenu parto be bound by 
French to English
ETT de débrouillageInitial TTE 
French to English
EVNEchelle Visuelle Numerique [Visual Numeric Scale] 
French to English
Evolution dans le serviceClinical course in the department 
French to English
examen trans-thoraciquetransthoracic echo 
French to English
expert de la petite tailleexpert/s on short stature 
French to English
exploration blanchenegative examination/investigation 
French to English
EXTENDED ROD CONTOURING LINKAGEappareil de contournage de tringle et méthode d'extension 
English to French
fécondité du momentcurrent fertility 
French to English
fenêtre pelvitrochantérienneincision of the external rotators/external rotators of the hip 
French to English
fiche du nouveau porteurfile/card/datasheet for new lens wearer 
French to English
French to English
fixant, fixation[FDG] uptake 
French to English
fixation thyroidiennethyroid uptake 
French to English
French to English
flux pulpairepulp blood flow 
French to English
flux soufflant (here)blowing air downward 
French to English
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