Translation glossary: musicmaker's glossary

Showing entries 51-100 of 245
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corion mucosolamina propria 
Italian to English
CPCardiopatia = Heart Disease (HD) 
Italian to English
cupola vescicaledome of the bladder 
Italian to English
cute escissionaleexcisional skin 
Italian to English
daños apreciadosassessed damages 
Spanish to English
DDdifferential diagnosis (DDx) 
Italian to English
decodifica testikey to test results 
Italian to English
decorrente come OMcontinuing as an OM (obtuse marginal) 
Italian to English
descendente anterior media y distal y oblícua marginalmid and distal anterior descending [artery] and obtuse marginal 
Spanish to English
difetti di riempimento endovasaliintravascular filling defects 
Italian to English
dilatazione settorialesegmental dilatation 
Italian to English
direzione stabilepermanent direction 
Italian to English
dislocato / dislocatilocated 
Italian to English
disreattività nervosadysponesis 
Italian to English
dolor puntualmomentary pain 
Spanish to English
DSday surgery 
Italian to English
DSMBData and Safety Monitoring Board 
Italian to English
DVAderivación ventriculoabdominal 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
E.S.M.S.E.M. (standard error of measurement) 
Italian to English
ECEnzimas Cardíacas -- Cardiac Enzymes 
Spanish to English
Italian to English
edema maleolar MII asimetrico de miembros inferioresasymmetric edema in the lower extremities 
Spanish to English
encender la llama(to) kindle the flame 
Spanish to English
esami bioumoralihematology and blood biochemistry (clinical laboratory testing) 
Italian to English
esami ematochimici miratiselected blood tests 
Italian to English
euproséxico(showing) normal attention 
Spanish to English
exformer (or formerly) 
Italian to English
f.f.D.F. (dosage form) 
Spanish to English
falcettosickle knife 
Italian to English
fare una statisticado/conduct a statistical analysis 
Italian to English
fill valvevalvola di carico 
English to Italian
Spanish to English
FMSFunciones Mentales Superiores -- Higher Mental Functions (HMF) 
Spanish to English
frammenti sedefragments from the site of ... 
Italian to English
frammenti sedefragments from the site of ... 
Italian to English
frustoli ipercellulatihypercellular fragments 
Italian to English
gastroresistentegastro-resistant, enteric-coated 
Italian to English
generalizzare l'apprendimentogeneralize the learning 
Italian to English
ginnasiothe first twoyears of the "liceo classico" 
Italian to English
gola intercondiloideaintercondylar notch 
Italian to English
grupos de edad de 5 años5-year age groups 
Spanish to English
ha impedido que se puedahas made it impossible to 
Spanish to English
ha presentado alteracioneshas shown changes 
Spanish to English
HGT per 33-day HGT profile 
Italian to English
IDLHImmediate Danger to Life or Health 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
in dimissionebeing discharged / scheduled for discharge 
Italian to English
in fasesynchronized 
Italian to English
in st. (dopo...)status post 
Italian to English
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