Translation glossary: Fluent expressions

Showing entries 251-300 of 392
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English to Portuguese
snout and tailfocinho e cauda 
English to Portuguese
some of whom may not have been involvedalguns dos quais podiam nem estar envolvidos 
English to Portuguese
something isn't all that was cracked up to bealgo que não era o esperado 
English to Portuguese
soot marksmarcas de fuligem 
English to Portuguese
spawn of Satanfilho/a de Satanás 
English to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
spreadsheetsfolhas de cálculo 
English to Portuguese
stained glassvitral 
English to Portuguese
staplesbens de primeira necessidade 
English to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
stompentrar de rompante 
English to Portuguese
stood ~ updeixar ~ pendurado 
English to Portuguese
stoop to some mean levelsbaixar para uns níveis maus 
English to Portuguese
strip-o-gramtelegrama + striptease 
English to Portuguese
suede jacketcasaco de camurça 
English to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
sushi barbar de sushi 
English to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
sword of Damoclesameaça constante 
English to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
sympathy cardcartão de condolências 
English to Portuguese
talking in tonguesfalar muito rápido e de maneira incompreensível 
English to Portuguese
tangelohíbrido de toranja com tangerina 
English to Portuguese
tantrumataque de mau-humor 
English to Portuguese
that ship has sailedessa oportunidade já se perdeu 
English to Portuguese
that's thate ponto final 
English to Portuguese
the butt of the jokeo alvo das piadas 
English to Portuguese
the only kinka única coisa que não está bem 
English to Portuguese
the pen(cil) is mightier than the swordo lápis/ caneta é mais poderoso que a espada 
English to Portuguese
themed dressesvestidos de festa 
English to Portuguese
there goes the neighbourhoodlá se vai a vizinhança 
English to Portuguese
thrift storeloja do euro e meio 
English to Portuguese
thriftyser poupado 
English to Portuguese
throw out ~rejeitar ~ 
English to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
tied upocupado 
English to Portuguese
tip-top shapeexcelente 
English to Portuguese
to backfireter o efeito contrário ao desejado 
English to Portuguese
to be a playerser um mulherengo 
English to Portuguese
to be about to dropestar a cair de sono 
English to Portuguese
to be comfortableser próspero 
English to Portuguese
to be complacentser cheio de si 
English to Portuguese
to be easy on the eyesser bem-parecido 
English to Portuguese
to be hitting on someoneestar a atirar-se a alguém 
English to Portuguese
to be home freeestar a jogar em casa 
English to Portuguese
to be hung up about sth.ficar amuado 
English to Portuguese
to be limberser flexível 
English to Portuguese
to be near-sightedser míope 
English to Portuguese
to be scared yellowacobardar-se 
English to Portuguese
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