Translation glossary: Economics

Showing entries 101-150 of 252
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Fuga de cérebrosbrain-drain 
Portuguese to English
HIPC initiativeIniciativa HIPC (Países Pobres Altamente Individados) 
English to Portuguese
Il n’en prend pas le cheminHe is not achieving this goal 
French to English
French to English
impairment lossperda prejudicial 
English to Portuguese
impairment of assetsdiminuição do valor de activos 
English to Portuguese
Portuguese to English
French to English
Installations industriellesindustrial machinery 
French to English
Krach boursierStock market crash 
French to English
Krach immobilierProperty market crash 
French to English
La baisse du dollarWeakening dollar 
French to English
La chute du dollarFall of the dollar 
French to English
La confectionManufacturing 
French to English
La croissance démographiquePopulation growth 
French to English
La dégradation de l’environnementEnvironmental damage 
French to English
La locomotive de la croissance mondialeDriving force behind world growth 
French to English
La main d’oeuvreWorkforce 
French to English
La masse salariennePayrolls 
French to English
La monnaie uniqueSingle currency 
French to English
La politique économiqueEconomic policy 
French to English
La politique budgétaireFiscal/budgetary policy 
French to English
La richesseWealth 
French to English
French to English
L’accroissement du PIBGDP growth 
French to English
L’amélioration/le renforcement de l’économieStrengthening of the economy 
French to English
L’ampleur croissante des déficitsIncreasing magnitude of the deficits 
French to English
French to English
L’excédent de la balance couranteCurrent account surplus 
French to English
Le co�t de capitalThe cost of capital 
French to English
Le cycle des affairesBusiness cycle 
French to English
Le désendettement publicReduction of public debt 
French to English
Le d�veloppement �conomiqueEconomic development 
French to English
Le gouvernement revient sur ses décisionsGovernment climb-down 
French to English
Le niveau de vieLiving standards 
French to English
Le plus touch�Hardest hit 
French to English
Le pouvoir d’achatPurchasing power/buying power 
French to English
Le Produit Intérieur BrutGross Domestic Product 
French to English
Le ratio de dépendanceThe dependency ratio 
French to English
Le taux d’emploiThe employment rate 
French to English
Les 35 heures35-hour week (particular context) 
French to English
Les finances publiquesPublic finance 
French to English
Les pr�l�vements obligatoiresTaxes and contributions 
French to English
Les prix des biensAsset prices 
French to English
Les taux d�int�r�tInterest rates 
French to English
Portuguese to English
French to English
Licenciements à long termeLong-term lay-offs 
French to English
limiar da pobrezapoverty datum line 
Portuguese to English
l�agro-alimentationFood manufacturing 
French to English
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