Translation glossary: PhilippeM

Showing entries 301-350 of 568
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mandado de suprimento judicialRectification judiciaire 
Portuguese to French
English to French
Portuguese to French
Portuguese to French
marge sur matière(gross) margin on raw material 
French to English
Market officerDirecteur marchés Benelux 
English to French
Massas secasmasses sèches 
Portuguese to French
matar a sede, matar a fomeétancher la soif, assouvir la faim 
Portuguese to French
may order something as...voir explanation 
English to French
meação de bensmoitié des biens / moitié de l'héritage (voir explication) 
Portuguese to French
mediatecaMedia Library 
Spanish to English
meet and greetservice d'accueil, de réception 
English to French
melanocyte unitunité épidermique de mélanisation 
English to French
mero estiramientosimple prolongement 
Spanish to French
Portuguese to French
Mestrado em DireitoMaîtrise en droit 
Portuguese to French
metal de sacrifícioProtection cathodique 
Portuguese to French
Spanish to French
micro credit over mobilemicro-crédit par téléphonie mobile 
English to French
Portuguese to French
mitigating controlsmesures de sauvegarde 
English to French
montar casasaménager, équiper des maisons 
Portuguese to French
mordaza interpolarinterpolar jaw 
English to Spanish
more than make up for in stylelargement compensé par leur style 
English to French
mosaico destonificadomosaïque délavée 
Spanish to French
moving partséléments disparates 
English to French
multi-ratermulti évaluation 
English to French
Multi-V Belts and Dual Durometer BeltsCourroies Multi-V et courroies doubles renforcées 
English to French
myocardium/a/al infarct (question)heart attack 
Spanish to English
na extensão considerada apropriadadans la mesure jugée adéquate 
Portuguese to French
National Indices of MarriagesRegistre national des mariages / Registre d'actes civils 
English to French
National Shoppingprocédures National Shopping (NS) 
English to French
natural convection coolerdispositif de refroidissement par convection naturelle 
English to French
Network lawyeravocat référencé 
English to French
French to English
never come into contactne peut jamais entrer en contact 
English to French
nichos/segregaçãocavités / ségrégation ou ressuage 
Portuguese to French
no uso de suas atribuiçõesdans l'exercice de ses fonctions 
Portuguese to French
no-risk offeroffre sans risque 
English to French
English to French
nuclear life extensionprolongation de la durée de vie des installations nucléaires 
English to French
o arguido é perguntadol'accusé / le prévenu est prié de décliner son identité... 
Portuguese to French
O/A CONTRAENTEle(a) contractant(e) [ou, selon le contexte le(a) marié(e)] 
Portuguese to French
office type reportrapport (de type) administratif 
English to French
Officer for meritorious servicedécoré pour service exemplaire 
English to French
offset outstanding debitscompensation de créances (dues) 
English to French
Portuguese to French
opening bankbanque émettrice 
English to French
operations system engineeringénieur système 
English to French
ordenada a citação edital do réucitation du défendeur par publication (JO / greffe / etc.) 
Portuguese to French
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