Translation glossary: eddy_Statistics

Showing entries 401-450 of 4,188
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임계조건, 기각조건critical condition 
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임계값, 기각값critical value 
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임계역, 기각역critical region 
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최고사후밀도구간highest posterior density interval 
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주관적 확률subjective probability 
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증가 스트레스increasing stress 
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Korean to English
증가지표increasing index 
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증가위험률increasing hazard rate 
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증가율rate of increment 
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증가함수increasing function 
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최강력검정[검증]most powerful test 
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주기, 기간period 
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주기함수periodic function 
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주기과정periodic process 
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주기교환 정기교환periodic replacement 
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주기분석period analysis 
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Korean to English
Korean to English
최근접이웃거리nearest neighbor distance 
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최근접이웃방법nearest neighbor method 
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임금율wage rate 
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임금조사wage survey 
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Korean to English
주구오차whole-plot error 
Korean to English
지그재그 표집, 갈짓자형 표집zig zag sampling 
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최대, 최대값maximum 
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최대하강법, 최대경사법steepest descent method 
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최대효율추정량most efficient estimator 
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최대가능도, 최대우도maximum likelihood 
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최대가능도추정량, 최대우도추정량maximum likelihood estimator 
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최대가능도방법, 최대우도법maximum likelihood method 
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주대각(선)leading diagonal 
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주대각(선)main diagonal 
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최대경사법method of streepest ascent [decent] 
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최대공약수greatest common divisor 
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최대불변(량)maximal invariant 
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최대상승법, 최대경사법steepest ascent method 
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최대선별신뢰구간most intervmost selective confidence interval 
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최단신뢰구간shortest confidence interval 
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최단예측구간shortest prediction interval 
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최량임계역, 최량기각역best critical region 
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최량적합best fit 
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최량점근정규best asymptotic normal [BAN] 
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최량검정[검증]best test 
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최량부분집합회귀best subset regression 
Korean to English
최량비편향임계[기각]역best unbiased critical region 
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최량불변결정함수best invariant decision function 
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