Translation glossary: Anis

Showing entries 2,201-2,216 of 2,216
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visitorder Visitator 
English to German
visitor's bookdas Gästebuch 
English to German
visitor's bookdas Gästebuch 
English to German
waggeryder Spaß 
English to German
wakedas Kielwasser (Marine) 
English to German
wakedie Totenwache 
English to German
we never had such funwir hatten noch nie so großen Spaß 
English to German
what style of?welche Art von? 
English to German
what style of?welche Art von? 
English to German
work certificatedas Arbeitszeugnis 
English to German
work of artdas Kulturdenkmal 
English to German
work of artdas Kunstwerk 
English to German
work of artdas Kulturdenkmal 
English to German
work of artdas Kunstwerk 
English to German
wound in the legdie Wunde am Bein 
English to German
wound in the legdie Wunde am Bein 
English to German
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