Translation glossary: Medical Glossary - W

Showing entries 1-36 of 36
von Willebrand's diseasedoença de von Willebrand-Jürgens 
English to Portuguese
Waaler-Rose testteste (ou reação) de Waaler-Rose 
English to Portuguese
Waldenstrom's Disease, Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia (WM)doença de Waldenström, macroglobulinemia primária 
English to Portuguese
Waldeyer's tonsillar ring, Waldeyer's ringanel linfático de Waldeyer 
English to Portuguese
Wallenberg’s syndromesíndrome de Wallenberg 
English to Portuguese
wash-outlavagem pielocalicial 
English to Portuguese
Wassermann test, Wassermann reaction (WR)teste (ou reação) de Wassermann 
English to Portuguese
Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome (WFS)síndrome de Waterhouse-Friederichsen 
English to Portuguese
watt (W)watt (W) 
English to Portuguese
Weber testprova de Weber 
English to Portuguese
Wegener's granulomatosis (WG), granulomatosis with polyangiitisgranulomatose com poliangiite, granulomatose de Wegener, doença de Wegener 
English to Portuguese
Weil–Felix testteste de Weil-Félix 
English to Portuguese
Weingarten's syndrome, Weingarten syndromesíndrome (ou doença) de Weingarten 
English to Portuguese
Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, spinal muscular atrophy type 1síndrome de Werdnig-Hoffmann, atrofia muscular espinhal tipo 1 
English to Portuguese
Werlhof's disease, immune thrombocytopenic purpuradoença de Werlhof, púrpura trombocitopênica idiopática (PTI) 
English to Portuguese
Werner’s syndromesíndrome de Werner 
English to Portuguese
Wernicke's areaárea de Wernicke 
English to Portuguese
Wernicke's disease, Wernicke's encephalopathydoença de Wernicke, encefalopatia de Wernicke 
English to Portuguese
West’s syndromesíndrome de West 
English to Portuguese
Westergren methodmétodo de Westergren 
English to Portuguese
Wharton duct, submandibular ductcanal de Wharton, duto submandibular 
English to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
Whipple’s disease, Whipple diseasedoença de Whipple 
English to Portuguese
Whitaker syndromesíndrome (ou doença) de Whitaker 
English to Portuguese
white of the eyebranco do olho 
English to Portuguese
white sugaraçúcar branco 
white sugaraçúcar branco 
Wiberg’s patellarótula de Wiberg 
English to Portuguese
Widal’s testreação ou serodiagnóstico de Widal 
English to Portuguese
Wilms tumor, nephroblastomatumor de Wilms, nefroblastoma 
English to Portuguese
Wilson's disease, congenital adrenal hyperplasiadoença de Wilson, hiperplasia adrenal congênita 
English to Portuguese
Wirsung duct, duct of Wirsung, pancreatic ductduto de Wirsung, duto pancreático 
English to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome (WAS)síndrome de Wiskott-Aldrich 
English to Portuguese
Wohlgemuth's unitunidade de Wohlgemuth 
English to Portuguese
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndromesíndrome de Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) 
English to Portuguese
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