Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

reclusión mayor ordinaria

English translation:

ordinary-length, high-scale custodial sentence (8-12 years)

Added to glossary by Adrian MM. (X)
Oct 17, 2014 00:31
10 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Spanish term

reclusiòn mayor ordinaria

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) criminal law - Ecuador
Hi, I am looking for the appropriate term for this phrase. There are some similar questions in the KudoZ glossaries, but the meaning seems to vary depending on the country. I am aware it is a type of prison sentence. This is from a decision by the Corte Nacional de Justicia in Ecuador. From my research, there are three types of reclusión mayor in Ecuador: ordinaria, extraordinaria and especial. Reclusión mayor ordinaria seems to be the usual punishment for the type of white collar crime which is the subject of the decision (peculado). I would appreciate any information on what the difference would be between these three types of prison sentence and the appropriate English translation for reclusión mayor ordinaria.


declarar la culpabilidad en calidad de AUTORES responsables del delito del peculado previsto y sancionado en el Art. 257 del Código Penal a: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, cuya edad y generales de ley obran del proceso, a quienes se condena la pena de OCHO AÑOS DE RECLUSION MAYOR ORDINARIA, sin atenuantes que considerar por la alarma social que ha causado el delito cometido por los encartados.

Mil gracias.
Change log

Oct 21, 2014 06:33: Adrian MM. (X) Created KOG entry


Sandro Tomasi Oct 23, 2014: condena la pena de OCHO AÑOS DE RECLUSION MAYOR ORDINARIA...
...who is sentenced to EIGHT YEARS IN PRISON...
Laura Messer (asker) Oct 17, 2014:
audience I apologize for neglecting to mention the target audience is a US law firm.
Meridy Lippoldt Oct 17, 2014:
response Oh yes--thank you for your insight...
Laura Messer (asker) Oct 17, 2014:
reclusión mayor vs menor vs prisión From my reading of the link, it looks like reclusión mayor is longer-term incarceration as opposed to the other options. It appears reclusión menor is not necessarily "privativa de libertad" and prisión is short-term and usually handled by local governments.

Proposed translations

6 hrs
Spanish term (edited): reclusión mayor ordinaria

(CanE/BrE) ordinary-length, high-scale custodial sentence

No indication of the target readership, whilst penitence and penitentiaries are a US idea predicated on English incarceration concepts of yesteryear.

Also showing the reclusion accent the wrong way doesn't help with searches.

Whilst custodial means remand, it may not necessarily be in prison, to wit at a detention centre or under house arrest.

La reclusión se divide en menor y mayor > low-end and high-end; la primera se divide en ordinaria y extraordinaria > ordinary and extraordinary; y la segunda en ordinaria, extraordinaria y especial > ordinary, extraordinary. The length can be optionally added.

NB gangs of under-age street robbers in Quito chasing tourists around the streets and back to the door of their lodgings are exempt from these punishments.

Note added at 6 hrs (2014-10-17 07:13:24 GMT)

a segunda en ordinaria, extraordinaria y especial > ordinary, extraordinary *and specially long*
Example sentence:

Los artículos 53, 54, 55 y 56 del Código Penal señalan las diferencias establecidas por el legislador entre la prisión correccional y la reclusión. Leer más:

Peer comment(s):

agree neilmac
40 mins
disagree TravellingTrans : reclusion specifically refers to a penetentiary, see: La reclusión mayor, que se cumplirá en las penitenciarías, se divide en ordinaria de cuatro a ocho y de ocho a doce años, y en extraordinaria,
8 hrs
Oh thank you, Sir or Madam, for teaching me how to spell penitentiary. You are extremely well-informed to graft this concept on to Canada.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This seemed like the safest bet here. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions."
4 hrs

Standard Penetentiary Sentence

reclusión mayor = the highest form of sentence in a penetentiary (reclusiòn ) as opposed to prison, "ordinaria" indicating that the sentence is generally from 8-12 years as opposed to "reclusiòn mayor extraordinaria" which is greater than 12 years, though it may differ from country to country
Example sentence:

La reclusión mayor ordinaria de ocho a doce años - Imposición de la pena de reclusión, la más grave y prolongada dentro del sistema penitenciario.

La reclusión mayor extraordinaria de doce a dieciséis años se sustituirá con reclusión mayor ordinaria de ocho a doce años

Peer comment(s):

disagree Adrian MM. (X) : You can't even spell penitentiary and have not referred to a sentencing tariff - which suggests a revision of your criminal procedure and litigation notes.
11 hrs
disagree Meridy Lippoldt : -- I'm taking the high road relating to a bona fide translation of "ordinaria" admittedly; Maria Moliner references Juez ordinario and juicio ordinario as pertaining to figures of speech denoting code law vice common l
1 day 13 hrs
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21 hrs

long-term incarceration as defined by law

I plumped for "law"/"statute" to describe "ordinaria" and long-term for "mayor". Since this is for a law firm, the more literal "major" incarceration could pass muster in my humble opinion.
Peer comment(s):

neutral TravellingTrans : This isn't actually something so up in the air, "ordinaria" is a specific sentence meaning between 8-12 years, is anyone reading my example sentences? I didn't make them up, they are definitions, its a sentence of 8-12 years in a penitentiary, just saying
2 hrs
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Reference comments

1 hr

mayor vs. menor

A bilingual legal dictionary draws a distinction between "reclusion mayor" and "menor," to wit long-term imprisonment vs. medium-term imprisonment. Sorry can't help out on the term "ordinario" without more research.

Note added at 1 hr (2014-10-17 02:24:35 GMT)

the law seems to draw a distinction between "reclusion" and "prision" according to my scanty research: "deprivation of freedom" might be one interpretation therefore for "reclusion" a seemingly softer form of outright incarceration.....

Note added at 2 hrs (2014-10-17 03:02:10 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- may shed some light on differences between "reclusion" and "prision"

Note added at 2 hrs (2014-10-17 03:10:28 GMT)

Art. 53.- La reclusión mayor, que se cumplirá en los Centros de
Rehabilitación Social del Estado, se divide en:
a) Ordinaria de cuatro a ocho años y, de ocho a doce años;
b) Extraordinaria de doce a dieciséis años; y
c) Especial de dieciséis a veinticinco años.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree AllegroTrans : useful
7 hrs
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