Nov 17, 2020 19:51
3 yrs ago
46 viewers *
Spanish term

? Como agua en mayo.

Spanish to English Other Government / Politics current affairs
This is again from an opinion piece in a Mexican publication, on the U.S. presidential election, etc.
The short paragraph in which it occurs is:
"Las otras son razones más locales, si quieren llamarlas así. ¿Necesitamos aquí un baño de democracia? ***Como agua en mayo***."
What I think I understand about this is that it is a saying that one runs across occasionally, which I think refers to rains that in certain places come in May, & then bring flowers later in the season. I haven't been able to come up with an idiomatic phrase in English that might be close to equivalent.
Any help greatly appreciated.


Chema Nieto Castañón Nov 22, 2020:
While I basically agree with everyone here, I just wanted to point out that "como agua en mayo" (rather than "como agua de mayo") is used here to convey "desesperadamente"; (we need it) badly";

Do we need a bath of democracy here?
Yes. Badly!

(Like rain after a drought)...

Sin duda, por supuesto, naturalmente, vaya si no... como agua en mayo.
Stuart and Aida Nelson Nov 17, 2020:
Agree with everyone I know the expression as 'como agua de mayo" (see Sofia). I would say something along these lines:

We need here a downpour (see Robert) of democracy as a refreshment for this political drought (see Juan)
Sofia Bengoa Nov 17, 2020:
(La necesitamos) Como agua de mayo En España yo lo he oído siempre "como agua de mayo" o "me vino como agua de mayo" y la empleamos para decir que algo inesperado (como la lluvia para el campo) vino en el momento más oportuno y cuando más se necesitaba.
Juan Jacob Nov 17, 2020:
with Robert... No conocía la expresión, pero concuerdo: las lluvias llegan por mayo después de largos meses de sequía (Solo hay dos estaciones por acá... secas y lluvias) = haría mucho bien, es muy necesario.
Robert Carter Nov 17, 2020:
Hi Tom. In Mexico (particularly central and southern Mexico) the rainy season usually begins in earnest in May, after a long dry spell with very little rain from around early November. I think it just means it will be a very welcome change or in the case of this metaphor "a downpour."

Proposed translations

42 mins

Like rain after a drought

One possibility
Example sentence:

When information finally comes, it is like rain after a drought.

It felt like rain after a drought, it felt like a rites of passage movie from the 80's.

Peer comment(s):

agree Stuart and Aida Nelson : I think this could work well with the rest of the sentence
17 mins
Thanks, Aida :-)
agree Michele Fauble
20 hrs
Thanks, Michele :-)
agree AllegroTrans
5 days
Thank you!
agree Chema Nieto Castañón
11 days
Muchas gracias, Chema :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, Marie, & all who participated in the discussion."
44 mins

April showers bring May flowers

April showers bring May flowers
As you mentioned flowers and this concept of relief, there is a song by Frank Sinatra called April Showers that has taken a couplet wrote by English poet Thomas Tusser. According to some magazines and some scientific evidence, in the US, April showers bring May flowers.

there's always a rainbow after the rain/a storm
There are many popular quotes in English people use all over the Internet, this is one of them and it may convey the message with less "intellectual effort".

a sigh of relief
A more general and less creative option may be "a sigh of relief". Taken from
Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : Poetic, but doesn't capture the essence of relief about the US election
5 days
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8 hrs

Like sunshine after the rain

As we're looking for something idiomatic, I would turn the whole thing round and use this expression as it conveys the meaning (and that's what it's all about) in the sense of something good after a bad spell.

lateral thinking involved here and might be hard to swallow I know....

Note added at 8 hrs (2020-11-18 04:01:55 GMT)

would sound ok to English ears

Note added at 8 hrs (2020-11-18 04:24:46 GMT)

more literal would be "after a long drought"

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it being understtod that the Trump presidency is seen by many as a political drought

Note added at 8 hrs (2020-11-18 04:28:19 GMT)

so: "As a welcome drop of rain after a long drought"

Note added at 8 hrs (2020-11-18 04:29:50 GMT)

depends how free you can be with this...
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11 hrs

Like a breath of fresh air

Well, it's another possibility, and widely used.
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11 hrs

Like the deserts need the rain

Stolen (and slightly adapted) from the British group Everything But The Girl's classic song 'Missing':

"And I miss you, like the deserts miss the rain..."

Note added at 11 hrs (2020-11-18 07:47:16 GMT)
Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans : Doesn't capture the essence of relief about the US election
5 days
Something went wrong...
12 hrs

long awaited

Since I can't think of a set phrase other than the ones already posted, I'm suggesting this, because that's what it means (rainfall long-awaited after a dry spell). "Sorely needed" could be another similar option. I don't really see the point of trying to preserve the original metaphor.
Example sentence:

PM Erdoğan announces the long awaited 'Democracy Package'.

Hong Kong unveils long-awaited democracy blueprint...

Peer comment(s):

neutral ormiston : Sounds nice but I think it emphasises a wish rather than a need
55 mins
neutral AllegroTrans : doesn't quite capture the essence of profound relief
5 days
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

1 hr

Como agua de mayo

Como agua de mayo
Al igual que sucedía en otras frases, la expresión española de hoy proviene del mundo del campo. Abril y mayo son meses en los que la lluvia es fundamental para que las plantaciones de gramíneas (básicamente, cereales) y los árboles frutales florezcan con su mayor esplendor. Si hay suficiente lluvia en esos meses, normalmente se asegura una buena cosecha que nos dará alimento hasta el próximo año.

Utilizamos esta frase para expresar que algo llega o se produce en un momento muy deseado. Se usa la expresión “Como agua de mayo” para decir que una circunstancia o algo surge en el momento ideal, perfecto, y por eso es recibido con mucha alegría.
– Llevo 3 meses sin trabajo y ahora empiezo a tener problemas económicos… ¡por eso esta oportunidad en la compañía más fuerte de España llega como agua de mayo!
– Tiene algunos problemas económicos… por eso este premio de la lotería llega como agua de mayo para él.
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