Oct 5, 2012 22:38
12 yrs ago
Spanish term

October 12 - PRE 1994

Non-PRO Spanish to English Social Sciences Government / Politics Ocosingo/Chiapas
In a book I'm translating, on December 31, 1994 a speaker makes the following statement regarding rumors of an uprising by "indios" in Chiapas: "Va a ser igual que el doce de octubre; no va a pasar nada."

I googled this date once before, and though I'd found something but can't find it again.

Can anybody help out?



Taña Dalglish Oct 6, 2012:
See also Page 38: http://biblio.juridicas.unam.mx/libros/4/1926/7.pdf
.... Fue el 12 de octubre de 1994 en San Cristóbal de Las Casas cuando formalmente se dio a conocer la Declaración de la Autonomía de los Pueblos Indios de Chiapas". (near the end of the page mentioned).
Taña Dalglish Oct 6, 2012:
@ Offset Precisely why I asked as I found some that mentioned 1992:
Oct 12, 1992: Ten thousand Mayan Indians marched in San Cristobal to protest the Mexican government's treatment of indigenous peoples on the official anniversary of Columbus's voyage to Latin America.

Jan 1, 1994 Zapatista rebel group (composed largely of Mayan Indians - appr. 2,000) took over the mayor's office in San Cristobal de las Casas in the state of Chiapas. Fifty-seven people were killed and 30 people were wounded in gunfire exchange with the guerilla groups. The group demanded land, financing of agricultural programs, education, and the release of "political prisoners". This date is the same day that the North American Free Trade Agreement between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada took effect.

while the first two links I included in my reference mentioned "1994". So it would be useful knowing which event exactly.
I guess it would be best to consult your client for clarification.
offset (asker) Oct 6, 2012:
1994 The google hit I found referred to October 12 «1994».
Taña Dalglish Oct 6, 2012:
@ Offset You mentioned you Googled this date, but what date did you find then (...you found something ..)? It does mention "Pre-1994", so it would stand to reason that you have an idea what that means?

Reference comments

2 hrs

What year are you speaking of? 1992?

La religión divide a Chiapas | Edición impresa | EL PAÍS
elpais.com/diario/1994/.../781916408_850215.ht... - Translate this page
miércoles, 12 de octubre de 1994 ... de defensa de los derechos humanos exigen al Gobierno del Estado mexicano de Chiapas que detenga las expulsiones, ...
biblio.juridicas.unam.mx/libros/4/1926/7.pdf - Translate this page
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La experiencia de los indios de Chiapas, Ciesas/mi, México,. 1995, p. 192. ... (la mitad del total del estado)“ Fue el 12 de octubre de 1994 en San Cristóbal de ...

| A Time of Reconquest: History, the Maya Revival, and the Zapatista ...
www.historycooperative.org/journals/ahr/105.2/ah000417.html... T BENJAMIN - Cited by 22 - Related articles
On the afternoon of October 12, 1992, a large protest march of indigenous peoples in ... 11 The Indians of Chiapas in the 1960s were undoubtedly a people without ... Cristóbal, an indigenous uprising in Chiapas startled Mexico and the world.

UNHCR | Refworld | Chronology for Mayans in Mexico
www.unhcr.org/refworld/type,CHRON,,MEX,469f38bc13,0.htmlOct 12, 1992, Ten thousand Mayan Indians marched in San Cristobal to ... Ruiz Garcia was appointed mediator for the Chiapas rebellion by the Zapatistas.

A little more context would have been helpful.
Note from asker:
Thanks, Taña. This is very helpful. I'll run it by the author to confirm.
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