Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

predominio de mercado

English translation:

market jurisdiction

Added to glossary by Jorge Soares
Dec 5, 2010 21:32
13 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Spanish term

predominio de mercado

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Finance (general) State protectionist regimes
"El Estado interviene en áreas que podrían ser de predominio del mercado a para población que no se encuentra necesariamnete en situación de probreza."

Although I understand "predominio del mercado" to mean "market predominance" in this context it seems to refer to "areas of the market domain/sphere/etc" - but perhaps I am misreading it.

I originally had:
The State intervenes in areas that may be of market predominance...
(does not make sense to me)
Perhaps better to say "The state intervenes in areas related to market dominance...." -or change altogether. Any suggestions??
Change log

Dec 16, 2010 09:54: Jorge Soares Created KOG entry


Juan Ripoll Dec 6, 2010:
Si consideramos la primera parte de la frase el concepto parece ser claro:
"El Estado interviene en áreas que podrían ser de predominio del mercado..."
Usando la sugerencia de Charles: The state intervenes/acts in areas that could be dominated by the market...
Lo que no está para nada claro es la segunda parte, empezando por las preposiciones juntas "a para", a las cuales no les hallo sentido.
Esperemos más opiniones y algo más de contexto, en otro caso no se me ocurre solución.
Richard Boulter Dec 6, 2010:
'A para poblacion' looks like This looks like a typo; like Phil, I don't get any meaning out of it. Meanwhile, 'market dominance' sounds translated; 'dominant position/positioning' sounds better to me, but we really need to make the 'a para poblacion' part make some sense before we decide on wording for the 'market dominance/control' idea.
philgoddard Dec 6, 2010:
Yes, we need to know what comes before this. And I'm not sure what "a para población" means.
Maybe they mean "market dominance" Some more context would help :)

Proposed translations

36 mins

market jurisdiction

It involves the idea of those specific areas are domain or "territory". When the idea of "territory" is involved, "jurisdiction" is a very accurate translation."

Just a suggestion

Note added at 37 mins (2010-12-05 22:10:34 GMT)

..."are MARKET'S domain or "territory"."
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks everyone!"
34 mins

market jurisdiction

Because the flags those areas as market "territory" not of the State. When the sentence involves the idea of "territory"/domain of something or certain area, jurisdictioin is a very accurat translation.
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4 hrs

where market would be predominant

entiendo que se refiere a que el estado actúa en áreas (no entendido como territorio sino como campo de acción) en las cuales el mercado sería predominante de otra manera, o sea, si el estado no interviniera.
Peer comment(s):

agree SteveW
18 hrs
thanks, Steve
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1 hr

dominant market position

This seems to me a fairly standard translation for "predominio del mercado", though I must admit I'm not sure I quite understand the sentence you have quoted. Maybe you could put something like "areas that might involve a dominant market position"? Anyway, good luck!

Note added at 11 hrs (2010-12-06 08:47:26 GMT)

I think Juan's reading could be right (though this may change when we have more context), and I would suggest "areas that could be dominated by the market" as a more natural way of putting it in English. Just a thought. But I don't think my previous suggestion can be right here.
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11 hrs

paramount market position

Esto es lo que entiendo... Saludos

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