Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
Helado de Recuit
English translation:
Ricotta ice cream
Added to glossary by
Lisa McCarthy
Sep 23, 2010 13:51
14 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term
Helado de Recuit
Spanish to English
Cooking / Culinary
I've tried to find 'recuit' and came up with 'annealed' which I can't find any references for so obviously not a commonly used term.
Pastel Daucus Carota con Helado de Recuit
Wild carrot cake with ......
I've tried to find 'recuit' and came up with 'annealed' which I can't find any references for so obviously not a commonly used term.
Pastel Daucus Carota con Helado de Recuit
Wild carrot cake with ......
Proposed translations
4 +2 | Requesón/Ricotta ice cream | Isamar |
3 +2 | Cottage cheese ice cream | Josh Goldsmith |
Gelat de recuit | Rick Larg |
Proposed translations
42 mins
Requesón/Ricotta ice cream
Ricotta is better known I think than requesón by English speakers. The equivalent is cottage cheese as Joshua says, but the texture is different.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
efs710920mex (X)
16 mins
agree |
Josh Goldsmith
: This is another good option!
24 mins
Thanks Joshua!
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks, Isamar!"
30 mins
Cottage cheese ice cream
ca recuit amb mel
es requesón con miel
fr fromage blanc au miel
it cagliata al miele
en cottage cheese with honey
de Quark mit Honig
Additional examples can be found on the terminology site.
Numerous (20,000+) hits on google, including:
"Cottage cheese ice cream swirled with raspberry preserves"
" Eggless Mango-Cottage Cheese Ice Cream. You must be aware thanks to my complaints and trumpets, that the mercury here is rising fast this .."
"Cottage cheese Ice cream and air of lime."
Note added at 38 mins (2010-09-23 14:29:59 GMT)
I should point out: I'm not sure if "recuit" is "cuajada" or "requesón" in Spanish. I'm also not sure what the difference is between them. :-) I considered other options for similar foods in English (e.g. custard, and apparently there's also something called "junket"), but decided cottage cheese was perhaps the closest.
Note that the link on this Catalan webpage for "recuit" links to "cuajada," not "requesón," although the information I sent you above from translated "recuit" as "requesón."
Note added at 41 mins (2010-09-23 14:33:03 GMT)
The site apparently doesn't differentiate much between "recuit" and "mató" or "requesón" and "cuajada"...
When I searched for mató, I found:
ca mató, m
ca brossat, m sin. compl.
ca brull, m sin. compl.
ca recuit, m sin. compl.
es cuajada
es requesón
fr caillé
fr fromage blanc
en cottage cheese
en curd
en milk curd
de Quark
ca: Massa blanca i mantegosa que resulta de la coagulació de la part caseosa de la llet.
Note added at 51 mins (2010-09-23 14:42:42 GMT)
I found a bit more information about the differences between the above in the book "El gust d'un poble: els plats més famosos de la cuina catalana" on google books, page 261. Apparently recuit is also made from curdled milk but is smoother and creamier than mató, and eaten with a spoon, often from a small clay serving pot. Recuit is common in Girona and Osona.
ca recuit amb mel
es requesón con miel
fr fromage blanc au miel
it cagliata al miele
en cottage cheese with honey
de Quark mit Honig
Additional examples can be found on the terminology site.
Numerous (20,000+) hits on google, including:
"Cottage cheese ice cream swirled with raspberry preserves"
" Eggless Mango-Cottage Cheese Ice Cream. You must be aware thanks to my complaints and trumpets, that the mercury here is rising fast this .."
"Cottage cheese Ice cream and air of lime."
Note added at 38 mins (2010-09-23 14:29:59 GMT)
I should point out: I'm not sure if "recuit" is "cuajada" or "requesón" in Spanish. I'm also not sure what the difference is between them. :-) I considered other options for similar foods in English (e.g. custard, and apparently there's also something called "junket"), but decided cottage cheese was perhaps the closest.
Note that the link on this Catalan webpage for "recuit" links to "cuajada," not "requesón," although the information I sent you above from translated "recuit" as "requesón."
Note added at 41 mins (2010-09-23 14:33:03 GMT)
The site apparently doesn't differentiate much between "recuit" and "mató" or "requesón" and "cuajada"...
When I searched for mató, I found:
ca mató, m
ca brossat, m sin. compl.
ca brull, m sin. compl.
ca recuit, m sin. compl.
es cuajada
es requesón
fr caillé
fr fromage blanc
en cottage cheese
en curd
en milk curd
de Quark
ca: Massa blanca i mantegosa que resulta de la coagulació de la part caseosa de la llet.
Note added at 51 mins (2010-09-23 14:42:42 GMT)
I found a bit more information about the differences between the above in the book "El gust d'un poble: els plats més famosos de la cuina catalana" on google books, page 261. Apparently recuit is also made from curdled milk but is smoother and creamier than mató, and eaten with a spoon, often from a small clay serving pot. Recuit is common in Girona and Osona.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
James A. Walsh
12 mins
Thanks, James!
agree |
: It's true, it's the same process but the texture somehow is lumpier wouldn't you say?
41 mins
Exactly. I've never liked cottage cheese because of the lumps...:-) ...but I imagine these disappear when you turn it into ice cream! Maybe I'd like it in that form!
Reference comments
22 mins
Gelat de recuit
Gelat de recuit
dissabte, gener 3rd, 2009
- 25 gr. de panses
- el suc de mitja llimona
- ½ copa de rom
- 75 gr. de sucre
- 1 ou
- 1 cullerada d’aigua calenta
- ½ sobre de vainilla
- 200 gr. de crema de llet
- 100 gr. de recuit desnatat
Posarem en un recipient les panses picades, el suc de llimona i el rom i ho deixem reposar.
Hi afegim l’ou, l’aigua, el sucre i la vainilla i ho batem tot amb una batedora fins que formi una escuma espessa.
Muntem la crema de llet.
Barregem les panses amb el líquid, la massa escumosa , el recuit i la crema de llet muntada i tot plegat ho posem en un recipient de plàstic per anar al congelador durant 6-7 hores a -18º i ho removem cada 2 hores
dissabte, gener 3rd, 2009
- 25 gr. de panses
- el suc de mitja llimona
- ½ copa de rom
- 75 gr. de sucre
- 1 ou
- 1 cullerada d’aigua calenta
- ½ sobre de vainilla
- 200 gr. de crema de llet
- 100 gr. de recuit desnatat
Posarem en un recipient les panses picades, el suc de llimona i el rom i ho deixem reposar.
Hi afegim l’ou, l’aigua, el sucre i la vainilla i ho batem tot amb una batedora fins que formi una escuma espessa.
Muntem la crema de llet.
Barregem les panses amb el líquid, la massa escumosa , el recuit i la crema de llet muntada i tot plegat ho posem en un recipient de plàstic per anar al congelador durant 6-7 hores a -18º i ho removem cada 2 hores
Example sentence:
Recuit is catalan for requesón. The rest is up to you... Good luck with the deadline!
Peer comments on this reference comment:
agree |
Carol Gullidge
: yummy, great recipe, although I struggled for a while with the "panses"!
3 hrs
Ricotta is usually made from whey, and is the by-product of the manufacture of other cheeses such as provolone.
Different versions of ricotta are made all over Europe. There is Ziger from the Alps, French Recuit, and Corsican
Broccio. The Corsican variety is made from goat’s or ewe’s milk whey boiled with whole milk. Broccio has the
flavor of the wild herbs and heathers that the animals graze on.