Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:

инженерно-психологическая экспертиза

English translation:

engineering psychology

Added to glossary by olganet
Nov 12, 2003 15:12
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Russian term

инженерно-психологическая экспертиза

Russian to English Other
Context - Psychology (education). I would really appreciate some input from people who have actually studied psychology and could explain what this means, then perhaps we could find a good US English equivalent.

Discussion Nov 13, 2003:
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Margarita Nov 13, 2003:
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Proposed translations

21 hrs

engineering psychology

Темы раздела "Магистерские программы"
521006) Психология труда и инженерная психология

Судебно-психологическая экспертиза может быть назначена при наличии необязательных поводов для неё:

Для установления авторства письменного документа по определенным психологическим особенностям (выбор слов, правильность и организованность текста и т.п.).
Для установления непатологического психического состояния лица, расположенного к суициду, происходящего в результате длительной депрессии или длительном накоплении отрицательных эмоций.
При расследовании происшествий, связанных с использованием техники, т.к. при расследовании аварий следователь при помощи эксперта должен отличить ошибки от халатности, преступной самонадеянности или небрежности.
При некоторых дорожно-транспортных происшествиях может быть назначена инженерно-психологическая экспертиза, с помощью которой следователь может анализировать поведение водителя во время ДТП.

For twenty years NMSU has had one of the most respected programs in Engineering Psychology. The program is accredited by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Traditionally, our program has emphasized the importance of being able to:

design, analyze, and interpret empirical research
incorporate research findings into principles of human performance
apply these principles to the design, use, and maintenance of human-machine-environment systems

These skills enable our graduates to succeed in any applied setting. Our program emphasizes interrelationships with cognitive psychology, including human-computer interaction and knowledge engineering.
Peer comment(s):

agree Margarita : если, как Юрий написал, нужно название дисциплины и курса, то это именно оно.
1 day 10 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks everyone."
16 mins

expertise in engineering psychology

*"An engineering psychologist is an applied scientist who develops knowledge concerning the abilities and limitations of humans to sense, store, and process information, and to act. This knowledge is applied to the design, use, and maintenance of human/machine systems. Depending on its goals, the system is then optimized with respect to human performance. The environmental factors affecting system performance are recognized as important and are considered systematically. When relevant data are not available, the engineering psychologist must uncover it through research efforts. This requires considerable skill in experimental design and quantitative methodology.

The engineering psychologist is primarily an applied experimental psychologist. For this reason, the foundation areas of study are the various content areas of general-experimental psychology. Specialized work in engineering psychology is represented by four areas of application: methods in human factors research, including human-computer interaction; effects of environmental factors and stressors; perceptual/motor aspects of systems design; and human performance and skill. Engineering psychology research involves such topics as display-control relationships, environmental design, information coding and processing, psychomotor performance, and human-computer interaction. The environmental factors area is concerned with the effects on human performance of such variables as noise, lighting, motion, and hazardous environmental ambients. The human performance area is concerned with the evaluation of human performance and its information-processing components. Interdisciplinary research projects concerned with these and various other topics are also conducted in conjuction with the Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center (GVU)."

Note added at 2003-11-12 15:34:58 (GMT)

(simplified version):

\"Engineering psychologist -

A psychologist who specializes in the relationship between people and machines, seeking, for example, to design machines that minimize human error.\"

Peer comment(s):

agree Dimman : обычно "экспертиза" переводится как examination - у слова expertise все же другой смысл
4 mins
Yes, Dimman, you are right. However assumed that the term "expertise" has more to do with education...
neutral Dorene Cornwell : from this description, I might say Human Factors engineering
1 hr
agree Oxana Shahtarina
17 hrs
agree Sergei Tumanov : изучал такой предмет инженерная психология
19 hrs
Something went wrong...
29 mins

Evaluative psycological expertise

Инженерный в данным контексте (я так понимаю что основная трудность в этом слове) означает примерно следующее:
Прсихологическая оценка (личности) не как нечто стабильного но с учетом прошлого. Поэтому применяется термин как показывающий что требуется восстановить, воссоздать,построить прошлое таким какое оно имело значение для личности такой какой она представляет собой сейчас-на данный момент. Регрессный момент связан с творчеством Зигмунда Фрейда

Note added at 2003-11-12 16:15:03 (GMT)

Психологические, психофизиологические и антропометрические ха-рактеристики человека. Инженерно-психологические требования к технике и рабочей среде.
Эргономика и инженерная психология. Рациональная организация ра-бочего места, техническая эстетика, требования к производственным поме-щениям. Режим труда и отдыха, основные пути снижения утомления и моно-тонности труда.

Это в наказание дабы не вводить людей в заблуждение

Note added at 2003-11-12 16:19:21 (GMT)

Expertise of equipment and mashinery for its psycological compatibility with working personell
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1 hr
Russian term (edited): ���������-������������ ����������

engineering psychology expert examination (analysis)

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11 hrs
Russian term (edited): ���������-������������ ����������

engineering psychology evaluation / study

engineering psychology - a branch of industrial/organizational psychology that focuses on the interface between the person and the machine. That is, the study of the behaviour of individuals using tools, working with machines, etc. It also includes the design of machines so that they match the behaviorial and cognitive capabilities of human operators.
From the Penguin Dictionary of Psychology by Arthur S. Reber
Peer comment(s):

agree Marina Gorlach
15 hrs
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