Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Portuguese term or phrase:
Tipificação do Crime
English translation:
classification of the/a crime
Portuguese term
Tipificação do Crime
Item de uma lista. Sem mais contexto.
Tipificação seria "classification"?
Feb 19, 2013 17:16: David Hollywood changed "Language pair" from "English to Portuguese" to "Portuguese to English"
Feb 20, 2013 21:21: Marlene Curtis Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
classification of the/a crime
Classification of crimes
There are a variety of crimes that can be committed by individuals. Some crimes, such as murder or kidnapping, are considered serious crimes by society. Other crimes, such as speeding or trespassing, are not considered serious. Although all crimes mean a violation of the law, there's a wide range of punishments that can be imposed on a criminal.
The classification of a crime is based on the extent of punishment that can be given for committing it. The punishment is usually based on the seriousness of the crime. States may differ as to the classification of any particular crime. A crime committed in one state may be classified differently than if it was committed in another state
type of crime
agree |
Douglas Bissell
: type or kind or sort. All nice short four-letter words
40 mins
cheers Douglas
crime characterization
definition of the crime
O regulamento não contém qualquer definição de terrorismo, terrorista ou organização terrorista. Em vez de formular, como é normal num Estado de direito, uma tipificação genérica do crime, deixando ao aparelho judiciário a missão de investigar, deter, acusar e julgar os que cometerem os crimes juridicamente tipificados, o legislador, ou seja, a Comissão, como autora da proposta, o Conselho, como decisor, e o Parlamento Europeu, como instância de consulta, antecipou a aplicação e torneou a necessidade da tipificação do crime, apontando directamente 27 organizações e pessoas “culpadas”.
The regulation contains no definition of terrorism, terrorists or terror organisations whatsoever. Instead of the legislating body operating in the normal legal way by formulating a general definition of the crime and leaving it to the judicial system to trace, arrest, prosecute and judge those whose actions correspond to the definition of the crime confirmed by law, the legislating body, i.e. the Commission as proposer, the Council as decision-maker and the European Parliament as the body considering the proposal, has pre-empted the application of the law and circumvented the need for a definition of the crime by instead directly announcing 27 ‘guilty’ organisations and people.
agree |
Donna Sandin
: the idea is that if the crime is not one that is defined in the law, someone cannot be accused of committing it, so it has to be defined OR classified as such
3 hrs
Thanks, Donna!
agree |
Beatriz Souza
: “Lei nº 9.613 de ... art. 1º, tipifica o crime de lavagem como aquele em que se oculta ou dissimula a natureza, origem, localização, disposição,....” beatriz_souza
6 hrs
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