Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

marcha (re blast furnace)

English translation:


Added to glossary by Andrew Hunt
Aug 23, 2014 19:12
10 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Portuguese term

marcha (re blast furnace)

Portuguese to English Tech/Engineering Energy / Power Generation BLAST FURNACE OPERATIONS
I am translating an article on blast furnace operations, where they keep referring to the `marcha` of the furnace, i think it may be something to do with the furnace operating under restricted load conditions, but imagine there must be a technical term for this, (I dont think it is `idling` as the furnace is not totally w/o load here - they say reduced load), see context below.

A redução da vazão de sopro visou reduzir a produção, para estabilização da marcha do forno, que sofreu distúrbios devido aos arriamentos.


Joao Marcelo Trovao Aug 23, 2014:
Uma explicação No alto forno você alterna camadas de minério de ferro (que geralmente vem na forma de sinter e outras coisinhas mais) e coque. A camada de coque é mais permeável para os gases que a de minério. Então você alterna a maneira de que dispõe as camadas, deixando um "túnel" de coque no centro (marcha central) ou junto às paredes (marcha periférica).

Proposed translations

9 mins


Cara, para sua sorte fiz um curso semana passada sobre isso, lá na Arcelormittal Tubarão

Marcha centrada = center working
Marcha periférica = wall working ou peripheral working

A marcha varia de acordo com a maneira que você distribui as camadas de coque e ferro dentro do forno.

Note added at 10 mins (2014-08-23 19:22:16 GMT)

ABSTRACT Burden distribution is one of the key operating parameters influencing blast furnace performance, particularly the productivity and the coke rate. The proper distribution of burden materials improves bed permeability, wind acceptance, and efficiency of gas utilisation. In furnaces operating with high coal injection rates, the distribution resulting in predominant central ****working**** (steep cohesive zone profile) was found to be beneficial. Since a high coal injection rate increases the ****peripheral working**** (wall heat flux), an attempt should be made to minimise the wall heat flux by striking a proper balance between peripheral and central working. In a typical Indian blast furnace equipped with a bell-less (Paul Wurth) distribution system, the decrease in coke rate that is due exclusively to burden distribution was found to be 10–12 kg/thm.

Note added at 1 hr (2014-08-23 20:56:33 GMT)

Furnace 1? É o de Tubarão? Ele bateu record de operação, conseguiu operar 29 anos seguidos (o normal é de 10 a 13 anos). é o maior dos 3 fornos da CST.

Note added at 3 hrs (2014-08-23 22:26:20 GMT)

Ventaneira = apenas tuyere
Note from asker:
Valeu Joao! É isso mesmo! Im doing a massive insurance loos adjustment report on the Furnace 1 at AM which had a 'Arriamento da Carga = Load Slip' yes? Thank you Joao, its great to get it from the 'horses mouth' as we say in english!!
Yup after reforms and at the start of the new 'campaign' she suffered load slip! big damages and claims. Joao what is the best translation of Ventaneira - Tuyere nozzle?????
Peer comment(s):

agree Mario Freitas : Não seria working rate (regime)?
2 hrs
Não, lembro claramente (e tenho aqui na minha máquina) do slide com wall working e center working. Não é um rate, é uma espécie de layout das camadas.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Obrigado Joao!"
8 mins

running, operation

My suggestions:

However, they are inferior, particularly with respect to softening-melting and they affect the smooth running of the blast furnace and increase the coke consumption.

To ensure the good operation of the blast furnace we keep the temperature of the hot metal constant.
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18 mins

burden distribution
...A atuação na relação minério/coque ao longo do diâmetro do forno
constitui importante parâmetro operacional do alto-forno, denominado de distribuição da carga ou marcha do forno...
Example sentence:

The burden distribution in the blast furnace is of great influence on its operation and performance

A model of the distribution of burden layers in blast furnaces with bell-type charging equipment was developed on the basis of a radar measurement

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