Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

Postulati d\'ordine

English translation:

Axioms/postulates of order

Added to glossary by Giovanni Natoli
Mar 4, 2022 15:28
2 yrs ago
13 viewers *
Italian term

Postulati d'ordine

Italian to English Science Mathematics & Statistics Geometry
Contesto: programma di matematica delle superiori.

Geometria nel piano euclideo
Concetti primitivi, postulati di appartenenza, postulati d'ordine.

I postulati di appartenenza, se non ho capito male (data la mia ignoranza in geometria) dovrebbero corrispondere ai postulati di Euclide (pertanto il tentativo di traduzione è "Euclid's postulates). Tuttavia, non trovo un'idea di traduzione per i "postulati d'ordine". Qualcuno ha un suggerimento?

Grazie in anticipo
Proposed translations (English)
5 +1 Axioms/postulates of order
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Mar 4, 2022 18:45: Ivana UK changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

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PRO (3): texjax DDS PhD, philgoddard, Ivana UK

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Giovanni Natoli (asker) Mar 4, 2022:
Thank you. I tried to create a new post, even though one of the links of the answer below mentions "Euclid's postulates". But, of course, I am not sure of anything about this subject.
philgoddard Mar 4, 2022:
I don't believe that "postulati di appartenenza" are "Euclid's postulates", and I suggest posting a separate question for that. These are pro terms.

Proposed translations

58 mins

Axioms/postulates of order

Both terms are correct. However, the former is more frequently used.

Postulati dell'ordine

Danno il concetto di ordine sulla retta e nel piano:
Data una retta e su di essa due punti distinti si puo' scegliere sulla retta un verso per cui il primo punto preceda il secondo ed il secondo segua il primo

Data una retta e su di essa due punti distinti esiste sempre un terzo punto che si trovi compreso fra il primo ed il secondo (in pratica significa che i punti su qualunque segmento di retta sono infiniti)

Axioms of Order
When B is between A and C then, A, B and C are distinct points lying on a line and B is between C and A.
Given a pair of points A and B there is a point C so that B is between A and C.
If B lies between A and C then A does not lie between B and C.

This assumption is based on geometrical intuition, and indeed, it cannot
be deduced from Euclid's postulates; to make it strictly demonstrable and independent of any reference to intuition, a special group of postulates has been
added to those of Euclids, they are the postulates of order. One of these-to give
an example asserts that if A, B, C are points on a straight line 1, and if B lies
between A and C, then B also lies between C and A
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard
31 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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