Glossary entry

Hungarian term or phrase:

védett munkahely

English translation:

sheltered workshop/employment

Added to glossary by Katalin Horváth McClure
Sep 8, 2009 10:32
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Hungarian term

védett munkahely

Hungarian to English Social Sciences Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. rehabilitation
an isolated place of work for disabled people
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 sheltered workshop/employment
Change log

Sep 8, 2009 14:47: hollowman (X) changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

Sep 22, 2009 13:21: Katalin Horváth McClure Created KOG entry

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (3): Katalin Szilárd, Katalin Horváth McClure, hollowman (X)

When entering new questions, KudoZ askers are given an opportunity* to classify the difficulty of their questions as 'easy' or 'pro'. If you feel a question marked 'easy' should actually be marked 'pro', and if you have earned more than 20 KudoZ points, you can click the "Vote PRO" button to recommend that change.

How to tell the difference between "easy" and "pro" questions:

An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

A pro question is anything else... in other words, any question that requires knowledge or skills that are specialized (even slightly).

Another way to think of the difficulty levels is this: an easy question is one that deals with everyday conversation. A pro question is anything else.

When deciding between easy and pro, err on the side of pro. Most questions will be pro.

* Note: non-member askers are not given the option of entering 'pro' questions; the only way for their questions to be classified as 'pro' is for a member or members to re-classify it.

Proposed translations

3 hrs

sheltered workshop/employment

Az EU szövegeiben így fordul elő, lásd (remélem a linkek működni fognak, kicsit hosszúak):

12. Ahogyan az számos közösségi jogszabálynál megszokott, a rendelet meghatározza a „támogatás”, a „kis- és középvállalkozások”, a „bruttó” és a „nettó támogatási intenzitás”, az „alkalmazottak száma”, a „hátrányos helyzetű” és a „fogyatékossággal élő munkavállaló”, a „védett munkahely”, a „bérköltség”, a „beruházási projekt végrehajtásához való kapcsolódás”, valamint a „tárgyi eszközökbe” és az „immateriális javakba történő beruházás” fogalmát.

12. As is the case in many Community acts, definitions are given of the terms used, such as ‘aid’, ‘small and medium-sized enterprises’, ‘gross’ and ‘net’ aid intensity, ‘number of employees’, ‘disadvantaged’ and ‘disabled’ worker, ‘sheltered employment’, ‘wage cost’, links to the ‘carrying out of a project of investment’ and investment in ‘tangible’ or ‘intangible’ assets.

(28) A foglalkoztatás és a munkavégzés az egyenlő esélyek biztosításának kulcsfontosságú eleme és hozzájárul a társadalomba történő beilleszkedéshez. Ebben az összefüggésben a <B>védett műhelyek és a védett munkahely-teremtési programok</B> hatékonyan járulnak hozzá a fogyatékossággal élők munkaerőpiacra történő beilleszkedéséhez vagy újrabeilleszkedéséhez.

(28) Employment and occupation are key elements in guaranteeing equal opportunities for all and contribute to integration in society. In this context, <B>sheltered workshops and sheltered employment programmes</B> contribute efficiently towards the integration or reintegration of people with disabilities in the labour market.
Peer comment(s):

agree kyanzes :
1 day 4 hrs
agree Katalin Szilárd
2 days 23 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."

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3 hrs

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