Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

10,000 (here)

Added to glossary by Colette Kinsella
Jul 11, 2006 06:07
18 yrs ago
6 viewers *
German term


German to English Law/Patents Law (general) Property shares
Brieflose Gesamtgrundschuld in Hohe von MM.000,00 EUR zugunsten und Bedingungen der BAnk zu bestellen und einzutragen gemäß beigefugtem Formblatt im Wohnungsgrundbuch von XXX des Amstgerichts
XXX, Blatt XXXXX und XXXXX und zwar auf 63,10/10.000stel und 64,75 /10.000stel Miteigentumsanteilen verbuden mit dem Sondereigentum Nr.QQ und Nr. WW jeweils Wohnung nebst Kellerraum

Thanks again
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Roddy Stegemann Jul 16, 2006:
Thus, unless you know something about the German real estate industry that I do not, your comment with regard to "availability" is inappropriate. If I am wrong, then please provide a reference link, and let us all learn from it.
Roddy Stegemann Jul 16, 2006:
Whether it is partial ownership of a company or a building makes no difference. If the ownership is certified and issued, and there is nothing to bar its trading, then that certificate is tradable and serves as a financial instrument.
Roddy Stegemann Jul 16, 2006:
After a second reading I agree with your point about the inappropriateness of the wording "of a share", but your exaggeration with regard to my being "dead wrong" I also find inappropriate.
HarryHedgehog Jul 11, 2006:
Sorry Hamo, but you're dead wrong here. Nothing is "available" and isn't "ten thousandths of a share", as the shares themselves are the ten thousandths. We're talking about holdings in an actual building here, not a financial instrument.
Roddy Stegemann Jul 11, 2006:
There are many ways that you could express the implied meaning. My preference would be "available in 63.10 and 64.75 ten thousandths of a share", as the division is somewhat peculiar and the additional wording insures both clarity and fluidity.
HarryHedgehog Jul 11, 2006:
Almost: "individual ownership shares of 63.10/10,000 and 64.75/10,000"
Colette Kinsella (asker) Jul 11, 2006:
so would it be okay to construct the sentence as: individual ownership shares at a proportion of 63.10/10.000???

Proposed translations

9 mins

10,000 (here)

A quirk of German property law is that multi-unit housing is divided into 10,000ths to declare ownership. You can leave out the "th" here, however, as it's implicit in the mathematical notation (it usually isn't written in German either).
Note from asker:
Thank you. This was the actual thrust of my question rather than the actual meaning of "10.000stel". I was unaware of how property shares are dealt with in Germany. Thanks for the help.
Peer comment(s):

agree Steffen Walter
55 mins
agree Scout2003 (X)
1 hr
agree Jutta Amri
1 hr
agree Derek Gill Franßen
1 hr
agree Cetacea
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks for the help."
8 mins

one ten thousandth

64.75 ten thousandths
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