Jan 6, 2011 05:34
13 yrs ago
6 viewers *
German term


German to English Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy
Mitglieder der Schulpflegschaft sind die Vorsitzenden der Klassenpflegschaften und die von den Jahrgangstufen gewählten Vertreterinnen und Vertreter. An den Sitzungen können auch ihre Stellvertreterinnen und Stellvertreter sowie zwei vom Schülerrat gewählte Schülerinnen und Schüler ab Klasse 7 mit beratender Stimme teilnehmen.

Hi, I completely understand what it is but it seems there is no "standardized" translation into US-EN. They have a Klassenpflegschaft and a Schulpflegschaft. I have used PTA for the Klassenpflegschaft already and want to distinguish this from the PTA, but I can't for the life of me find a proper translation in any dictionary.

Anyone any idea how to properly describe this without using terms that remind the reader of museums or multi-billion Dollar trusts? (curatorium / trustees / etc.)

Any help greatly appreciated.
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Mech White Jan 6, 2011:
In New Zealand it is called a Board of Trustees and consists of elected parents, the principal, some elected teachers and in high school also one or two students. The voted-in members have full governing rights for the school, with the principal being the executive. Every 3 years new elections are held. Hope this helps in your context.
AndersonT (X) (asker) Jan 6, 2011:
Thanks, but student council is per US understanding a student union / student government body/ not a cooperation of teachers, elected parent representatives and elected class representatives.

The organizational structure of their "external participation scheme" is quite unique to Germany, I guess that's why there are no established translations to be found anywhere.

Proposed translations

5 hrs

school parents' committee

A suggestion ... a distinction is being made between "class parents' committee/association" and "(all-)school parents' committee/association". See the following:

School community
School matters are organized in the following bodies
Schulkonferenz (representing teachers, students and parents)
Schulpflegschaft, (representatives of all parents)
Klassenpflegschaft (made up of pupils’ parents of one form)
Schülervertretung (body of students’ representatives)

Parents also have the possibility to take part in an “Elternpflegschaft” or “Klassenpflegschaft” or in a “Schulpflegschaft” or “Schulkonferenz”
which are parents’ committees that meet to discuss school life.
Eltern haben die Möglichkeit, in der „Klassenpflegschaft“ oder „Elternpflegschaft“ aktiv zu sein oder in der „Schulpflegschaft“
und in der „Schulkonferenz“.

Interesting discussion here, e.g.:
we have:
Klassenpflegschaft = that is all parents of the kids of one class
Klassenpflegschaftsvorsitzende = the elected representative of the parents of one class (there is always the 1st and 2nd rep)
Schulpflegschaft = parents representatives
= all the Klassenpflegschaftsvorsitzenden (all the representatives of the classes)
Schulpflegschaftsvorsitzende = the elected representative of the represetentatives of the classes (also here you have no. 1 and no. 2)
Also the pupils elect their class representatives, and those elect one (+ a second) as representative for all pupils

Finally, a useful overview in English here:
Representing Parents in School Decision Making: Germany/Berlin
E.g: As each of the Länder has developed its own approach to participation at school names of committees and councils often change from one Land to another and there are always exceptions. Generally parents are elected on four different levels. The following names in brackets are not exhaustive; for more detailed information see the laws of the German Länder.
First level: the individual class
(Klassenelternversammlung, Klassenelternschaft)
Second level: the school as a whole
(Gesamtelternvertretung, Schulelternbeirat, Elternbeirat, Elternkonferenz, Schulpflegschaft)
(Parental class committee)
(Parental school committee)
http://www.schoolboard-scotland.com/conference/Germany - Kla...

and here:
At Every Stage The Parents Are There - Germany
1.1 The first stage
The right of parental representation therefore starts from a very early time. From the 1st class at primary school, parents can choose their representative and his deputy at class level. At the same time, all parents in the class choose the members of the class and reports conference since the parents also have an entitlement to a say in teaching matters. These members are elected for two years.
1.2 The second stage
The parental representatives of a class are automatically members of the school parents’ committee. This committee monitors the overall situation of the school and can assert its right to information and participation to the school principal. The school parents’ committee too is relatively free in terms of the topics it can consider. This committee also meets at least once per school half year.
http://www.schoolboard-scotland.com/conference/Germany - Lot...
Note from asker:
Thank you very much this helped a lot. Amazing that there is no standardized translation anywhere for something that is actually law here. All these terms "Klassenpflegschaft, Schulpflegschaft, Schulkonferenz" etc. are a organizational structure of bodies mandated in the "Schulgesetz" yet no official translation anywhere. School Parents Committee it is then and PTA for the Klassenpflegschaft. Thank you very much Alison.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kim Metzger
7 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much, that did it."
1 hr

school council

may work
Note from asker:
Thanks guys, but I couldn't use it as I used school council for the student government, which is again a separate thing in their system here. Apparently the school council may send representatives tho...
Peer comment(s):

agree Inge Meinzer
1 min
agree British Diana : Yes as there are pupils involved, so it can't be e.g. governers
3 hrs
agree phillee : Diana is spot on - with the children => School Council
12 hrs
Something went wrong...
21 hrs

PTA (Parent-Teacher-Association)

In the US, the PTA is the organization composed of parents and teachers supporting each student level/classroom, teachers, and parent's interest and involvement in their schools. I feel that their work and interest is equivalent to the Schulpflegschaft. It is found in every school and is instrumental in supporting the interests of everyone involved as well as the functioning of the school in the community.

Note added at 23 hrs (2011-01-07 04:50:28 GMT)

To use PTA for the class-level only would not be correct. The PTA is definitely more than only the parents of the students in one particular class. The PTA at the school level has representatives of all parents in a particular school. The different organizational bodies in Germany are represented by the PTA in the US on a local and national level. There are just not different names for their functions. Parents can be in the PTA to serve the class room their child is attending (i.e. PTA of fourth grade) = Klassenpflegschaft. They can be class representatives at the school level (i.e. PTA of Reagan Middle School) = Schulpflegschaft. There is a national level also. There might be fine differences in their functions, and perhaps in philosophical understanding, but it is a lawfully governing body of the school system. If all levels are mentioned in the original text, you might just distinguish between the class PTA and the school PTA
Note from asker:
Thank you grundmargi, I was toying with the thought to just call everything PTA and distinguish via levels e.g. at class level at school level, at regional level. But the Schulpflegschaft is really just there to promote the interests of the parents, the have other bodies more similar to the PTA so I couldn't use it in this context.
This was a tough call but I couldn't go with PTA although I myself felt it would be the most appropriate term. PTA is associated with "collaboration" of Parents teachers and students, but this is covered in the school conference, the Schulpflegschaft, per definition of the different bodies they have is really intended for the representation of he parents. The few students and teachers allowed to sit in on their sessions have no vote or whatever. But thank you very much for your help, much obliged.
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