Aug 22, 2013 09:32
11 yrs ago
10 viewers *
German term

Bewertungsstetigkeit und Ansatzstetigkeit

German to English Bus/Financial Accounting
Das Stetigkeitsprinzip ist zu beachten. Zu unterscheiden ist dabei zwischen dem Gebot der Bewertungsstetigkeit zum einen und dem Gebot der Ansatzstetigkeit zum anderen. Die möglichen, bisher immer noch vorhandenen Ansatzwahlrechte einschließlich möglicher Ermessensspielräume sind nunmehr jeweils zwingend einheitlich auszuüben.

The continuity principle must be observed. The principle of continuity in valuation must be distinguished from that of continuity of recognition. The potential, hitherto available recognition options including potential administrative discretion must now be exercised consistently.


Well, I'm confused. I've translated Ansatzwahlrecht as 'recognition option' earlier in the text so that's how I derived 'continuity of recognition', but I'm not really finding satisfactory definitions online or in my dictionaries.

Proposed translations

1 hr

consistency of measurement and consistency of recognition

I think it probably makes most sense to translate it "as it is". Please remember that "Bewertung" is normally "measurement" in accounting contexts ("valuation" only when an external entity is responsible, e.g. for derivatives, property, etc.).

The "Stetigkeitsprinzip" is normally "Stetigkeitsgrundsatz" in German and is the "principle of consistency".

And one more thing: accounting policies are derived from and based on accounting principles, but are not the same as them. I might well have said "or to be honest, you could even just say 'accounting policies'", but I do think that the context was different.
Peer comment(s):

agree Ted Wozniak
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I am truly grateful for all your help!"
18 mins

Consistency in valuation and recognition

This relates to the accounting principle of consistency, i.e. that valuations must be carried out consistently from year to year and that the recognitions must be consistent from year to year.

The rest of your translation should flow from that.

Note added at 23 mins (2013-08-22 09:55:47 GMT)

Any recognition options still available to date, including any discretionary leeways, must now be exercised consistently / uniformly - or something like that.
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : There are lots of ways of expressing this, but you were first.
7 hrs
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47 mins

Consistent application of accounting policies

Ansatz-, Ausweis- und Bewertungsmethoden

Well-known accounting translator: EN: recognition, presentation and measurement methods "or to be honest, you could even just say 'accounting policies'. Source: Deutsches Bilanzrecht/German Accounting Legislation, 4th edition, IDW-Verlag."

I have other evidence for this being correct, I just don't have time.

So Bewertung is not usually translated as valuation in the world of financial accounting.

Stetigkeit means, as pointed out above, applying the same recognition and measurement methods as in the previous financial year when preparing the accounting statements. Ensuring consistency so that a given reporting entity's financial statements or what have you become comparable over time so that the conclusions drawn by the reader from the changes in the figures over time are authoritative.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Inge Luus : I can agree with consistent and could even agree with measurement, but policies are not the same as principles and the term relates to Stetigkeitsprinzip, which is a principle.
12 mins
I don't understand ... in what way is adhering to the consistency principle incompatible with the object of that consistency of methods (i.e. the methods/acc. policies) not being a principle but accounting policies/methods?
agree philgoddard : This takes liberties with the German, but it's clear and easy to understand.
7 hrs
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18 hrs

consistency in valuation and accounting

See below p. 40

"..the principle of consistency in accounting and valuation
(Bilanzierungs-und Bewertungsstetigkeit).."
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