Jul 24, 2019 09:07
5 yrs ago
106 viewers *
French term

Résultat à vérifier

French to English Law/Patents Law (general) Police check certificate
In a client's (clean) casier judiciare, after their details, there is the term 'résultat à vérifier' with a long reference code. Does this mean the record can be checked using the code if necessary, or does it still need to be checked, in the sense of 'Results still be verified'? Or does it mean that this result will be verified 'in the section below'? The grammar would tell me the latter, but it seems strange to me on a document confirming a clean record.
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Daryo Jul 26, 2019:
Maybe ...? because paper documents are very easy to fake - with the advances in printing technology and editing software far easier than ever before. Feel free to add for additional effect "shockingly" / "worryingly" etc.

While editing at will a properly secured database is slightly more of a challenge.

Also, I can't see why change the meaning of "à vérifier" - To take a different example, if you're a journalist, and your editor sends you back your article with a comment about something you have quoted saying "à vérifier", that would mean "check these facts", not "if you fancy it / one of these days when you have time, maybe see if it's really like that".
Ph_B (X) Jul 25, 2019:
Katy, Why would any ministry of Justice order you to go and check a document that they issued? Assuming that the site mentioned by Safetext is relevant to your question, I understand that it says the casier judiciaire asked for is clean. Full stop. Now, if you need to check it, i.e. if you need a copy for an employer, for instance, then you can get one using this code. Vérifier has this meaning here: 2. Reconnaître par l'examen la véracité d'une chose. Synon. confirmer, justifier, prouver. (http://stella.atilf.fr/Dendien/scripts/tlfiv5/advanced.exe?8... Have you tried following the code that you mention in your question? What does it say?
SafeTex Jul 25, 2019:
@Daryo Yet again, using the site I gave as reference, you split hairs which I don't mind but you give out disagrees to favour your own ideas and don't work with others to find the best solution but just try to shout the loudest. If you don't check the casier judiciare, that is at your risk but there is no obligation to check it, no fine if you don't. The casier judiciare does not become a "worthless piece of paper" as you accept it at your own risk. So it "can" be checked if you want.
Daryo Jul 25, 2019:
There is already enough elements to be sure what "Résultat à vérifier" means when it's about "un casier judiciare"
Francois Boye Jul 24, 2019:
@ Asker

Please produce the text in French.

Proposed translations

4 hrs

Result can be checked

I'm pretty sure it is this due to my reference where you can check that a casier judiciare is authentique
Peer comment(s):

disagree Daryo : no it doesn't mean "you can" it means "you have to" - otherwise consider this as just a worthless piece of paper
10 hrs
agree Ph_B (X) : Result can be checked (using the following code) (if you wish/need to).
17 hrs
agree Yvonne Gallagher
20 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
15 hrs

Check this result // Verify this code // Code to be checked ...

It means exactly what grammar would suggest:

à vérifier = to be checked

I tested it on a real "casier judiciare vierge" that by some mistake ended up in the public domain

there is a site


where you enter

-- the date and time of issuance of the "BULLETIN NUMÉRO 3" (i.e. "casier judiciare sans condamnations")
-- "identifiant document"
-- "clé de contrôle"

and you get on screen the same "certificat" as the printed one, and as additional verification you should get the same long code that comes after "Résultat à vérifier"

IOW it's an instruction to check if the Ministry of Justice site is going to generate the same long code if you put the same elements as in the printed certificate.

Note added at 15 hrs (2019-07-25 00:45:00 GMT)

what you get on the screen:

Vérification de l'authenticité de l'extrait de casier judiciaire (bulletin n°3) néant

La stricte égalité des données affichées à l'écran et sur l'extrait de casier judiciaire (bulletin n°3) néant dont vous disposez, vous assure de l'authenticité de celui-ci.

Prénom(s) XXXX
Sexe XXX
Date de naissance XXX
ieu de naissance XXX

Résultat à vérifier
5098D579 C0CDBAF0 086818BE F34972C4 03127EB4 33A916F7 0586804C

the long code after "Résultat à vérifier" should be the same as on the printed Certificate

Note added at 2 days 3 hrs (2019-07-26 12:35:45 GMT)

If you work in a HR department, and let someone be employed on basis of a faked "casier judiciaire", saying that you understood "à vérifier" as something purely optional is surely going to help you a lot ...
Peer comment(s):

neutral Ph_B (X) : As a native speaker, I see no obligation here to check anything. What I understand is: À vérifier éventuellement/si vous le souhaitez. In fact, you're probably introducing an element that I can't see in the source text.
6 hrs
disagree SafeTex : The imperative is not used and their is no legal obligation for me to check someone else's casier judiciare on the site. The paper is still valid whether I check it or not, but less reliable of course if I don't
6 hrs
disagree Yvonne Gallagher : no imperative here
9 hrs
disagree GILLES MEUNIER : Coefficient 5....
1 day 15 hrs
agree Charles Stanford : Sorry for stoking any argument, but just translating one of the docs in question and this solution does seem to work better
796 days
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