Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

excentré / névralgique

English translation:

away from major cities / focal point

Added to glossary by kashew
Oct 8, 2012 14:38
12 yrs ago
3 viewers *
French term

excentré / névralgique

French to English Art/Literary Folklore
La diversité culturelle résultant de l’émergence d’une « contre-culture » d’une alternative à la culture principale est dont le centre névralgique est géographiquement excentré est un phénomène qui a pu être observé dans bien des pays.

Even though I understand the words themselves, I'm having a hard time translating the entire phrase. Could anyone give me some suggestions?

Thanks! :-)
Change log

Nov 19, 2012 20:14: kashew Created KOG entry


Guillermo Urbina Valdés (asker) Oct 8, 2012:
I also thought that should be "et" instead of "est" but I copied and pasted the sentence exactly as it appeared in the original document.
JaneD Oct 8, 2012:
Can you check it again and make sure you haven't put an "est" instead of an "et" somewhere in the sentence?

Proposed translations

41 mins

away from major cities / focal point

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
15 mins

eccentric/ hub

The cultural diversity resulting from the emergence of a "counterculture" as an alternative to the prevailing one -and whose main hub is geographically eccentric- has been observed in many countries.

I hope I could help you.

Note added at 18 minutes (2012-10-08 14:56:12 GMT)

I agree with JaneD, '' -et dont le centre névralgique est géographiquement excentré- est un phénomène qui a pu être observé dans bien des pays.'' makes more sense.
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30 mins

geographically remote/ nerve centre

yes, I think it should be "... ET dont...."
Cultural diversity born of the emergence of a "counter-culture" , (NB, comma here, I think) an alternative to mainstream culture, whose nerve centre is geographically remote, has been observed in many countries.
That is my suggestion, though there are no doubt improvements on "geographically remote"
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56 mins

with a secluded or off-centred hub

another option where sentence been moved around a bit.

Cultural diversity, which offers an alternative to the prevailing one, arose from the emergence of a "counter-culture" with a secluded or off-centred main hub, and has been observed in many countries.

Hard to know whether off-centred or secluded/remote is meant here so including both

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4 hrs


I would translate both névralgique and excentré together by "decentralized", as I think the writer is reaching for the metaphor of the brain and central nervous system to describe how the counter culture and cultural diversity are different from the cultural hegemony imposed by capital cities or acclaimed "cultural centres" (I like kashew's answer in that sense).

The counter culture is thus decentralized, in that it develops spontaneously and in different ways in different areas; there is no control or authority that decides what constitutes "culture".

It's a poorly constructed sentence in the FR; I would opt for a smoother and simpler rendering in EN.
Example sentence:

Cultural diversity resulting from the emergence of an alternative and decentralized "counter culture" is a phenomenon that has been observed in several countries.

The phenomenon of cultural diversity resulting from the emergence of an alternative and decentralized "counter culture" has been observed in several countries.

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18 hrs

geographic centre / out of the limelight, away from the main hubs

Just some more food for thought :) hope it helps!
Example sentence:

As a result of <i>counter-culture</i> emerging as an alternative to the mainstream, many countries have witnessed the phenomenon of cultural diversity with its geographic centre out of the limelight / away from the main hubs.

Many countries have witnessed the rise of <i>counter-culture</i>, flowing against the mainstream; the resulting phenomenon being cultural diversity, where the nerve centre is geographically out of the limelight / is geographically off-centre.

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