Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

aménagement d\'études

English translation:

special study arrangements

Added to glossary by Thierry Darlis
Aug 18, 2012 15:31
12 yrs ago
8 viewers *
French term

aménagement d'études

French to English Other Education / Pedagogy
ces termes apparaissent sur un relevé de notes d'une université française

Aménagement d'études : non
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Nikki Scott-Despaigne Aug 19, 2012:
I was working self-employed but only those who were employees (salaried) could be considered for an "aménagement". Hmm. Further, in the second year, I was working full-time as a salaried employee but began after the uni year started. No "aménagement" entitlement there either.

I knew all that when I started as it is made perfectly clear. This is what I am trying to make clear : that personal circumstances, family problems, matters arising relating to health in the course of a year are absolutely not covered by the term "aménagement des études".
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Aug 19, 2012:
Meaning Just an additional note to say that FYI, "aménagement des études" or "- d'études", is something you apply for when you register at the start of a university year. It is for a situation which exists and which will apply throughout the year, one which is known about and for which you can provide formal official supporting documentation.

A situation arising in the course of a university year may give rise to an application for "aménagement" but that will apply for the following year if the situation is on-going. It is not the term used where family problems, divorce, ill-health a job taken on in the course of the year etc. Those are exceptional unforseen circumstances. Example: I got onto a Masters course through a Validation des Acquis. At the first session of exams, I had health problems. The health problems were cleared and the second semester went through problem free. I sat the first session of exams the following year as the first semester I was excused with a medical certificate. There is no "aménagement" there. I was simply considered as a "redoublante".

Proposed translations

6 hrs

special study arrangements

Rennes university uses the term in its English website version; the English quality looks good, and "special study arrangements" gets quite a few hits with google.
I think the term is often used for students participating in sports activities.
Peer comment(s):

agree Dr Lofthouse
2 hrs
agree Cyril B.
5 hrs
agree Nikki Scott-Despaigne : The range of situations concerned can be found on each individual uni website: sportifs de haut niveau, those with a job, people recognized as having a handicap etc are generally included. Your addition of "study" to my 2nd suggestion is good for UK.
10 hrs
agree Bertrand Leduc
12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
2 mins

Class adjustments

This is referring to the adjustment/adaptation of one's classes or studies for personal matters, i.e family problems, health problems, etc.

Note added at 3 mins (2012-08-18 15:34:22 GMT)

Peer comment(s):

neutral Nikki Scott-Despaigne : "Class" okay for US, but not for uni if UK target. "Neutral" for the explanation though as family problems do not enter into it, nor do health problems, altho' you might be able to resit, o/wise if you mean a recognized handicap, then yes;//OK for US.
3 hrs
You are right, although those reasons can very well be enough to make adjustments, most commonly we see cases of high level athletes and the likes. Although I don't think that makes my term suggestion less accurate.
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1 hr

To make allowances/to give study dispensation for personal matters

I've based myself on Kévins definition but I can't go along with his translation

'Class adjustments' are more about changes made my the staff for any number of reasons.

So here are two alternatives
Peer comment(s):

neutral Nikki Scott-Despaigne : "Personal matters" is too vague and not quite right. The expression refers to specific types of circumstances, which are forseeable or existing, and an application has to be made for the "aménagement" to be allowed, with minor variations between unis.
2 hrs
You may be right cos it could be that the person has already done part of the course sm else. So maybe take out the first option and the end to leave just ' study dispensation'
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

special adjustments

I have deliberately suggested a solution which is wide-ranging. "Aménagement d'études" can be made for those studying after having acquired a place with a VAE (validation d'expérience/cquis etc), reprise d'études (returning to study after having left study for a number of years), but also for sportifs de haut niveau etc.
In my experience, this term is not used when unforseen circumstances arise, such as ill-health, family problems etc.

Such adjustments have to be applied for and go before a committee which generally has the discretion to allow special dispensation from certain thing : for sportifs de haut niveau to continue training, enter competitions etc, allow certain years of study to be done part-time etc.

I got into Tours Uni myself on a VAE a couple of years ago. On my course there was a woman of my age who was working as an employee and could do her masters 1 over two years. There were also a number of sportifs, lots of horsey people here!

Aménagement d'étudeséna... d'études pour les artistes et sportifs de haut niveau. Pour les sportifs de haut niveau (valides et handicapés) inscrits sur les listes ministérielles, ...
Université Nancy 2 - Aménagement d'études › Formations et diplômes15 mai 2009 – AMÉNAGEMENTS D'ÉTUDES. à qui s'adressent ces aménagement ? Les aménagements d'études s'adressent : aux étudiants salariés. aux ...
Aménagement d'études - Université Joseph Fourier d'études. Certains étudiants ont des contraintes spécifiques liées à leur situation personnelle. L'UJF propose des contrats d'études aménagées ...
IV - Aménagement d'études | Direction des Etudes et de la Vie ... demande doit être effectuée auprès de la scolarité gérant votre formation. Pour contacter votre service de scolarité. Attention: L'octroi de ce régime n'est ...
Aménagements d'études - Portail de l'offre de formation de l ... › Inscriptions › S'inscrire à l'USTV6 juil. 2012 – Aménagement d'études pour les Sportifs de Haut Niveau ... Demande d'aménagement d'études Sportif de Haut Niveau (PDF – 262.8 ko) ...

Note added at 3 hrs (2012-08-18 19:14:37 GMT)

Example of the application form for Licence and Masters at the Université de Reims :

Extract :

"Les étudiant(e)s inscrit(e)s en Licence ou en Master, remplissant l’une des conditions énumérées ci-dessous
bénéficient, sur décision individuelle prise par le directeur de l'UFR, d'une dispense totale ou partielle du
contrôle continu obligatoire.
 Etudiant(e)s engagé(e)s dans la vie active à temps complet
 Etudiant(e)s effectuant leur service national
 Etudiant(e)s assurant des responsabilités particulières dans la vie universitaire ou étudiante
 Mères de famille
 Pères de famille élevant seuls un ou plusieurs enfants
 Handicapé(e)s physiques moteurs ou sensoriel(le)s
 Sportif(ve)s de haut niveau
Sont concernés les étudiant(e)s salarié(e)s qui disposent d’un contrat de travail couvrant l’année
universitaire et effectuant une quotité hebdomadaire moyenne au moins égale à un mi-temps. "

Note added at 3 hrs (2012-08-18 19:15:48 GMT)

Sorry, also forgot to mention students with a handicap (recoginzed by the MDPH), one which I ought to be ashamed at having overlooked as I actually work as an SEN teaching assistant!

Note added at 3 hrs (2012-08-18 19:16:18 GMT)

"special arrangements" is another possibility.
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : I prefer "arrangements" - adjustments is ambiguous, as it could refer to marks.
15 hrs
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