Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:

statement (interview)

Added to glossary by Roger Matthews
May 30, 2011 14:52
13 yrs ago
23 viewers *
French term


French to English Law/Patents Business/Commerce (general)
Belgian court transcript:

"j'aimerais revenir sur vos auditions précédentes ...où vous avez fait allusion au ..." and
"Je me réfère en particulier à votre audition du 29 avril"
this appears several times and clearly refers to "evidence" or "statements" rather than "hearing" - but I can't find any reliable sources for this use of "audition"...

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Nikki Scott-Despaigne May 30, 2011:
auditionner Very common as a verb, try a passive form, used to describe situations where such and such a witness was interveiwed by police for example. In such cases UK English would use "interviewed" or even "a statement was taken by police from..."

What I mean is, there is nothing speicifically Belgian nor Swiss about this at all. It is a term often used in press reports.
AllegroTrans May 30, 2011:
@ Tony M I have seen "auditionner" used for a Police interview in Switzerland
jmleger May 30, 2011:
I think, if Belgian law is anything like theFrench thata this refers to an interview conducted in chambers rather than in court. Questions are asked by the instructing magistrate, a transcript is taken and the transcript is referred to in later contacts, court, etc. I know that they have instructing magistrates in Belgium. In the US, you are entitled to review the transcript and emit any reserve you feel is justified. The note taker is sworn in.
Tony M May 30, 2011:
auditionner I have recently heard this verb used by the police to refer to an interview at which they were to take a statement.

Proposed translations

1 hr

statement (interview)

The "audience" is the court hearing. An "audition" is the interview during which a statement is made.

L'"audience" est le moment de la procédure au cours duquel le juge, lorsque la procédure est " à juge unique " ou le tribunal, lorsque la cause est entendue par une formation collégiale, entend les parties et/ou leurs conseils (avoués, avocats, représentant légal ou mandataires ad hoc) en leurs observations orales. Le Procureur de la République ou l'un de ses Substituts peut assister à toutes les audiences, même à celles qui sont tenues par les juridictions spécialisées de son ressort (art. L 311-15 du Code de l'organisation judiciaire) en fait, il ne se fait représenter aux audiences civiles que dans le cas où la cause est "communicable". […]

L'"audition" est le fait pour le Tribunal d'entendre en audience publique ou en cabinet soit l'une ou l'autre, ou les parties comparaissant en personne, d'entendre un témoin ou d'entendre un expert. L'audition est toujours menée contradictoirement c'est à dire en présence de toutes les parties ou de leurs avocats et, devant la Cour d'appel en présence des avoués. Dans les procédures dans lesquelles le Ministère Public est partie ou intervenant, le Procureur de la République ou l'un de ses Substituts assiste à l'audition et peut y prendre la parole.
• Code de procédure civile, art. 20, 184 et s., 199, 204 et s.

Note added at 7 hrs (2011-05-30 22:42:33 GMT)

Do a Google run on "a été audtionné" or "ont été auditionnés" and you'll get lots of resutls. It's used ordinarily as a verb in contexts where witnesses are interviewed by police. WItness to something myself this weekend, I was informed that I would be "convoquée" to be "auditionnée" shortly.
Note from asker:
Thanks - very helpful indeed!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
3 mins


et voili. Of course this is for US judicial system. I am not sure how things work in the UK.
Note from asker:
Yes, that makes sense, thanks. Do you happen to know if it is a Belgian thing, or a recent innovation?
Peer comment(s):

agree Nikki Scott-Despaigne : statement for UK... see below
1 hr
agree joehlindsay : probably.
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 mins


transcribers do make mistakes, as do barristers...

Note added at 6 mins (2011-05-30 14:59:20 GMT)

maybe the barrister just got confused as he/she was shuffling through the paperwork....
Note from asker:
Thanks, that was my initial thought, but it can't be the case, it is clearly the standard term throughout the whole transcript.
Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans : I have seen "audition" used for interview, but not sure whether it means at Police Station or before a Magistrate
4 hrs
neutral Nikki Scott-Despaigne : AllegroTRans : for being interviewed by police, rather than at a hearing in court
7 hrs
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