Jul 11, 2003 08:53
21 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

pooled life company funds

English Bus/Financial Pension schemes
This asset manager offers two kinds of solutions for pension schemes: segregated portfolios and pooled life company funds. I'm not sure what the latter means.
4 +4 See explanation


42 mins

See explanation

The company collects all contributions in one fund. The 'pooled' funds are collectively invested in e.g. shares and bonds, enabling the company to make larger investments and to diversify their investments so as not to 'bet' all the money on one horse. Each contributor is entitled to a part of the total funds including any proceeds corresponding to their contributions.
Compared to a segregated portfolio where the individual alone takes the risks, and smaller investments and less diversification of investments are possible.
Peer comment(s):

agree Marie Scarano
57 mins
Cheers! :o)
agree DGK T-I : & preumeably the 'life' stands for 'life assurance'(investments an individual makes for events that they expect to happen eg: old age,notto be confused with 'life insurance'which is different)
2 hrs
Cheers Giuli - Guess I left out the 'life' bit, but fortunately you explained it well so now I don't have to. Thanks ;o)
agree Eva Blanar : and not life is pooled, just the funds :)
7 hrs
Exactly, just the funds! Cheers :o)
agree AhmedAMS
20 days
Cheers :o)
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