Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

reflect upon

Spanish translation:

recaer sobre

Added to glossary by Ana Juliá
Jul 27, 2004 14:13
20 yrs ago
6 viewers *
English term

reflects upon

English to Spanish Art/Literary Religion Commentary on Proverbs
Aparece dos veces:

God did actually appear in our nature, and he was then poor for our sakes; and those who despise the poor despise them for a reason that ***reflects upon*** our Savior himself when he dwelt among us; and poor Christians are members of his body, and every injury done to them he considers as done to himself (Matt. 25:42).
When we are "what God made us" [meaning "poor"], and meet with calamities from the appointment of providence, every indignity or affront offered us ***reflects upon*** our Maker. Let no man, therefore, be ashamed of any circumstance in his condition that is not the fruit of sin, unless he is ashamed to own his Creator.

Por cierto, ¿no os suena raro eso último de "to own his Creator"?

Proposed translations

57 mins

recae sobre (¿o en?)

los que desprecian a los pobres los desprecian por un motivo que recae sobre nuestro mismo Salvador

cada ofensa dirigida a nosotros recae sobre nuestro Creador

Definición de Recaer del Moliner
2 Ir a parar, ser adjudicada o ser atribuida cierta cosa a alguien determinado: ‘El premio ha recaído en quien menos lo merecía. La conversación recayó en el último suceso’. ¤ («sobre») *Dirigirse: ‘Las sospechas recayeron sobre el chófer’. ¤ *Afectar: ‘El nuevo impuesto recae sobre las clases más acomodadas’. ¤ (con referencia al *acento; «en, sobre») Cargar.

Note added at 8 hrs 38 mins (2004-07-27 22:52:05 GMT)

sobre nuestro PROPIO salvador (oops)
Peer comment(s):

agree kellyn (X)
6 hrs
Gracias Kelly :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "gracias a todos"
19 mins


Quiere decir que si alguien nos desprecia por nuestra pobreza, desprecia también a nuestro Salvador.
Igualmente en el segundo caso, cualquier insulto que recibimos es también un insulto a Dios.

Lo de own no es raro, significa reconocer al Creador, profesar la creencia en Dios
Peer comment(s):

agree Manuel Cedeño Berrueta
1 hr
Gracias, Manuel. La mía es una explicación en vez de una traducción.
agree Carmen Loren
1 hr
Gracias, Carmen
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22 mins

que se refleja sobre

el Salvador mismo, el creador mismo

to own his Creator: al menos que se averguence de poseer en sí mismo a su Creador.
Peer comment(s):

agree Lisa Russell
13 hrs
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25 mins

refleja sobre

y sí, es raro lo de "ashamed to" debería ser "ashamed of"
Something went wrong...
1 hr

recae sobre

despise /affront/ indignity reflects on/upon = desprecio/afrenta recae sobre nuestro Salvador

unless he is ashamed to own his Creator = a menos que se avergüence de reconocer a su Creador

Saludos cordiales,

\Own\ ([=o]n), v. t. [OE. unnen to grant, permit, be pleased with, AS. unnan to grant; akin to OS. giunnan, G. g["o]nnen, Icel. unna; of uncertain origin. This word has been confused with own to possess.] To grant; to acknowledge; to admit to be true; to confess; to recognize in a particular character; as, we own that we have forfeited your love.

The wakeful bloodhound rose, and shook his hide; But his sagacious eye an inmate owns. --Keats.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. -

Peer comment(s):

neutral Sol : I said that :)
6 hrs
Gracias, Sol. Mis disculpas, no me di cuenta.
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