Glossary entry

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Added to glossary by GrndmSMS
May 17, 2016 00:30
8 yrs ago
8 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Law/Patents Law (general) Provider-patient agreemen
......governed by, construed and interpreted exclusively by the laws of the State of Texas, whether the claim or cause of action sounds in tort or contract, including actions based on battery or wrongful Death...
What exactly does "SOUNDS" mean in this context. Cannot find a meaning that makes sense.

.....seran regidos por, analizados e interpretados segun las leyes del estado de Texas, ya sea la demanda o hechos base de la acción"sounds" en respomsabilidad extracontractual o contrato incluyendo....
I appreciate any law experts advice.

Proposed translations

14 hrs


Black’s Law Dictionary (9th ed.)
sound, vb.
1. To be actionable (in) <her claims for physical injury sound in tort, not in contract>. 2. To be recoverable (in) <his tort action sounds in damages, not in equitable relief>.

Your context pertains to the first sense, i.e., actionable.

Source Text: …whether the claim or cause of action sounds in tort or contract…
Another way of saying the same: …whether the claim or cause of action is actionable in tort or contract…
Translation:… ya sea la demanda o motivo de la acción sea procesable por agravio de acuerdo a la ley o contrato.

Link relates to Adriana de Groote’s translation of “actionable.”
Peer comment(s):

agree lorenab23 : This makes sense, (one too many "sea", no?) un abrazo Sandrito :-)//Sounds good ;-)
4 hrs
Yes, I was thinking @ that, too. How @ this: “ya sea procesable la demanda o motivo de la acción por agravio de acuerdo a la ley o contrato”. // Thanx, Lorena. Abrazo for U 2.
agree Alicia Casal : Resultare o no en/
1 day 1 hr
Gracias, Alicia.
agree Edward Tully
5 days
Long time no see. Thank you, Edward. Cheers!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Agree. Thank you for your help. And, thank you ALL for your time. Legal is really not my forte. "
24 mins

quede plasmado en

Parece ser sinónimo de "se presente en".
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32 mins

se deriva de / se basa en...

Es lo que me sugiere a partir de la siguiente definición:

"sounds in
sounds in
adj. referring to the underlying legal basis for a lawsuit or one of several causes of action in a suit, such as contract or tort (civil wrong). The phraseology might be: "Plaintiff's first cause of action against Defendant sounds in tort, and his second cause of action sounds in contract."
Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved."
Peer comment(s):

agree Natalia Pedrosa : Creo que esta es la explicación buena. Saludos.
5 mins
Gracias, Natalia. Es sólo un apunte; de hecho no sé si alguna vez había visto el término, aunque me "suena" (con perdón;-)).
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36 mins


No estoy muy segura, pero te dejo otra opción. Suerte.
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1 hr

califique o tenga la naturaleza de agravio (solo tenga que ver con daños y perjuicios)

... por el[los] que se pueda[n] interponer una demanda (digamos)

Doy una "seguridad alta", no porque yo esté tan seguro, sino porque me fío de los enlaces...

—to sound in tort To act as or have the nature of a tort.

Read more:

It means that a claim can be made because a legal duty is imposed by law - such as the duty to exercise ordinary care (to not be negligent).

N.B.: Whatever final point on this word, it should go in the glossary as the idiomatic expression "sound in tort".

As covered in Shorter Oxford:
sound in damages, sound in tort, sound in contract, etc. Law. be concerned only with damages; give rise to a claim for damages.

O sea, "dé pie a una demanda por daños" o "dé pie a reclamar daños (y perjucios)".

Diría yo, sin ser un especialista del tema...

Note added at 1 hr (2016-05-17 02:11:53 GMT)

Where only economic loss damages are asserted, the action sounds in contract; claims for bodily injury or property damage sound in tort.

En el ejemplo anterior "da o dé pie/ da lugar / suscita una demanda o una reclamación por daños.

Lo de "suscita", me gusta bastante, pero creo que con lo que aporto aclaramos la expresión..., ¿no?

Saludos y suerte.
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2 hrs


Ya sea que el reclamo o la causa de las razones/resultados por actos en perjuicio o el contrato. . .
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