Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
gather our spiritual houses in order
Spanish translation:
poner orden en nuestra vida espiritual
English term
gather our spiritual houses in order
gather our spiritual houses in order
recoger nuestras casas espirituales en orden
poner nuestras casas espirituales en orden
ordenar nuestras asuntos espirituales
juntar nuestras casas espirituales en orden
4 | poner orden en nuestra vida espiritual | Lydia De Jorge |
May 17, 2020 22:29: jenny morenos changed "Field (write-in)" from "(none)" to "🐢 barack knew that this incident was going to happen 🐢 barack was participating in his own emergency medical care, all the time 🐢 what does this dream tell us 🐢 this dream tells us that we are living in very precarious times 🐢 we are living in the da"
May 21, 2020 15:37: Lydia De Jorge changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/2891704">jenny morenos's</a> old entry - "gather our spiritual houses in order"" to ""poner orden en nuestra vida espiritual""
Feb 8, 2021 18:59: Rocío Tempone changed "Term Context" from "Hi 🎥 What\'s the translation of gather in order please ? thanks you very much 🐢 barack sabía que ese incidente iba a producirse 🐢 estaba barack participando en su propia atención médica de emergencia, todo el tiempo 🐢 qué nos dice este sueño 🐢 este sueño nos dice que estamos viviendo en tiempos muy precarios 🐢 estamos viviendo en los días justo antes de la venida del Mesías 🐢 tenemos que recoger nuestras casas espirituales en orden , inmediatamente y traer a nuestros semejantes al Señor gather our spiritual houses in order recoger nuestras casas espirituales en orden poner nuestras casas espirituales en orden ordenar nuestras asuntos espirituales juntar nuestras casas espirituales en orden" to "Hi 🎥 What\'s the translation of gather in order please ? thanks you very much gather our spiritual houses in order recoger nuestras casas espirituales en orden poner nuestras casas espirituales en orden ordenar nuestras asuntos espirituales juntar nuestras casas espirituales en orden"
Feb 8, 2021 18:59: Rocío Tempone changed "Field (write-in)" from "🐢 barack knew that this incident was going to happen 🐢 barack was participating in his own emergency medical care, all the time 🐢 what does this dream tell us 🐢 this dream tells us that we are living in very precarious times 🐢 we are living" to "(none)"
Proposed translations
poner orden en nuestra vida espiritual
thank you very much for your help, you're very helpful |
Punctuation, etc.
Jenny, I imagine you use these 🐢 (symbols), etc. instead of a full stop at the end of each sentence? Is that what these symbols represent?
Without the symbols, the text would read (using a full stop at the end of each sentence).
Barack knew that this incident was going to happen. Barack was participating in his own emergency medical care, all the time. What does this dream tell us? This dream tells us that we are living in very precarious times. We are living in the days prior to the coming of the Messiah. We have to gather our spiritual houses in order immediately and bring our brethren to the Lord.
🐢 Barack sabía que ese incidente iba a producirse 🐢 Estaba Barack participando en su propia atención médica de emergencia, todo el tiempo 🐢 ¿Qué nos dice este sueño? 🐢 Este sueño nos dice que estamos viviendo en tiempos muy precarios 🐢 Estamos viviendo en los días justo antes de la venida del Mesías 🐢 Tenemos que **poner orden en nuestra vida espiritual (en nuestras casas espirituales)**, inmediatamente y traer a nuestros semejantes al Señor.
**This is based on the entry already sent in by Lydia, but she did not have the English text which you've just posted!
i forgot sorry, i thought i had put the text here