Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Romanian translation:

DO (densitate optică) de referinţă

Added to glossary by Ciprian Patrascu
Apr 19, 2004 21:55
20 yrs ago
10 viewers *
English term


English to Romanian Medical Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Calculation of results
For detailed semi-quantitative results, each patient-OD value can be expressed as an "Index Value". The Index Value is calculated by dividing the sample-OD by the Cut-off-OD.
The calculation of Index Values is not influenced by variations of the sample-OD and/or Cut-off-OD. Index Values are recommended for long term validations (i.e. internal quality control samples).


lucca Jul 26, 2006:
La mine apare că răspunsurile la această întrebare s-au dat după ... 827 zile de la punerea întrebării! Setările calculatorului sunt în ordine. Ce se întâmplă?! Cine vrea, n-are decât să "localizeze" tot ProZ, dar să nu-mi bage chestia asta pe gât!

Proposed translations

12 hrs

DO (densitate optica) de referinta

Este corepondenta unui nivel de referinta al antigenelor masurate care este considerat ca maximum normal si de la care incepe patologicul. Problema e ca acest nivel de referinta difera de la o tara la alta, de la o clinica la alta, etc. si atunci trebuie sa existe posibilitatea ca aparatul sa fie recalibrat iar rezultatele sa fie date ca index de referinta la standardele locale.

Note added at 13 hrs 17 mins (2004-04-20 11:12:46 GMT)

Confidence: High
Peer comment(s):

agree DocT
16 mins
neutral lucca : sau prag. Ce s-a întâmplat cu confidence (e evident greşită); de ce am KudoZ în română?! E stupid! Adică, răspundem la întrebări EN--RO, dar nu ne descurcăm cu un sit în engleză? Cine a decis asta? Ciprian, evident că remarcile nu ţi se adresează.
827 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
9 hrs

densitate optica intrerupta

- OD: Abbreviation for optical density

- optical density (OD): For a given wavelength, an expression of the transmittance of an optical element. Note 1: Optical density is expressed by log 10(1/T) where T is transmittance. Note 2: The higher the optical density, the lower the transmittance. Note 3: Optical density times 10 is equal to transmission loss expressed in decibels, e.g., an optical density of 0.3 corresponds to a transmission loss of 3 dB.

vezi definitii:

- cut off
adj : detached by cutting; "cut flowers"; "a severed head"; "an
old tale of Anne Bolyn walking the castle walls with
her poor cut-off head under her arm" [syn: severed]
v 1: make a break in; "We interrupt the program for the following
messages" [syn: interrupt, disrupt, break up]
2: cease, stop: "cut the noise"; "We had to cut short the
conversation" [syn: cut]
3: remove by or as if by cutting; "cut off the ear"; "lop off
the dead branch" [syn: chop off, lop off]
4: cut off and stop; "The bicyclist was cut out by the van"
[syn: cut out]
5: break a small piece off from; "chip the glass"; "chip a
tooth" [syn: chip, knap, break off]
6: remove surgically; of limbs [syn: amputate]

vezi definitii dictionar: off/
Peer comment(s):

neutral lucca : Există (Webster) şi sensul adj. "of an arbitrary ending or limit [cutoff date]". I'm rather disappointed ;-)
827 days
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