Glossary entry

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Added to glossary by Dorli Dinescu
Jul 4, 2015 18:09
9 yrs ago
16 viewers *
English term


English to Romanian Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general) Employee Handbook
This policy applies to all areas of employment including recruitment, training, work responsibilities, promotion, relocation, redundancy, benefits, compensation, retirement, termination and application of disciplinary measures.

Această politică se aplică tuturor domeniilor de muncă, inclusiv recrutare, pregătire, atribuțiilor de serviciu, promovare, relocare, ????? de salariaţi, beneficii, compensare, pensionare, reziliere și aplicarea măsurilor disciplinare.


Liviu-Lee Roth Jul 5, 2015:
continuare Often,[citation needed] layoffs occur as a result of "downsizing", "reduction in force" or "redundancy". These are not technically classified as firings; laid-off employees' positions are terminated and not refilled, because either the company wishes to reduce its size or operations or otherwise lacks the economic stability to retain the position. In some cases, a laid-off employee may eventually be offered their old position again by his/her respective company, though by this time he or she may have found a new job.
Liviu-Lee Roth Jul 5, 2015:
câteva explicații privind diferențe între termeni. A less severe form of involuntary termination is often referred to as a layoff (also redundancy or being made redundant in British English). A layoff is usually not strictly related to personal performance, but instead due to economic cycles or the company's need to restructure itself, the firm itself going out of business or a change in the function of the employer (for example, a certain type of product or service is no longer offered by the company and therefore jobs related to that product or service are no longer needed). One type of layoff is the aggressive layoff[citation needed]; in such a situation, the employee is laid off, but not replaced as the job is eliminated.

In an economy based on at-will employment, such as that of the United States, a large proportion of workers may be laid off at some time in their life, and often for reasons unrelated to performance or ethics.[citation needed] Employment termination can also result from a probational period, in which both the employee and the employer reach an agreement that the employer is allowed to lay off the employee if the probational period is not satisfied.

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8 mins


Note added at 22 hrs (2015-07-05 16:46:44 GMT)
CONCEDIÉRE s. 1. îndepărtare, scoatere. (După ~ lui.) 2. disponibilizare. (ă unei părți din personal.)
CONCEDIÉRE, concedieri, s. f. Acțiunea de a concedia și rezultatul ei; eliberare sau îndepărtare din serviciu.
CONCEDIÉRE, concedieri, s. f. Acțiunea de a con­cedia; eliberare sau îndepărtare din serviciu. V. de­mitere, destituire. Creștea mizeria și foamea Și viscolea și era ger. Ni se vorbea de sacrificii Și se făceau concedieri. BENIUC, C. 30. – Pronunțat: -di-e-.
CONCEDIÁ, concediez, vb. I. Tranz. 1. A elibera dintr-o funcție, a îndepărta din serviciu, a da afară. 2. (Rar) A îngădui cuiva să se retragă; a pofti pe cineva să iasă; a îndepărta. [Pr.: -di-a] – Din fr. congédier.
Peer comment(s):

agree Mihaela Ghitescu : agreed.
41 mins
Thank you! :)
agree Liviu-Lee Roth : nu este mai degrabă „reducere de personal”? am văzut că este și termination. am postat ceva în discussion.
16 hrs
Multmesc. De obicei "(early) termination" il traduc cu "reziliere (anticipata a contractului de munca)".
agree Tatiana Bejan
1 day 17 hrs
Thank you! :)
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